The strongest soldier

Chapter 3765 Coming in droves

The night was hazy, shrouded in the vast forest, and the village by the river was quiet. It was like a paradise in the world, quiet, peaceful, and uncontested. A few wolf dogs suddenly barked loudly, breaking the tranquility of the village. Some people quietly came to the windows. Observe, whisper something, the child is ordered by the adult not to run around.

By the river, the mountain eagle was keenly aware of the vigilance of the village residents. It actually did not light up a lamp to come out to check, but was doing it in the dark. It has a good psychological quality and a strong adaptability. If it lights up at this time, it will provide the invading enemy with supplies. For convenience, Shandiao looked at the roof. Some brothers were already in place, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, a voice sounded in the headset: "Brothers, I have found you. If anyone dares to shoot, I will tear him apart. Hahaha, are you all okay? I miss you so much."

The mountain eagle was startled when he heard the sound, and suddenly realized that it was an iron eagle. He was overjoyed. The iron eagle also wore a headset. When he arrived near the village, he could receive the signal. Naturally, he heard the mountain eagle's warning. The mountain eagle was overjoyed and said with a smile: "You guys are finally here." It’s here, luckily it’s not too late.”

"Is there anyone faster than us?" Tie Diao's surprised voice sounded again.

"You are really slow, you are not as fast as us." Ishii Sora's voice sounded in the headset.

"You actually arrived first?" Tie Diao's voice sounded again, showing a bit of surprise.

Soon, people's heads flashed in the woods, and a team came out. The mountain eagle saw the old man coming out of the room, holding the Japanese sword he had given him in his hand. As if facing a powerful enemy, he hurried up to explain. When the old man heard this, The person who was the mountain eagle breathed a sigh of relief and quickly went to comfort the others. Everyone felt relieved when they saw that they were reinforcements.

Not long after, Tie Diao hurried over with his people, their faces were dusty and haggard, and each of them was obviously a lot thinner. Shan Diao came up to greet them, and they were very cordial when they saw each other. They had endless things to say, and everyone exchanged a few simple greetings. Diao led everyone to the temporary residence and settled everyone down. The old man brought some food. Although it was all leftover, everyone was not a makeshift person. After saying thank you, he picked it up and ate it. Chewing as if he hadn't eaten for a long time, the mountain eagle was surprised to see it.

While eating, a voice sounded in the headset: "Brother Shandiao, someone is coming, it seems to be one of our own."

When the mountain eagle heard that it was a wolf cub, he immediately reacted and hurried out to greet him. Sure enough, he saw a troop coming out of the woods at the end of the village. There were quite a few people. When he went up to meet him, he saw that it was Man Niu coming with three teams. I couldn't help but curiously stepped forward to ask. I learned that we met on the way, so we went together in a group.

There are four squadrons in the anti-terrorist alliance brigade. Manniu is one of the squadron leaders. There are about ninety people in a squadron, that is, nine squads, each with ten people. They belong to the same country. Only when everyone is familiar with each other and cooperates with each other tacitly can the combat effectiveness be complete. This was the reason why Luo Zheng didn't disrupt the organization in the first place.

In the last battle at the valley base, the four squadrons suffered a lot of losses. The wounded were left in neighboring countries to recuperate, and some were left to ensure the safety of the presidential palace. Zhang Yang was in charge, and only about a hundred people participated in the search for Luo Zheng. These were all deployed by Shan Diao himself, so he naturally knew it well. Shan Diao greeted everyone enthusiastically. After all, they were elite troops sent by various countries. They were not very familiar with them and could not make everyone feel left out.

Soon, the mountain eagle led everyone to the temporary residence. The old man asked people to bring more food, and they were full and full. The mountain eagle could see that everyone was very tired, so he asked everyone to have a good sleep first, and everyone was not polite. As soon as he fell down, he fell into a deep sleep, as if he hadn't slept in many days.

The mountain eagle could see that everyone had tried their best to find Luo Zheng, so he secretly told his brother to be careful and found the old man. The two came to the river and sat down on the railings and beams. The mountain eagle said in a deep voice. : "Sir, all my people should be here in the next two days. Is there any problem with the food?"

"No problem, even if there is a problem, I can still find a way to solve it." The old man said, patting his chest.

But the mountain eagle could see that the old man didn't mean what he said. He suddenly had a lot of talkative words, and all of them were big eaters. It was difficult for a village to support him. The villagers lived a slash-and-burn life, mainly hunting. Every family There is not much food left, and it will definitely not work if we continue like this. Other villages will definitely bring some food if they come to seek refuge, but I'm afraid there won't be much and they won't be able to hold on for too long.

"Don't worry, I can solve it." Seeing the mountain eagle's hesitation, the old man said quickly for fear that the mountain eagle would regret it.

"Let's figure this out together. All my brothers can eat well, and a little food is simply not enough. Are you familiar with the situation and see where there is food around?" the mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

The old man saw that the mountain eagle did not want to take the opportunity to leave, but was advancing and retreating with him. He was very grateful and said sincerely: "You are really good people. The demon tribe has a base in the four directions of this forest. Stockpile looted supplies and trade with other tribes, armed forces, etc. for what they need.”

"They have four bases?" The mountain eagle was shocked and asked: "Tell me about their situation."

"No problem." The old man agreed quickly, thought for a while, organized his words and said seriously: "No one knows how many people they have in total, what their equipment is like, and their combat effectiveness. I don't know much, but I know they have four bases. They are arranged in four directions in this area. It is not clear how many troops are stationed at each base, because they change at any time. When the supplies are stockpiled to a certain level, they will be transported to the headquarters. As for where the headquarters is? I have never heard of it."

"So that's it. Do you know the base closest to us?" Mountain Eagle asked.

"I know, it's about two hundred kilometers away from here. Someone in the village accidentally discovered it when they went hunting there. In a canyon, there were hundreds of garrison troops with machine guns. They were all the way north from here. Then you can reach it by walking along the river." The old man explained.

"Why are there so many of them?" Shan Diao said in surprise. There are hundreds of people in one base, and four means more than four hundred people. This is the number of troops in the outer bases, and there must be more in the headquarters.

"It's not surprising. Every tribe and village has some restless people. These people are greedy, aggressive, selfish, and cruel. They are expelled from the tribe or village and wander around. Then they gather together to form a force. After several years of development, this force has become stronger and stronger. After hearing about it, some homeless people, criminals, gangsters and others in other cities came to join them one after another, and finally established the Demon Tribe. The biggest characteristics of these people are that they are brave, ruthless, greedy and greedy. He is also cruel and difficult to deal with." The old man said in a deep voice.

"So that's it." Shan Diao pondered. There are scum and scum everywhere. When these people are mixed together, they can form an evil force that is extremely destructive and violent. It is indeed not easy to mess with, but Shan Diao He didn't take it to heart, but he breathed a sigh of relief. There was no psychological pressure in killing such scum and scum.

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