The strongest soldier

Chapter 3751 Clearing the periphery

The white sunshine shrouded the hillside below the cliff. There was a huge boulder near a dense bush. There were no trees around the boulder to block it. The long-term exposure to wind, rain and the sun caused the boulder to be severely weathered. There were many naked eyes on it. In the visible small hole, two people were sitting on the stone chatting about something. Two weapons were placed beside them, showing no signs of vigilance at all.

The dense bushes suddenly split apart, and a small bush moved towards the boulder and separated from the bush. The bush was not moving very fast, which was weird, but the two people on top of the boulder did not notice it. What, they are still talking in a low voice.

After a few minutes, the moving bushes stopped and suddenly stood up. The bushes flew away, revealing a man. This man's shots were like lightning, and he fired two rapid bursts at the two people on the boulder, with the sound of bullets coming out. It was undetectable, but its attack power was extremely terrifying. It instantly penetrated the heads of two targets. The two fell to the ground in response. They didn't even have time to grunt before they stopped moving. They lay on the boulder and looked like they were asleep from a distance. generally.

The person who took action didn't even look at the target. He was obviously very confident in his shooting skills. He rushed into the dense woods nearby and disappeared.

The densely forested hillside is close to the cliff area. There is a platform on the cliff about ten meters away from the hillside. There is an armed man standing on it, holding a gun and looking ahead vigilantly. It is condescending and has a wide field of vision, making it an ideal observation spot. There is a platform about ten meters above this observation point. There is also a sentry standing on it, walking around in the open space, looking very leisurely.

"Poof -" a sniper gun sounded. The sound was very weak. I had no idea where it came from in the woods, but it accurately hit the head of the sentry who was vigilantly controlling the platform below. The sentry fell to the ground in response, and his body went down the cliff. If it falls, once it hits the ground, it will definitely make a dull sound. Even if it is small, it will be very abrupt on this silent hillside and attract attention.

Just as the sentry was about to land, suddenly, a figure appeared from the bushes below, caught the falling body, and quickly dragged the body into the bushes, disappearing in the blink of an eye, silently, as if nothing had happened. Normally, the surroundings were quiet except for the rustling of the trees in the wind, which was eerie.

The sentry wandering on the platform above may have sensed something. He came to the edge of the platform and looked down. At this time, another undetectable sniper gunshot sounded. The sentry fell down the cliff without making a sound. He was about to fall. When he landed, a figure flashed out from the bushes on the hillside. After catching the fallen sentry, the figure flickered and disappeared into the nearby bushes again.

All of this was done quietly, and the figure flashed out of the bushes like a cheetah foraging for food. It dragged away the prey and did not appear again. The strange hunting was chilling.

At the entrance of the cliff path, two sentries may have discovered the sentry who disappeared on the cliff. They were stunned for a moment, whispered a few words, became nervous, and stared at the surroundings as if facing a formidable enemy. The two exchanged a few words, and one of them rushed to He climbed up next to a big tree, perhaps wanting to climb higher to observe and confirm the situation of the sentry.

The man had just climbed halfway when he suddenly felt something. He looked up warily and suddenly saw a figure falling down from the tree. His face changed drastically. He was about to shout a warning when he suddenly felt his head being held by someone. My neck felt cramped, and I didn't know anything anymore.

The figure that jumped down from the tree immediately broke the man's neck and brought him to the ground. The figure rolled up, knelt down and aimed forward. He shot like lightning and killed another sentry who was about to fire a warning shot. , after he succeeded, he quickly looked around and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no danger. It was the mountain eagle.

The cliff path is very critical and must be snatched, so the mountain eagle came in person, quietly climbed up the big tree, and prepared to observe the surrounding situation to see if there were any other hidden sentries. After discovering that there were no other hidden sentry or other enemies, the mountain eagle was preparing to He directly sniped and killed two sentries. Unexpectedly, the two sentries guarding the entrance of the path actually split up and one of them climbed up the tree. The mountain eagle jumped down and broke the other's neck. After landing, he killed him with a pistol equipped with a silencer. another person.

"Report the situation?" Mountain Eagle lowered his voice and said.

"Target cleared, cleared, cleared!" A voice kept ringing in the headset.

It turned out that when the mountain eagle led his troops to the vicinity of the cliff, he discovered that there was a small hillside below the cliff. The hillside was not high and steep, but the woods were dense, and there were some hidden sentries. If you directly attack the cliff cave, there are hidden things hidden in the dense forest below the mountain. The sentry will definitely attack from behind, it is a fatal threat and can only be eliminated first.

The mountain eagle asked the brothers to investigate the situation first, then disguise themselves, put camouflage clothes woven from weeds on their bodies, and lie down on the ground, just like a bush. These camouflage skills are easy for everyone, and they are familiar with the road. After getting ready, Shandiao divided his troops and asked everyone to penetrate into the hillside to carry out the assassination.

The infiltration was successful. How could bandits without professional training find top snipers? The assassination was even more successful. No one was exposed, and they all identified the target quietly. The mountain eagle breathed a sigh of relief after hearing everyone's answers. You must know that there are more than a dozen people hiding in the woods on the hillside. Although there are not many people, if they wait, Everyone rushes to the cliff path and suddenly comes out to block the back road, which is very troublesome.

Everything went smoothly, without any accidents. The mountain eagle breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the sun hanging high in the sky and figured that the enemy was having lunch in the cave at this moment, which was a good time to take action. At this time, in the headset, A brother's call for battle rang out: "Boss, let me take the lead. I'll take care of the attack."

There is only one path to attack from the cliff, and there is no cover on the cliff. Once exposed, it will be very dangerous. This is an extremely dangerous task. Everyone does not want the mountain eagle to take risks, so they also start to fight. The mountain eagle understands everyone's intentions. Mood, did not answer immediately, but continued to observe the surroundings.

Soon, the mountain eagle discovered a mountain ridge about 300 meters away on the opposite side of the cliff. The height of the mountain ridge was basically the same as the cave, which was an ideal sniper position. He was immediately overjoyed and strengthened his original plan. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound behind him. , the mountain eagle turned around and saw that it was one of his brothers, and immediately waved over.

After the brother got close, the mountain eagle warned: "You stay here and watch the entrance. No matter who comes down from above, shoot them. Others will immediately search the surroundings to see if there are any hidden enemies or unknown threats."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. There were military orders on the battlefield. Everyone didn't know what the mountain eagle wanted to do, but they still carried it out resolutely. The mountain eagle himself went straight to the mountain 300 meters away, walking as fast as flying. , disappeared into the dense forest in a flash.

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