The strongest soldier

Chapter 3715 A fierce battle

Bright flares burned over the canyon, and the huge light illuminated the ground. On a gentle slope connecting the canyon to the top of the mountain, countless people dressed as ninjas rushed forward like a tide. They were all in ninja uniforms, and even the Japanese swords in their hands were smeared. It turned black and did not reflect light under the flares. It looked like a demon emerging from hell in the heavy rain.

During the run, these ninjas did not shout or fire. They were all silent. They stared fiercely at the top of the mountain in front of them. Their feet were moving as fast as flying. A cold murderous aura filled the ranks, as if they were in the crater of a volcano that could erupt at any time. The heavy rain hit these people, and the cold murderous intent on these people became even stronger, and clouds of water mist visible to the naked eye spread over the team.

On the hillside in the distance, Luo Zheng held up his binoculars and stared at this scene coldly, a little confused. These days, Luo Zheng thought of many tactics that the enemy might use, but there was no such almost suicidal attack tactic. This was not seeking death. ? Is it so difficult for them to break out? If there was really a breakout, why did the nearly a thousand troops who had surrendered to the Dark Church not move? What happened to the enemy?

"We're about to rush forward." Xu Gang whispered from the side.

Trenches have been built on the top of the mountain. Manniu and a squadron of brothers are stationed there, and there are more than 200 government troops assisting in the operation. The deep trenches should be able to block the enemy's attack. Luo Zheng is not very worried, but has more intentions for the enemy. A bit of vigilance, the enemy is not stupid, there must be a deep meaning behind such a beating.

"The sniper team is in position." The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

"Free attack." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He removed the command authority and allowed everyone to perform freely. They are all veterans who have fought against the Dark Church. They know what to do at this time. Don't worry, remote command will restrict everyone. The performance is not conducive to combat.

"Yes!" The brothers in the sniper team shouted in unison.

"Something is wrong with the situation. There is no reason for the enemy not to know that there is an offensive on the top of our mountain. They must have a purpose in concentrating their attacks. With the speed of the ninjas, if casualties are not considered, the brothers on the top of the mountain may not be able to stop it, and even if there are trenches, they have to defend it." Ishii Sora reminded from the side.

"Assistant sir, send two hundred people over to help with the defense. Hurry, Team Rocket, blow me up." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes." The assistant quickly agreed and used the walkie-talkie to give orders to the troops.

"Boom-boom--" The sniper bombs roared out of their barrels, breaking through the heavy rain. They rushed over with a terrifying scream, slammed into the enemy group, and exploded into huge balls of fire. The fireball raged, engulfing all surrounding targets, and even targets a few meters away fell to the ground.

"Boss, shall I go?" Tie Diao was eager to give it a try.

"Don't worry, the enemy's fighting style is weird, let's take a look first." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, without looking back, and continued to observe the situation below with a telescope. In order to facilitate observation, flares were continuously raised into the sky to illuminate the canyon.

"Ta-ta-ta--" On the top of the mountain, three heavy machine guns fired almost at the same time. The dense bullets formed a terrifying fire net, hitting the enemies who rushed up the mountain. Several people dressed as ninjas were beaten into pieces. They fell to the ground motionless, but more people rushed forward without fear of death.

Luo Zheng happened to see this scene, and his expression changed slightly. This was an attack at any cost. What did the enemy want to do, break out of the encirclement? In the telescope, Luo Zheng used flares to see more ninjas rushing to the top of the mountain. The three heavy machine guns at this moment played a role in suppressing firepower. The ninjas who were beaten did not dare to charge rashly. More people joined the battle group and kept firing. Killing, government troops also joined the battle group.

A squadron of ninety people, plus government troops composed of more than two hundred veterans, had no fighting will. With trench cover, they opened fire one after another, but soon everyone discovered that the ninja was too fast. The ninja was almost crawling when he crouched down. Not dissatisfied at all, he kept jumping and jumping to avoid bullets, and moved forward in a zigzag pattern.

Soon, a group of ninjas stopped and opened fire. They all used micro-blast. Micro-blast has a fast rate of fire and a large ammunition capacity. It is suitable for close combat. The firepower focuses on blocking the heavy machine gun. What is even more terrifying is that these people do not dodge bullets at all. That's it. He lay on the ground motionless and fired at each other, a completely life-threatening style of play.

The three heavy machine guns went silent in the blink of an eye. Without the fire blockade of the heavy machine guns, the pressure on the ninjas was reduced. However, this behavior angered the defending troops. Everyone opened fire, and some even pounced on the heavy machine guns. Soon, the heavy machine guns were fired. The machine gun fired again, and some of the ninjas who finally pushed forward fell in a pool of blood, but the ninjas behind them turned a blind eye and continued to push forward quickly, like crazy.

Manniu was also shocked when he saw this situation. Not only were the enemies in front of them fast and difficult to hit, but they were also beating and charging desperately. What were they trying to do? Man Niu was enraged and his blood boiled. He gave loud instructions and urged everyone to fight back fiercely, while quickly reporting the situation to Luo Zheng.

From a distance, Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw this scene, but he did not show it. He told Manniu to block the enemy at all costs. This was a death order. He urged his assistant to speed up the reserve team who rushed to support. After arriving at the battlefield, he came from the side. Launch an attack.

There are potholes everywhere on the top of the mountain. This terrain provides cover for the ninjas. Many people hide in the low-lying areas and shoot at the people on the opposite position, trying to cover their own people with firepower. As a result, the squadron led by Manniu suffered casualties. The number of casualties among the fighting government troops is even greater.

Manniu was furious when he saw this situation. The officer who immediately cooperated with the battle roared to the translator: "Quick, tell him to send a hundred people to go up from the left side and flank the enemy."

The translator quickly told the order to the officer. The officer did not hesitate at all. He immediately called in a subordinate to give some instructions. The other party agreed and led a troop to quickly leave the position and attack the enemy's flank. Manniu saw more and more people. The enemy rushed to the top of the mountain, burning with rage, and almost shouted to the translator: "Quick, let your people throw grenades for me and blow them up."

"Yes." The translator didn't understand why Manniu did this, but he still sent the order.

Soon, countless grenades were thrown out and exploded in front of the ninja, blocking the way of the ninja's charge. The ninjas were worried about being bombed, so they stopped charging and lay down to hide. When Manniu saw that the enemy had stopped, he was immediately overjoyed. It is not easy to lock on a running ninja. The stopped enemy is no different from a living target. This is also the purpose of Manniu asking the government troops to throw grenades. He roared in surprise: "Haha, Brothers, the enemy has become a living target. Take aim and hit me. Translator, let your people continue to throw grenades. Let me suppress their charge. Heavy machine guns, let me use full firepower. Kill-"

"Kill -" everyone roared angrily, their morale like a rainbow, soaring into the sky, as if they were about to pierce the night sky, and the heavy rain retreated.

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