The strongest soldier

Chapter 3732: Enemies are here to help

In the gray wilderness, the fierce pursuit battle continued. The pursuers were as morale as a rainbow and as crazy as a tiger. They were not to be outdone when being chased. Although some people kept falling, some of them were too fast and had good combat effectiveness, so they were not frightened. Stay, fight and retreat at the same time, very methodical. Luo Zheng is like a god of war protecting his body, constantly firing to harvest lives behind enemy lines. His mind is filled with the tragic scene of the blown-up helicopter, and his heart is filled with hatred.

The distance was getting closer and closer, but Luo Zheng, who was in a state of madness, showed no fear. The fighting spirit in his heart was burning like an erupting volcano, his eyes were red and his murderous intent was fierce. Suddenly, an enemy soldier stopped and lay down on the ground. On the ground, their guns were locked on Luo Zheng, trying to deal with this biggest threat.

Xu Gang, who was guarding the side, was shocked when he saw this scene. Seeing that Luo Zheng's attention was elsewhere and did not notice the enemy soldier, he rushed forward without hesitation, hugged Luo Zheng and threw him to the ground. After rolling twice before it stabilized, he shouted: "Be careful, the enemy is attacking."

"Puff puff -" A series of bullets whizzed out and sank into the soil, making a chilling sound. They almost ran close to the two of them. If Xu Gang hadn't moved fast enough, they would have been concentrated. Although everyone had the ability to surpass the evasion The Dragon Tooth Armor and Dragon Tooth Suit are bullet armors, but bullets hitting the body are still very painful, especially when shot at close range. The kinetic energy of the bullet is enough to shatter the ribs. If it hits the head, it will be even worse, so don't be careless.

The moment Luo Zheng was hugged by someone, he almost instinctively took out the Dragon Tooth Blade and was about to stab him back when he suddenly heard Xu Gang's reminder. He reacted and put the Dragon Tooth Blade back into the scabbard and looked around cautiously. When I saw the bullets fired at me, I couldn't help but feel moved, but when I thought about the possibility that the big fish had escaped, I got up and looked for it intently. Where could I tell the difference in the gray night sky?

There were dozens of enemies, all dressed in black and difficult to identify. Luo Zheng was furious. He took out a grenade and threw it at the enemies who stopped to fight back. He roared and chased forward again. This kind of Those who stopped to fight back were just small fish, leaving them to the people behind to clean them up. Luo Zheng didn't want to waste time.

Xu Gang saw something was wrong with Luo Zheng and couldn't help but catch up and shouted: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I found a big fish, come with me." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice. He was a little more awake, but his fighting spirit did not weaken at all. He walked with flying feet and chased after him while firing to kill the powerful enemy.

"Big fish?" Xu Gang was stunned for a moment, then he immediately reacted, became energetic, and rushed forward.

Soon, everyone caught up with them on a hillside and found that the enemy was rushing down the hillside. In front of them was a road. There were three large trucks parked on the road, and two Hummers. The Hummers were modified and had an anti-aircraft gun mounted on them. The enemy rushed to them. People climbed onto the truck after the highway, and the truck was in the starting state and ready to drive away at any time.

"No, someone is responding." Luo Zheng was shocked. He stopped and quickly raised his gun, aiming at the driving position. Unfortunately, the angle was not enough to see the driver. Luo Zheng was furious and quickly changed positions.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Suddenly, dense large-caliber machine gun bullets whizzed in and hit the hillside, blasting huge bullet holes. Luo Zheng was startled, and he quickly lay down and looked around with vigilance. Look, it was the guns on the two Humvees that were firing. The fierce fire blocked the entire hillside. If you rush out, you will die. Luo Zheng was furious, punched the ground with hatred, and quickly aimed at it.

"Boom-boom--" A barrage of bullets came over and hit the front, causing mud to splash everywhere. Luo Zheng was shocked. He had to retreat a little to avoid the bullets and avoid the gun's range, but he couldn't do this. After effectively sniping the enemy, Luo Zheng was anxious, but he had no choice but to wait for a while and saw that the bullet had no intention of leaving. Obviously, his position was exposed and he became the target of the enemy's final care.

"Damn you, bastard." Xu Gang, who was also being taken care of by the firepower terminal, roared angrily, and his voice was filled with grief and anger, filled with endless reluctance and helplessness, as if he wanted to pierce the night sky.

Soon, the firepower of the blockade disappeared. Luo Zheng quickly looked around and found that the convoy had gone away. He got up angrily and quickly took aim, firing violently at a large truck. The truck had obviously been modified, and the baffle of the truck was equipped with steel plates. The bullet hit it, making sparks and buzzing sounds, but it had no effect.

At this time, Luo Zheng heard the roar of the propellers and quickly looked up. Five helicopters were roaring over, flying like the invincible God of War in the night sky, setting off a billowing murderous aura. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and roared: "Block those helicopters for me." The team cannot let anyone get away."

"Be careful of the enemy's guided anti-aircraft missiles." Xu Gang reminded.

"Yes." Someone shouted in a deep voice, showing a bit of confidence.

"Go after them, we won't retreat until we kill them all." Luo Zheng shouted murderously and rushed down the hillside. Xu Gang was worried about Luo Zheng's safety and hurried to follow. The two rushed down the hillside and continued to pursue along the road.

At this time, Shi Qian and others came to the hillside, and their speed finally slowed down. Seeing the two men continuing to pursue, they rushed down the hillside without hesitation, and chased after them anxiously. Not strong enough, Shi Qian and others were helpless, holding their breath in their hearts, wishing they could fight the enemy.

On the road, Luo Zheng and Xu Gang continued to pursue. Suddenly, they saw several anti-aircraft missiles launched from the enemy's truck. They were all equipped with guidance functions. They were horrified and looked up at the sky. In the night sky, five helicopters appeared one after another. He used evasive actions to avoid the missile and continued to pursue, but the missile turned around in the void and continued to pursue.

Missiles that did not detonate will continue to attack. Knowing the location of the explosion, a helicopter launched a missile at the last truck. With a bang, the truck was blown up by the missile, rolled around in the air, and fell heavily to the ground. A raging fire broke out on the ground. No one in the truck was spared. They were all beaten to death. Bodies continued to fall and were scattered all over the ground.

After the attack, the helicopter was also locked by the pursuing anti-aircraft missiles. Unable to stop it, it was frightened and quickly flew sideways while releasing bait bombs. The bait bombs were scattered in the sky like a goddess scattering flowers. After the explosion, they brought a huge heat source. The missile crashed into the bait bomb explosion zone and was detonated after being disturbed. A huge fireball exploded in the night sky, filled with smoke and momentum. Horrible.

After being locked by the anti-aircraft missiles, other helicopters spread out one after another and released bait bombs to attract the missiles. He took the opportunity to pursue him and quickly evacuated the dangerous area to look for opportunities to strike.

"Boom -" A missile exploded near a Humvee, and the powerful shock wave knocked the Humvee over.

"Boom-boom--" Suddenly, five more anti-aircraft missiles roared from the truck, releasing terrifying tail flames in the night sky, as if the devil was grinning.

"Quickly, dodge, or if that doesn't work, jump out of the plane and get away." Luo Zheng was shocked when he knew that the helicopter was out of bait bombs, and quickly reminded him, with his heart in his throat, staring at the anti-aircraft missile, his eyes tearing open.

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