The strongest soldier

Chapter 378 Bloodletting Interrogation

City Bureau, interrogation room.

What happened one after another made Luo Zheng furious, especially the gang's unscrupulous attack, which used the city as a battlefield and injured Lan Xue and others. This made Luo Zheng completely angry and looked coldly at the man who was handcuffed to the chair. The murderer's cold eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he said coldly: "Boy, since you dare to attack us, you should be prepared to die. But there are many kinds of death. You don't have to do it. I have plenty of patience."

"Do you think it's possible? Come on, you can use whatever tricks you have. I'm warning you, I'm a foreign guest and have the right to see my lawyer. You can't beat me to death." The other party said coldly, with disdain in his eyes. .

"Really? Japanese pirates?" Luo Zheng mocked.

"Baga." The other party cursed coldly, his smiling triangular eyes flashing with a cold and fierce light.

When Luo Zheng heard it, it turned out to be a Japanese pirate. He immediately understood everything. He was furious and said with a livid face: "The corners of this table are wrapped with iron sheets. They are sharp and can cut your veins. There is no surveillance here and no one will care. , guess what, it will take a little more time for the blood on my body to drain away?"

"You?" The other party's face changed slightly and he yelled angrily.

"Speaking standard Chinese Mandarin, but saying they are Japanese pirates, well, I believe that only Japanese pirates can be so unscrupulous that they treat city streets as battlefields, regardless of the life and death of innocent people, foreign guests, right? When you die, I can say yes You committed suicide yourself. It's normal to commit suicide in the interrogation room, right?" Luo Zheng laughed.

The other party looked at Luo Zheng coldly, his eyes full of fierceness, and his face was so gloomy that it was about to drip. When Luo Zheng saw that the other party was silent, he grabbed the other party and came to the table, pressing the veins of the other party's wrist to the corner of the table. Go, the other party didn't expect that Luo Zheng would really dare to strike. He had no scruples at all. He couldn't help but be horrified. In the face of life and death, he struggled desperately, but his hands were cuffed, how could he let go?

Luo Zheng's hands were like iron pliers. He grabbed the opponent tightly and scraped against the sharp metal protrusion on the corner of the table. He stabbed and blood spurted out. The opponent screamed in horror and was struck by Luo Zheng. Throwing it on the chair, Luo Zheng looked at the other party and tightly covered his wrist, but the veins and blood vessels were broken and he couldn't cover it anywhere. The blood fell to the ground and immediately dyed the ground red.

This person didn't expect that Luo Zheng was completely uneasy about common sense and was immediately restrained. Looking at the blood that kept pouring out, he lost his sense of proportion. Death is not terrible. One shot will kill him. Watching himself die slowly is definitely terrifying. thing, his cold eyes were full of panic, and he looked at Luo Zheng steadily.

"You don't have to say anything, as long as you can withstand the mental pressure and watch yourself slowly drain out of blood and die, tsk tsk, a person with great perseverance can do it. If you can do it, I admire you. You have opened my eyes, I hope you won't disappoint me." Luo Zheng said and sat aside, looking at the other person at leisure.

"Baga!" The other party yelled angrily, his face turned pale, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what to do. He looked down at his bleeding wrist, feeling that his vitality was disappearing, and cursed in panic: "Asshole, you tortured the suspect. , I want to report you, just wait."

"Okay, I hope you still have the opportunity to report me. I look forward to your report against a Japanese pirate and a Japanese agent. However, don't you think your actions and words are ridiculous?" Luo Zheng laughed angrily. , scolded.

"Huh?" The other party was startled, and his face became even more ugly. Seeing the blood on the ground, his body began to weaken, and he couldn't help but feel anxious, but it accelerated the flow of blood. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng sneered: "After a while, you Your consciousness will become disorganized and your body will become extremely weak. At that time, your body and consciousness will be out of control. If I ask you anything, you will tell the truth truthfully. Why do you have to suffer like this?"

"Devil, bastard, Baga!" the other party yelled in horror, his consciousness became even more blurred, his eyes became blurred, his face was as pale as paper, and his body became extremely weak.

"Tell me, where is your companion? It won't hurt if you tell me." Luo Zheng guided him coldly.

"In ┅┅" the other party's tone paused, his consciousness became somewhat clearer, and he gritted his teeth in silence, feeling the huge psychological pressure caused by the death of the resister.

Luo Zheng secretly said it was a pity, but was not discouraged. He waited for a while and continued to guide: "Say it, you will be relieved if you say it. Your action has failed, why persist?"

This person was unconscious and out of control. He felt a voice shouting from the bottom of his heart, expressing hope, hoping to give an answer and be freed from the pain. However, another voice warned not to speak. After a while, the voice of expectation became louder and louder. , finally gaining the upper hand, this person blurted out, "Inside our embassy."

"Yes, how many more people are there? What are their identities? What are the plans later?" Luo Zheng continued.

The voice seemed to contain some kind of magic, seducing the other party to lower his head and reply feebly: "There are three more people, all ninjas, the core backbone of this operation. We are just attacking the periphery. The plan is to force you to hide in the military industrial base and not come out. In order to avoid benefiting other organizations, when the time is right, we will steal the research results, then blow up the military industrial base and evacuate. Even if we fail, we cannot benefit you or other countries."

"When is the time right? How do you know the time is right?" Luo Zheng was shocked when he heard the other party's confession and quickly asked.

"When the research results come out, we will take action. There are our people among you." The other party said weakly, his vitality was getting weaker and weaker, and he was about to die.

"Who is it?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked quickly.

"Yes┅┅" the other party said here, his head tilted, and there was no hope of life anymore.

"Who is it?" Luo Zheng was furious, rushed forward, grabbed the opponent's collar and shouted, but the opponent remained motionless, letting Luo Zheng shake, already dead, Luo Zheng helplessly put the opponent down, and looked at the body blankly, Realizing that the problem was serious, it was nothing for the Japanese pirates to rob it. It was expected that other countries would send people to rob it. Unexpectedly, there was something going on inside, and things became difficult.

No matter how strong the castle is, it will disintegrate from the inside. Luo Zheng realized that the situation was serious. Thinking that Lan Xue and others were still in the hospital, he immediately opened the door and walked out of the interrogation room. He said to Shi Feng who came over: "The people inside cut their own pulses and committed suicide." OK, you take care of it, I want to go to the hospital right away."

"Okay, I'll take you there." Shi Feng immediately called someone to deal with the corpse in the interrogation room. He drove himself and took Luo Zheng straight to the hospital. On the way, Shi Feng saw Luo Zheng's face ashen and knew that the situation was not ideal. , but endured not asking, drove seriously, and unconsciously arrived at the entrance of the hospital and stopped the car.

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