The strongest soldier

Chapter 3783 Fight the enemy bravely

"Phew -" Zhou Ganggang pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a sniper bullet roared out of the chamber with Zhou Gang full of anticipation and fighting spirit. He rushed forward wildly, drawing a strange airflow in the void. In an instant, It sank into the target's calf that had just stepped out. The distance was too close. The muscles and bones of the target's calf were instantly shredded by the high-speed selected bullets, and a large part was torn off. Blood spurted out and spread all over the ground. The target staggered to the ground.

There were numerous military orders on the battlefield. Twenty snipers had already locked their targets and were ready for battle. After hearing the order, they pulled the trigger one after another. The sniper bullets roared out of their barrels, and they swooped down with fierce killing intent. The space barrier was torn apart and the target was instantly submerged. At a distance of about two hundred meters, everyone's accuracy was absolutely terrifying. What's more, it was a sudden sneak attack. The target was not prepared at all and was hit.

After hearing the order, Xu Gang and others did not hesitate to pull the trigger. They came up with a burst of fire, knocking all the enemies in front to the ground. After seeing that the enemies were undercover, everyone switched to burst shooting to continue to accurately hunt the target. The enemy The counterattack was also fast and fierce. Two strong men stood upright holding two light machine guns and fired violently at the front, roaring and screaming at the same time, like two fierce monsters.

"Puff--" Two blood flowers exploded, and the two strong men's heads were blown off almost at the same time. The red and white things splashed out in all directions, which were particularly charming in the dusk sunlight, like blooming red poppies, beautiful And it's chilling. Facing the sniper's attack, no matter how fierce the enemy is, they can't stop it.

The two corpses fell to the ground with a crash, but someone immediately picked up the light machine gun and dodged to hide, lying on the ground and continuing to shoot. Two more sniper bullets came screaming, with cold murderous intent, like two soul-enchanting talismans, two The man's head was also blown open, and the blood was sprinkled on the light machine gun, showing a strange blood color.

No one dared to touch the light machine gun again, as if it was ominous and death, a heavy machine gun suddenly roared and hid behind a stone, with only the barrel sticking out. The machine gunner was well hidden, and twenty snipers were all There was no shooting boundary, and Xu Gang and others had no angle. The fierce bullets from the heavy machine gun flew around, causing everyone to lower their heads to avoid them.

Zhou Gang was furious when he saw this scene. He quickly loaded a sniper incendiary bomb and aimed at it. He firmly locked the barrel of the heavy machine gun against the rock. The target was too small. Zhou Gang had to adjust his posture and breathing. , and soon entered an ethereal state, with only the target in his mind and his eyes unblinking.

Soon, Zhou Gang's rock-steady arm muscles twitched slightly, leading his index finger to pull the trigger. With a "shoo" sound, a sniper incendiary bomb spurted out, tearing open the space, flying past, and forming a naked eye in the void. Visible hot air flow, in an instant, the bullet hit the target hard, and the incendiary exploded.

"Ah——" A target jumped out from behind the stone, let out a shrill scream, and kept slapping its head. The fireball on its body made the mountain eagle snort, and quickly changed bullets. When looking for the target again, it found the other party. He was rolling all over the ground, and the fire on his body burned even more. Someone went up to help put out the fire, and a bullet roared out, killing the opponent instantly to the ground, and there was no movement.

As for the heavy machine gunner who was hit by the sniper incendiary bomb, he was still rolling on the ground, groaning in pain. No one shot him. The brothers all stared at the other people who rushed to help put out the fire. In this way, this man Instead, the heavy machine gunner became a deadly bait. Three more people rushed to help, but they were killed by precise snipers. No one dared to come forward, and the heavy machine gunner was also burned to death by incendiary bombs.

All the suspected leaders among the enemy were sniped and killed immediately by the brothers. The command system was in chaos. The other enemies instinctively lay down and counterattacked. There was no tactical counterattack at all. It was not until they suffered heavy casualties that the enemy may have realized the danger of being passively beaten. Who knows who? After shouting, a large number of enemies rushed out of the bunker, howling and launched a counterattack, as fierce as a pack of angry wolves.

"Da da da -" Xu Gang and others fought back hard and refused to retreat. The exposed bodies of the enemies who rushed up became living targets one by one. Dozens of them were killed in an instant. Some people lay down to hide, while others retreated. The people behind were killed on the spot, and the supervising team came out.

Facing the supervision of his own people, attacking is fatal, and retreating is faster. These people also became angry, screaming and rushing forward, with a posture of risking everything. Seeing this scene, Zhou Gang realized that he could not fight head-on. He immediately shouted through the headset: "Brother Xu Gang, retreat quickly, we will cover you."

"Okay, brothers, retreat." Xu Gang quickly ordered without hesitation.

The enemy is coming fiercely, and regardless of sacrifice, the best option is to avoid its sharp edge. Fighting head-on is what reckless people call it. Showing off one's bravery will only put everyone in a desperate situation. After Xu Gang and his men emptied their magazines, they quickly rushed towards both sides. Go and get out of the way so as not to block everyone's attacks.

At the critical moment of life and death, everyone burst out with terrifying speed. Each and every one of them stepped as fast as flying, and the mountains were as smooth as walking on flat ground, like a cheetah rushing towards its prey at high speed. During the run, the body rose and fell, forming a smooth wave strip, which was full of rhythm and beauty. The terrain and trees have become powerful bunkers. They change directions and routes from time to time. They are as dexterous as a civet cat. It is difficult for top snipers to lock on. A few rabbits rush out a hundred meters away.

"Hidden, counterattack!" Xu Gang roared while running, a tiger leaped to the ground, rolled his body, hid behind a stone, shrank his whole body, and when he looked around, he saw that the enemy was charging desperately. Although some people were being killed by snipers, they were still There were simply too many to stop the enemy charge.

"Kill -" Xu Gang roared angrily, raised his gun and fired violently, knocking down the dozen people rushing in front to the ground on the spot. The other brothers also took action, holding the gun steadily and firing hard without any hesitation or timidity.

Unfortunately, there were too many enemies, and they were attacking so quickly that they couldn't be stopped at all. Xu Gang had to shout in a deep voice: "Brother Zhou Gang, we can't stop them from fighting like this. We must retreat. You retreat first, alternate cover, and slowly wear them out."

"Understood." Zhou Gang said in a deep voice. In extraordinary times, fighting to the death is useless. It is better to take advantage of everyone's speed and marksmanship, annihilate the enemy on the move, and quickly retreat about a hundred meters with his brothers to find a place to hide. , opened fire again, covering the retreat of Xu Gang and others.

The enemy charged at them fiercely, their strange screams were loud, like a group of demons emerging from hell, and they fired wildly with their guns without even taking aim. The firepower of hundreds of people gathered together, even if they didn't take aim. It was also very scary. Xu Gang, Zhou Gang and others who were beaten had to continue to alternate cover and retreat quickly.

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