The strongest soldier

Chapter 375 Successive Assassinations

Shi Feng walked up and said with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry. I was anxious to arrest people and the situation was unclear. I didn't explain it properly and caused you trouble. Don't worry, all the losses will be ours. I'll pay you later." You apply for the Good Citizen Award, I am Shi Feng, the leader of the serious crime team of the Municipal Bureau, please trust me."

There was a name and surname, and sincerity was good. The taxi driver who helped was relieved and smiled. Luo Zheng touched his pocket and found two thousand cash, handed it to the taxi driver, and said: "Brother, give it to me Everyone, please give me some compensation. You have good driving skills, are passionate, courageous, and familiar with the surrounding environment. Do you have the guts to come over and help me drive for a few days? However, I have said something ugly up front, which is very dangerous. What happened just now also happened to you. Saw it."

"I'm also a soldier. I've been on the battlefield. What should I be afraid of? It's just that my wife and children have to eat at home. I'm not a philistine." The taxi driver said embarrassedly.

"I understand. It's what you said. It's only natural that you get paid for doing things. I'll give you two thousand a day and I'll bear any other expenses. Is that enough?" Luo Zheng said with a smile. After seeing the level of the taxi driver, he thought about the taxi. Familiar with the surrounding terrain and traffic conditions, it would be best to come and help.

The taxi driver laughed when he heard this and agreed: "Okay, what else can you say if you give me so much?"

Luo Zheng left the taxi driver's phone number, threw the dying murderer in the back seat of the car, sat in the back, and signaled the taxi driver to drive. The taxi driver had served in the military and knew the rules and disciplines, so he didn't ask any questions. After Luo Zheng reported the address, he quickly started the taxi and rushed forward quickly.

Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped at the entrance of a community. Luo Zheng took the murderer out of the car and signaled the taxi driver to go back first and wait for a call tomorrow. The taxi driver agreed and left without asking any more questions. At this time, Lan Xue came from Coming out of the community, he glanced at the murderer and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, this bastard is a Japanese pirate." Luo Zheng whispered.

"Japanese pirates?" Lan Xue was startled, looked at the other party coldly, and whispered: "Go to Lin's home first."

Luo Zheng had read the information of the relevant personnel of the Military Industry Institute and naturally knew that this community was Mr. Lin's residence. He agreed and walked inside against the murderer. The security guard at the door took a look at it and let him go without asking any questions. Everyone came to a unit. At the door, he walked up to the second floor and knocked on the door.

The one who opened the door was Xue Bao. Xue Bao was stunned for a moment and whispered: "Mr. Lin has gone to rest. Who is this?"

"The suspect who chased us before was a Japanese pirate." Luo Zheng said in a low voice. He threw the other person on the stool in the living room and sat on the sofa next to him. He briefly explained what happened just now and finally added: "That taxi driver is good. It just happens that I can help pick up Mr. Lin, and he will be mixed in the convoy when the time comes, so he will not be exposed easily."

"This plan is feasible." Lan Xue thought for a while and agreed: "I didn't expect it to be a Japanese pirate. It should be a Japanese agent or a hired killer. Ignore him for now. I'll make a call." After saying that, he dialed a number. After saying a few words, he signaled the other party to come and pick him up right away.

After hanging up the phone, everyone looked at the murderer in silence. After waiting for a while, two strong men knocked on the door and came in. They saluted Lan Xue. Lan Xue knew both of them. After returning the salute, they pointed at the unconscious murderer. Knowingly, she picked up the opponent and left. Seeing Luo Zheng's confused face, Lan Xue explained: "These are people from the National Blade Intelligence Brigade. If they cooperate, they can quickly find out the opponent's identity."

"Oh." Luo Zheng responded casually. The National Blade has an operations brigade, an equipment brigade and an intelligence brigade. Only the captain of the intelligence and equipment brigade is qualified to contact him. Luo Zheng knew the rules and didn't ask any more questions. Since he was one of his own, he believed in the question. Not big, he said with a solemn expression: "These people actually went directly to silence them, first with bombs, and then chased them. It seems that some people can't wait to stop this research in our country."

"The Japanese pirates are neighboring countries to us. The last thing we want to see is that our military technology level develops and surpasses theirs. It is expected to send people to stop them, but it is not yet certain that it is the Japanese country. Let's wait for the final conclusion of the intelligence brigade. The sky is not dark. It's early. Let's all rest in separate shifts to make sure we have enough energy. There may be another fierce battle tomorrow. I'll get some sleep first and you two can discuss who will be the first shift." Lan Xue said coldly, looking at the clock on the wall. Get up and leave.

"You just had a battle and are tired. Go to sleep first." Snow Leopard said.

"Okay, wake me up in three hours." Luo Zheng said, lying down on the sofa to rest. Lin Shusen's wife has already gone. The children have a family and they have moved out. He lives alone in such a big room, and there is enough space for him. Everyone had a rest, but Luo Zheng was too embarrassed to lie on someone else's bed, so he slept on the sofa.

In his sleep, Luo Zheng had a nightmare. He dreamed that the room was full of gas and suddenly exploded. The whole building was flattened. He was also blown into pieces. His soul was flying in the air. It was extremely miserable. He suddenly woke up with all his body... He was sweating coldly. Sitting on the sofa, he saw Snow Leopard looking at him in surprise, and asked with a wry smile: "How many days has it been?"

"Twelve o'clock at night, are you okay?" Snow Leopard looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked.

"It's okay, I had a nightmare about a gas explosion in the house." Luo Zheng said casually.

"Ah?" Snow Leopard's face changed slightly, he immediately got up and rushed to the kitchen.

Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and said, "I told you it was just a dream."

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake." Xue Bao agreed casually, and went into the kitchen to check. He found that the window was half closed, and under the window sill was the stove. There was a gas pipe running across it. The switch on the pipe had been destroyed, and the gas was flowing out. Risk, Snow Leopard was shocked, he quickly checked along the pipe, saw the main gate in the corner, quickly closed it, leaned against the window, looked around, and found a cooking shovel hanging not far away, Snow Leopard picked it up The shovel pushed open the window door.

"Poof!" A bullet whizzed out and hit the shovel. The shovel was hit by a strong impact and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Snow Leopard was prepared. He glanced at the pierced shovel and fired the bullet. It entered the wall and left a bullet hole. Snow Leopard's expression changed drastically. It was a sniper rifle equipped with a silencer.

Thinking of this, Snow Leopard quickly lowered his head, hunched over and came to the living room. He gave Luo Zheng some tactical sign language, explained the situation, and pointed to the room where Lan Xue rested. Luo Zheng understood, hunched over, and quickly rushed to Lan Xue. Xue knocked on the door of the room where she was resting, but no one responded. She must have been fast asleep. After thinking for a moment, she gently unlocked the door and pushed the door open.

At this time, the door was opened from the inside. Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng who pushed the door in surprise, but found that Luo Zheng rushed over. Lan Xue was stunned, thinking that Luo Zheng was a gentleman and would not mess around. He would immediately Realizing that something had happened, he fell back cooperatively, frowning slightly, and his face became serious.

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