The strongest soldier

Chapter 3796 Simple Bunker

There are too many surprises and unpredictability on the battlefield. Fighters are fleeting, which most tests a commander's ability to make decisions on the fly. A sudden big explosion makes the battle situation unexpected. Fighters suddenly appear, and opportunities are rare. As an experienced commander, As a veteran, Shandiao no longer attacked step by step, nor did he wait for reinforcements. He commanded the troops to rush forward without hesitation and shot all the enemies who came up.

There were nearly a hundred enemies rushing up this time, which shows how resolute the counterattack was. If it hadn't been for the sudden big explosion, Shan Diao and the others would never have been able to stop them. After shooting the enemies who rushed out, they continued to move forward and headed straight to the training ground.

Suddenly, countless bright lights appeared in the sky, and a cold murderous aura enveloped the sky. Everyone's heart tightened, and they looked up one after another. They saw more than a dozen rockets fired from the cave on the cliff. Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and the mountain eagle let out a cry. After the order, they all retreated.

The rockets landed in the area near the trenches of the training ground, making loud booming noises. Fires shot up into the sky, and the surrounding trees were blown up everywhere. The dark woods were blown up as bright as day. Some trees even burned, and the light became even more dazzling.

With a sound of "Boom——", a flare exploded in the night sky. The hot light was like the sun, illuminating the surrounding area. The mountain eagle and others quickly retreated to the safe area. When they stopped and took a look, they saw that the enemy was not targeting them. It was not a sexual attack, but a purposeful defense. The rocket blasted out a long wall of fire that could not be crossed.

Another round of rockets attacked and exploded at the same location. Huge craters were formed on the ground. The earth was splashed and the sound of the explosion made the world buzz. It made people feel scalp numb. The mountain eagle watched with vigilance. After this scene, I gradually realized that the enemy did not want everyone to rush up and occupy the position. There were too many woods and the defenders on the hillside could not provide effective firepower. In order to achieve effective prevention, the enemy did not hesitate to expose the defensive firepower at the entrance of the cave. This required How many RPG launchers are there?

The other brothers also saw Tomorrow and began to think deeply. Their eyes were cold and their faces were deep. They stared ahead without saying a word. Another round of rocket attacks came. This time, the artillery fire obviously extended several meters forward. Everyone was frightened. For a moment, they thought that the enemy would continue to fire, so they retreated one after another.

After retreating about ten meters, no artillery fire was seen. Everyone realized that the enemy was using artillery fire to cover the reinforcements rushing up. At this time, the position must be full of enemies. The mountain eagle's face darkened and he made a gesture. Everyone continued to retreat, came to the previous position, and collected all the weapons and ammunition of the slain enemies.

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the headset: "Brothers, how was the explosion just now?"

"Ishii Sora?" The mountain eagle was startled, and then he suddenly realized that Ishii Sora was ordered to go to the enemy's position to carry out assassinations and create chaos for some time. He asked in surprise: "Were you responsible for the big explosion just now?"

"Hehe, it's not a big deal." Ishii Sora said with a proud smile.

"Great, I didn't expect it to be you. This is a great achievement. Are you okay? Is it convenient? Let me tell you what's going on if it's convenient?" Mountain Eagle asked in surprise.

"There's not much to say. I just lurked into their position and found their ammunition pile, hiding it in a hole. Then I set up a few trip mines, which can be hit by anyone who goes in to get ammunition. It's pitch black inside. Yes, I couldn't see clearly and it wouldn't be exposed, but I didn't expect it to explode after several minutes. I hope it's not too late?" Ishii Sora explained with a smile.

These words were said lightly, but the danger involved must be extraordinary. We are all veterans. As you can imagine, the mountain eagle said happily: "It's not too late, it's not too late, it's just right. If you hadn't made such a big noise, we would have to withdraw our troops." By the way, you went to the enemy’s position and told us about the situation?”

"The position behind the enemy's training ground has three trenches, connected by communication trenches, distributed in an S shape. There are about 300 troops stationed there. I saw hundreds of people leaving the position and chasing you. The other 200 people were scattered. Comparatively, add The trenches are deep enough and complicated enough, and the ammunition depot is behind the position. The explosion just now could only kill nearly a hundred people, and there are still more than a hundred people. What is your situation now?" Ishii Sora quickly explained.

"The hundreds of people you mentioned were all knocked unconscious by the explosion just now. We took advantage and killed them all. Unfortunately, these bastards reacted very quickly. They actually used RPG fire from high altitude to block them and missed the opportunity to occupy the trenches. However, That's good, I killed about two hundred people in tonight's battle, a big victory, thanks to your explosion just now, I will definitely take credit for you." Shandiao praised sincerely.

"Forget it, please take credit. What happens next? Do you need me to infiltrate again?" Sora Ishii asked in a low voice.

The mountain eagle thought for a while and looked at Xu Gang. Xu Gang shook his head knowingly. The iron eagle also said that he would leave it alone. The mountain eagle immediately said: "The enemy was injured in the battle just now. He must be furious. We will treat him seriously. We won’t touch that brow, and you will come and join us immediately, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.”

"Understood." Shandiao quickly agreed.

"Brothers, continue cutting down trees and building fortifications." The mountain eagle ordered excitedly.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison, retreated a little, and continued to cut down trees at the original place, stacking the trees together to form a bunker.

Not long after, Ishii Sora appeared from the dark forest. Everyone greeted him and expressed their respect. The explosion just now showed everyone Ishii Sora's strength. Ishii Sora saw that he had gained everyone's recognition. He felt that it was worth it and he was very happy. He went straight to the mountain sculpture. At this time, brothers from the four squadrons also arrived. Shandiao immediately asked Sora Ishii to move forward and monitor the enemy's situation just in case. The others continued to chop down trees.

Everyone agreed and pulled out the Dragon Tooth Sword one after another. Soon, the sound of chopping was heard again, resounding through the mountains and forests, and spread throughout the night sky. It was shocking. The high fighting spirit filled the night sky and drifted with the wind. The battle just now was not only It builds momentum, morale, and confidence. Although the enemy is powerful and numerous, it is not impossible to defeat it as long as the tactics are used properly.

"Crack--" A big tree fell suddenly, and all kinds of things fell to the ground. Someone went up to clean up the branches and piled them together. Not long after, a big tree fell. The sound of falling to the ground made people's blood surge. Many trees fell down and piled up, forming a simple fortification. With this fortification, everyone felt at ease.

The mountain eagle knocked down a big tree and looked around. The brothers continued to chop down the tree. The fallen branches and leaves were cleared away and piled up in front for cover. The trunks were piled individually behind the branches in layers. , thick and solid, you can hide people behind such a bunker, and you can fight with the enemy even during the day. Your sharp eyes can't help but look in the direction of the enemy, becoming more determined.

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