The strongest soldier

Chapter 3738 Catching up with the enemy

At dusk, the sunset glow is like blood, dyeing the western sky red. The sunset disappears after the last trace of afterglow. The sky is much darker, and it is about to get dark. In the vast forest, on a huge cliff, dozens of The birds were playing around, causing a few mountain monkeys to roar with bared teeth, desperately trying to catch the void, but there was nothing they could do, so they simply got into the cracks in the cliff.

A man wearing a camouflage combat uniform appeared calmly in the woods near the cliff, staring at the surroundings with vigilant eyes. It was Luo Zheng. He was chasing him all the way. The traces left by the enemy were very light. He didn't pay attention to the fundamentals. He couldn't find it, but Luo Zheng was experienced and still followed the clues to get here.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng saw a head lying in front of him. His dark eyes were wide open with unwillingness and anger. The body was gone. The man was startled. The head was so weird, it seemed human but not human. Take a closer look. Only then did he discover that it was a monkey's head. He couldn't help but be surprised and quickly walked up to it. He found that the monkey's head had been chopped off with a sharp weapon and the wounds were neat. This shows the terrifying strength and speed of the murderer.

Luo Zheng squatted down and took a closer look, and recognized that it was caused by a knife attack. It didn't take long. He thought of the ninja, and he was overjoyed. He didn't lose him. He stood up suddenly, and a huge wave burst out from his body. With a fighting spirit, he looked around with sharp eyes and saw a bonfire and some footprints, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Monkey, monkey, your body should be taken away by the enemy and become food for you. You pointed out the enemy's whereabouts to me. You and I can count it as a fate. Let's bury you here. As for your great hatred, I I will repay you." Luo Zheng said to himself, pulled out the dragon tooth knife, dug a hole in twos and twos, placed the monkey's head in the hole, filled it with soil, and collected the dragon tooth knife. Follow the footprints quickly and chase after him.

It was going to be dark soon. It would be very troublesome if he didn't kill the enemy before dark. Luo Zheng sped up and pursued them. After chasing for a distance, he found that the footprints in front of him were on the cliff. He couldn't help but be startled and stared at the cliff vigilantly to check. , without feeling any danger, climbed up quickly this time.

There is a slope on the other side of the cliff, which is full of rocks. It is not difficult to climb. It took Luo Zheng about ten minutes to climb to the top of the cliff. The bare cliff top has a good view. The cliff is connected to a mountain ridge, and the long mountain ridge winds away. , there were few trees, Luo Zheng raised his telescope to observe, and suddenly found a dozen people hurriedly walking in front of him. He was overjoyed, put down his telescope and quickly chased after them.

While running, Luo Zheng checked his weapon aside, loaded the empty magazine with bullets, and made preparations for the battle. His feet were as fast as flying. The pursuit lasted for more than half an hour, and Luo Zheng could already see the enemy's whereabouts with his naked eyes. He couldn't help but stop and raise his telescope to take a closer look, and found that the big fish was also in the team. He was immediately overjoyed and continued to speed up the chase. Thinking of the tragic death of his brothers, a surge of anger surged into his heart, and he couldn't help but move a little faster.

Anger can give people strength. Seeing his brothers and their helicopters blown up by anti-aircraft missiles with his own eyes, leaving no bones left, Luo Zheng held back a ball of anger in his heart and would not stop until he killed all the murderers. After chasing all the way, the distance got closer and closer, Luo Zheng found that the enemy began to slow down a little, obviously not knowing that there was someone chasing behind him.

About half an hour later, Luo Zheng had already caught up to the enemy less than 500 meters away. Seeing the enemy hurried on, he looked very tired. After running all the way, the enemy's physical strength was almost exhausted. Luo Zheng let go. He slowed down his steps, hanging behind the enemy and not in a hurry to take action.

There are many trees on the surrounding mountains and ridges, which is good for concealment. The enemy will hide when the gunfire is heard, which is not good for you. One person can deal with a dozen people, and they are all masters. You must choose a good battlefield, and Luo Zheng is also out of breath. , need to take a breath.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the sky became darker. The mountain ridge in front became much wider. The sparse trees were not very tall, and there were no big rocks around to hide. The field of vision was wide. It was a good battlefield. Luo Zheng saw that the enemy had completely entered. There were many trees in the area, and he was immediately overjoyed. He quickly hid behind a huge stone and set up a sniper rifle.

"Wha--" Luo Zheng aimed at the only sniper in the enemy team and fired decisively. The sniper was too difficult to deal with and had to be dealt with immediately. With a sudden attack, a sniper bullet instantly crossed the space and penetrated directly into the back of the target's head. Blow the opponent's head directly, making it impossible to survive.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the enemy reacted quickly and lay down on the spot to take cover. Even with Luo Zheng's speed, it was difficult to find a chance for a second shot. However, Luo Zheng was not in a hurry and waited patiently. The shot just now did not expose the enemy's position. He was also very cunning and extremely experienced. After taking cover, he did not fire immediately or move around, but observed vigilantly and communicated in low voices.

Soon, an enemy firepower surveyed the surroundings and fired at suspicious places. Luo Zheng did not move and continued to lurk and wait for opportunities. As a top sniper, Luo Zheng had enough patience to compete with the opponent. After a while, About a minute later, an enemy crawled forward and tried to climb under a tree as big as a bowl. Luo Zheng glanced at it and did not move. The tree did not provide cover for the enemy, and he could not see himself.

The enemy may have realized the threat. Half of them spread out on their knees, while the other half stayed in place, with their guns aimed forward, ready to fire at any time. This cover tactic was very common. Luo Zheng glanced at it coldly. In front of his eyes, he quickly aimed at the target next to the big fish.

With a sound of "咻——", the sniper bullet whizzed out of the barrel again. With Luo Zheng's disdain and overwhelming fighting spirit, the bullet flew away. The buzzing sound sounded like the cheers of revenge, and it penetrated into the target fiercely. Shoulder, the target was lying on the ground. The bullet penetrated directly into the heart from the shoulder, instantly crushing the heart. There was no movement, and blood was pouring out.

When the enemy saw this scene, they were all dying, and the air felt as if it was exuding chills at this moment. The sniper was definitely the god of death on the battlefield. Every shot killed, and the deterrence was even more suffocating. All the enemies looked on in horror. Ahead, there was only one thought in my mind: being able to pursue them all the way here and quietly approaching everyone within a distance of only 300 meters, such a sniper is definitely not easy.

One shot killed him, but it also exposed his position. The enemy was timid but did not forget to fight back. They aimed at each other one by one and fought back hard. "Click, click, click -" the bullet hit the boulder, tearing off small stones from the boulder, but Unable to directly break the entire stone, there was no way he could do anything to Luo Zheng who was hiding behind the boulder.

Soon, several enemies changed their magazines and continued to block the area around the boulder with fire. Other enemies spread out and came up from both sides, trying to intercept and kill Luo Zheng. As expected of a master, these enemies calmed down after experiencing the initial panic. Gu Senhan's murderous aura shrouded Luo Zheng as if it were real.

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