The strongest soldier

Chapter 3720 The rebels seek peace

In the early morning of the next day, the air became extremely fresh after the heavy rain. A red sun jumped out of the horizon. Thousands of rays of rays dyed the eastern sky extremely brilliantly. Even the world's top oil painting masters could not create such rich colors. Luo Zheng Station From the commanding heights of the hillside, I silently watched the rising red sun, and watched a few rare birds flying and chasing each other in the sky, which made me feel better.

There were a lot of sacrifices in last night's battle. Although Luo Zheng is used to this kind of life and death, and has seen many battles and deaths, he still can't be calm. His heart still hurts when he sees the sacrifices. From the end of last night's battle to now , Luo Zheng has been standing here thinking, no one dared to disturb him.

The warm mountain wind slowly passed by, blowing Luo Zheng's clothes and hair, but it could not dissipate the cold frost-like expression on Luo Zheng's face. He looked closely at the gorgeous east with flashing tiger eyes, slowly Slowness is a bit more colorful. No matter what, people cannot be resurrected after death. The living must continue to fight for the dead and continue for the dead. Or, after death, you can ignore everything and leave freely. Living is more painful than death.

After a while, Luo Zheng regained his composure, exhaled the turbid air in his chest, and felt better. Since living is more painful than the sacrifice of the person who died, and since he has to live well and fight for the sacrifice of the person, what other reason is there? decadent? What reason is there to avoid it? Fight!

Luo Zheng saw everyone whispering something not far away, looking anxious. They were obviously worried about him, and his heart warmed. No matter what, he still had many brothers who shared the joys and sorrows and endured them together, so why did he give up? Immediately strode towards everyone.

"Brothers, the enemy almost succeeded in a sneak attack last night. Fortunately, the soldiers used their lives and finally repelled the enemy and won a small victory. This is a good thing and we should be happy." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, giving a final impression of the matter. .

Qualification is very important. If Luo Zheng qualifies as a failure, then the sacrifice of the person who sacrificed was in vain. It is a shame to lose the battle even though he sacrificed his life. No one will accept it. But winning the battle despite everyone's sacrifice is honor and everything is worth it. , everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Luo Zheng waiting for further orders.

"Have everyone been sent out?" Luo Zheng looked at Shi Qian.

"We have determined the international identity of each of the brothers who died, and asked the headquarters to notify the country where they are located. They have been sent to the presidential palace overnight. They will be sent to neighboring countries early this morning and transported out on planes from neighboring countries. The headquarters will coordinate everything. "Shi Qian quickly agreed.

There are no planes in this country, so we can only go to neighboring countries. Fortunately, the neighboring countries are also members of the Counter-Terrorism Alliance and will provide convenience. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and was secretly glad that the Counter-Terrorism Alliance has been officially established. Otherwise, how would it be so easy to send him out? He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the sky, and then looked at Shi Qian and asked, "How are you today?"

Shi Qian understood and said quickly: "The wind is not strong enough. Looking at the weather, the wind should be stronger at dusk. Then it will be fine."

"Okay, let's start at dusk." Luo Zheng said murderously, setting the time for the general attack.

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly.

"Tie Diao, I'll give you a mission. There should be a tunnel under the cliff. Go take a look and blow it up. Sora Ishii will lead the fourth group of fire cover. Shi Qian, you will lead the first group to scout out the terrain and choose according to the wind. Decide on where to strike and report to me." Luo Zheng issued three orders in one breath. The direction of the wind blowing is different, so the position chosen to strike will naturally be different, and the overall deployment will naturally need to be adjusted.

"Yes." The brother whose name was called shouted in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and everyone quickly dispersed and went about their business. Luo Zheng returned to the headquarters and saw his assistant eating breakfast. There was a portion next to him. He guessed it was reserved for himself. He went up to pick it up and ate while eating. Bian said: "Assistant sir, I have asked you to take care of the bodies of our brothers."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." The assistant said quickly, swallowed the food in his hand, drank a few sips of water, and quickly came to Luo Zheng. While putting on his helmet, he said: "What the President just said News came from the side that someone from the rebels had contacted them."

"Rebels, what's going on?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Perhaps we are afraid of being beaten. Seeing that we have killed many powerful enemies and losing hope, we are thinking about returning. We sent people to leave the canyon quietly last night and walked a long way before making a call. You guys How far can the box block the signal?" The assistant said and looked at the Dragon Tooth Shield.

"The radius is about twenty kilometers. There is some signal between twenty and thirty kilometers, but it is very fuzzy and unstable. There is nothing you can do beyond thirty kilometers." Luo Zheng replied.

"No wonder they said they ran a long way." The assistant said suddenly.

"Where are the people? How many?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"It is impossible for them to return to the canyon. They are on their way to the presidential palace. They say they are representatives of the rebels and hope to have a face-to-face talk with the president." The assistant explained.

"What qualifications do they have to negotiate? Ask them to come here immediately. I have to ask about the situation in person." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with anger flashing in his eyes. They are just rebels, so what qualifications do they have to negotiate?

The assistant thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll contact the president right away."

"It's okay to just say that you want to negotiate. It depends on what leverage you have. First tell us all the information they have. Otherwise, we have reason to doubt their intentions and refuse to negotiate." Luo Zheng suggested.

"Good idea, I'll take care of it right away." The assistant quickly agreed.

After Luo Zheng waited for his assistant to make a call, he thought deeply. The rebels should have used the heavy rain and fighting cover last night to quietly leave the canyon. They should have left from the canyon, otherwise there is no reason not to be discovered. Is it really true that they are asking for negotiations at this time? Afraid of being beaten? Or is there another conspiracy?

After thinking for a while and finding no clue, Luo Zheng put the trouble aside and ate breakfast quickly. Just as the assistant finished the call, he told Luo Zheng that the matter had been resolved and the president would arrange a helicopter to pick up those people and pull them directly. Luo Zheng is fully responsible for what to do when you get here.

Luo Zheng could feel the president's trust and support, and knew that the president had not been dazzled by the victory. He breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "When the notification comes, I will go check the positions. There will be a counterattack tonight. The person who notified you will also do a good job." Prepare for battle, I will inform you of the specific mission later."

"Understood, we will deploy immediately. There are many clues to the major counterattack. Is there anything else you need me to do?" The assistant is a shrewd person. He knows that he does not understand military affairs, so he agreed without asking about the specific details. He completely delegated power and only did what he said. It is better to cooperate with the work so as not to interfere with Luo Zheng's decision-making.

"Boom -" Suddenly there was an explosion, Luo Zheng's expression changed, and he blew out like the wind.

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