The strongest soldier

Chapter 3747 Pursuing all the way

"No." Everyone responded in unison, with extremely heavy hearts and eyes full of worry. It has been two days, and everything that should be searched around has been searched. People have even been arranged to search within ten kilometers upstream of the accident site. After the incident, no one was seen alive or dead, and no corpses were seen. This result made everyone very worried.

If it were another developed country, finding no one would mean that it was okay and no one would worry. But this country has no name in the United Nations. It has constant civil strife, unrest, and various armed struggles for hegemony. It would be very dangerous if it fell into the hands of any armed organization. trouble.

"I know that everyone is anxious and can't sleep without finding anyone. Let's move through the night. We can use the darkness to cover our whereabouts so as not to be discovered by the local armed forces." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice, and did not want to wait any longer, thinking that the mountain eagle might be somewhere. The earth is suffering, and the heart is burning with anxiety.

After some discussion, several people determined their respective search areas, assigned tasks to their troops, and divided them into groups. Soon, the team hurriedly left the scene and disappeared into the night soon. As for the assistant's guards, it was not convenient for them to move around in this country. , was naturally invited back.

The mountain eagle led a small team to march for a long time, passing through the forest and over a mountain range. A plain appeared in front of it, with villages, roads, and people. The mountain eagle observed for a moment on a hillside, and then whispered to the people behind it. : "Brothers, you have all learned professional infiltration skills. Cheer up and act with caution."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a low voice, took off their backpacks, and then disassembled the weapons into parts and put them into the backpacks. Headsets, helmets, knives, combat uniforms, and bulletproof armors were also put on their backs, and they were all bulging. Bags, but they are precious items. Although carrying them like this may expose them, a battle may break out at any time, and no one wants to lose them.

Everyone put on a simple disguise, and then used mud mixed with oil paint to blacken their faces. At first glance, they did not look like soldiers. Then they walked out of the forest and unknowingly came to the road. It was said to be a road, but in fact it was a car that had been running over it for a long time. The pressed dirt road was lined with dead grass.

Perhaps because the sun was too hot in the afternoon, there was no one on the road. Everyone crossed the road and continued walking forward. Unknowingly, they came to a place not far from the village. The mountain eagle signaled everyone to stop and found a low-lying place to hide. Okay, I walked towards the village alone.

There is an ordinary village ahead, and there is no danger. Everyone feels relieved and rests in a hidden place. The mountain eagle slowly walks forward, looking like a hiker. Unfortunately, this is a war-torn country, and no one comes here. While hiking, I was spotted as soon as I appeared in an outhouse in the village. Many people came out to watch, looking at the mountain eagle curiously.

The language barrier made it impossible to communicate, but this was not possible for the mountain eagle. While walking, the mountain eagle quickly glanced at the village. After confirming that there was no danger, he continued to walk forward and came to the entrance of the village. At the entrance of the village, some young men gathered around and looked at each other. Staring at the mountain eagle unkindly, full of vigilance, the mountain eagle stopped to avoid misunderstanding, stretched out his hand to signal everyone to calm down, and asked loudly: "Can anyone understand what I am saying?"

The villagers who were watching looked at the mountain sculpture blankly and said nothing. The young and strong people also stopped, and their eyes became more wary. After everyone faced off for a while, an old man came up and muttered, but unfortunately he couldn't hear anything. Yes, the mountain eagle saw some young men holding wooden sticks, iron bars and other crude weapons in their hands, without even a gun. He signaled everyone not to move, slowly took off his backpack and put it on the ground, and took out a pistol.

Everyone was frightened when they saw the gun and backed away. Even the old man backed away in panic. The mountain eagle quickly signaled everyone not to be afraid. He skillfully pushed out the magazine, touched it with both hands, and handed it to the old man. Maybe the old man Feeling the mountain eagle's kindness, he cautiously and slowly stepped forward and took the mountain eagle's pistol.

This pistol is a Desert Eagle captured by Shan Diao on the battlefield. It has a lot of recoil and is a brand new weapon. Shan Diao likes this gun, otherwise he would not carry it with him at all times. It is a helpless decision to take it out now. Hey, you can't give a sniper rifle to someone to get married, right?

The old man took the pistol and loaded the magazine skillfully. The mountain eagle was startled. This guy was not simple, but he did not move. He tried his best to look peaceful and non-hostile. The old man had a gun in his hand, plus Seeing that the mountain eagle didn't seem to be hostile, he said something loudly to the people behind him, and the people around him excitedly contacted the alarm.

After that, the old man looked at the mountain eagle and muttered something. The mountain eagle pointed at the other person's clothes. The old man was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and took off his robe and handed it to the mountain eagle. The past smiled and slowly took out three grenades, which shocked the others.

Fortunately, everyone found that Luo Zheng was not hostile and gathered around again. They saw the mountain eagle pointed at the black robe, stretched out ten fingers, and pointed at the grenades. Everyone reacted and understood that the mountain eagle wanted to exchange three grenades for ten. A robe, everyone was talking and pointing, not knowing what they were talking about. The mountain eagle was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

After a while, someone immediately sent ten robes. The old man was responsible for the transaction. After taking away three grenades, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They were sure that Luo Zheng was not hostile and was just here to trade some items. There was no shortage of robes for everyone. , but naturally I don’t mind changing weapons, especially weapons like grenades.

The transaction was successful. Shandiao did not end it. Instead, he took out the last two grenades and placed them on the ground. He pointed at his stomach and made a gesture of eating. Everyone quickly understood and the old man immediately sent some scones. , with mutton smeared on it, roasted golden, making you appetizing at first sight.

The mountain eagle took a look and saw that each of the thirty pancakes was enough for one person to eat for a day. He was immediately overjoyed and quickly put the pancakes into his backpack and slowly backed away. When the old man saw the mountain eagle leaving, he immediately picked up two of them. The grenade signaled everyone to disperse, and a gun was given as a greeting gift. The fifth sister grenade was exchanged for ten robes worn by locals, as well as food. Everyone felt that this kind of transaction was a good deal.

Not long after, the mountain eagle and the brothers met and distributed the robes and food. After everyone put on the robes, they were more concealed. After eating some scones, they set off again and arrived at a small town at dark. The people were surprised to see the sudden appearance of the mountain eagle and others, and stopped to watch, but no one asked much. Foreigners had also passed through the town in the past, so it was not surprising.

Shan Diao took everyone to a hotel. The hotel here only requires payment and does not require registration. The person in charge of the reception understands some basic international lingua franca, so communication is not a problem. He looked up and down Shan Diao, who could not give out any money. With eyes full of vigilance, the mountain eagle pretended to look around with a dark look and said in a low voice: "We are mercenaries. We don't have any money. We don't want to cause trouble. We will stay for one night and then leave. How about we make up for it next time we pass by here?" ?”

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