The strongest soldier

Chapter 3713 Pre-war arrangements

Luo Zheng glanced at Shi Qian with relief, then looked in the direction of the canyon, pointed at the highest mountain where the enemy was hiding, and said in a deep voice: "The mountain has been hollowed out and built into underground fortifications. There are bunkers and other permanent fortifications around the mountain. If you want to Conquering it can only be filled with human lives, which is what I don’t want to see, and I need your poison.”

"Poison smoke?" Shi Qian was stunned, looked ahead and suddenly understood, smiled, and nodded without hesitation: "It is indeed most appropriate to use poison smoke to attack. The poison smoke is not blocked. As long as it enters the mountain, the people inside will be killed." No one can escape, but the mountain is huge and has three ridges, so I need enough time to prepare, at least a week or so, and a lot of herbs are needed."

"Time is not a problem. It can be used to train troops. Herbal medicines can be transferred from China and dropped by air. You can contact the headquarters for details." Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw Shi Qian's vow and his face full of confidence, and he agreed.

"Yes." Shi Qian solemnly agreed.

Luo Zheng immediately called for an assistant and asked the assistant to provide convenient conditions for refining poisonous smoke. The assistant was not sure why, and after asking about the need for a quiet environment and some utensils, he agreed wholeheartedly, claiming that he would provide one of his manors, which was solemn and large enough. In the suburbs of the city, you can do anything you want there. Shi Qian asked a few questions and saw that the conditions fully met his needs, so he immediately agreed.

After the matter was confirmed, the assistant arranged for a platoon of guards to move to the manor during escort, and also assigned a translator to facilitate communication. As for the brothers in the first group, they stayed to practice swordsmanship with Sora Ishii, and used poisonous smoke to attack the enemy's base. Zheng did not disclose it to anyone, but only told the troops to be on guard. The members of the special service team went to practice swordsmanship with Sora Ishii, and the sniper team of Shandiao also took turns guarding and practicing swordsmanship.

The enemy was too powerful. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless at all. He seized every moment to improve the combat effectiveness of his brothers. Fortunately, the reinforcements came with a lot of supplies. The second group of the special service team carried out missions with Luo Zheng in this country. At that time, he did not bring his personal equipment, and his combat effectiveness could not be fully utilized. This time, all the equipment of Xu Gang and others was shipped. Luo Zheng asked his assistant to arrange for everyone's equipment to be sent to the Presidential Palace.

Luo Zheng himself also changed into equipment, from the close-fitting dragon tooth suit to dragon tooth armor, from dragon tooth blades, dragon tooth knives, dragon tooth bullets to dragon tooth arrows, and so on. It can be said that he is well equipped. With these equipments, Luo Zheng's confidence greatly increased. In his spare time, he picked up the dragon tooth sword and slashed it with the captured ninja Japanese sword a few times. He found that his dragon tooth sword was actually slightly worse than the enemy's Japanese sword. This can be ignored. No matter what, as long as he didn't fight with the enemy on the battlefield, it wouldn't be a big problem. This made Luo Zheng feel relieved and he quickly informed everyone of the situation to avoid any emergency.

In the following days, Bu Duo surrounded the enemy, but he only surrounded it without attacking. As long as the enemy didn't come out, he didn't care. Once he came out, he immediately mobilized rockets to directly kill them without using other troops at all, so that the enemy He couldn't figure out everyone's defenses. With the dragon's tooth shield, the enemy couldn't sneak up. This made Luo Zheng feel more at ease. During the siege, he urged everyone to concentrate on practicing swordsmanship.

The assistant came to see him twice and asked Luo Zheng why he had not attacked for so long. The first time Luo Zheng was vague, but the second time he simply told the truth and said that he was preparing a secret weapon. Once successful, the weapon could greatly reduce casualties. , and kill all the enemies in one fell swoop. After a week, the weapons will be in place, and then the attack can be launched.

Casualties are the most troublesome thing for every leading officer. The assistant is also mentally prepared for huge losses. But when he heard that casualties can be greatly reduced, he thought that Luo Zheng has always been true to his word. There is no doubt that he will be there again. He asked, informed the president of the situation, and ensured that thousands of people had meals and other logistical issues, shouldering a lot of the burden for Luo Zheng.

Time passed day by day, and the troops were waiting to accumulate strength. After several enemy sneak attacks were discovered in advance, they gave up the idea of ​​continuing to sneak attacks. They stayed in the cave with peace of mind and maintained a confrontation with each other. No one took the initiative to attack one side. Luo Zheng I don't know what will happen to the enemies trapped in the mountain caves. I wait for Shi Qian's poisonous smoke without the slightest pressure. I go to practice sword skills with everyone from time to time.

Three days later, Luo Zheng suddenly received a secret phone call from the headquarters. The call was from Mr. Li. Luo Zheng hurried to the commanding heights of the hillside and pretended to observe the enemy's situation. No one was allowed to get close. Then he answered the call and hurriedly said: "Chief , it’s me, what instructions do you have?”

"Don't give me trouble. I heard that you haven't taken action after so long, and I didn't see you calling to tell me the situation, so I had to take the initiative to find you. You are my superior now. Tell me, what's going on?" Mr. Li was angry. swore.

Luo Zheng could tell that Mr. Li was not angry, but he still solemnly explained in detail the recent events, the situation of the strong company in the enemy's base, and his own methods. Finally, he added: "Chief, this battle is crucial. This is the first battle since the establishment of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance. We must win without being allowed to lose, and we must win beautifully, so that all parties will have nothing to say. If we fail, the alliance may have problems, so I have to be cautious and would rather delay for a few days. Don’t act rashly.”

"You guys understand everything. You just need to know the key to this battle. If you have a battle plan, you won't tell me. It will make me worry in vain. Do you want to make me, an old man, angry to death? However, I didn't expect that you are still a turtle shell with a hedgehog body. This kind of fortification is indeed difficult to fight. The poisonous smoke tactic is very good. How sure are you?" Mr. Li laughed and cursed angrily.

"Shi Qian is proficient in this. If he says there is no problem, then there must be no problem. However, he needs seven days to prepare. It seems that there may be a lot of things to prepare. We can afford to wait for seven days, right?" Luo Zheng laughed. explained.

"Okay, I got it. I'll bear the pressure from the country. It'll be easier if I know your plan. You should be careful yourself. You're a father. I've seen the child. He's tough and tough. He will definitely be more honest than you in the future. I will take care of the anti-terrorist alliance headquarters base construction project later. If you have any difficulties, I will help you solve them. I will also take care of your family. Don’t be burdened with thoughts and just carry out the mission with confidence." Mr. Li warned.

"Yes." Luo Zheng felt warm in his heart and agreed gratefully.

"Remember, this battle is very important. We must fight with authority. It is best to completely eliminate the enemies inside. Didn't they master the upgraded version of the biological liquid? They can create new holy warriors, and we can kill them. Look at them The faster we build, the faster we kill. As for those exiled family ninjas, I have heard similar legends, but the information I have is very limited. No matter who the ninja is, just kill them." Old Li warned domineeringly, the older generation of revolutionaries Have a fearless spirit, there is no word fear in life, and you are not afraid of any bulls, nobles, or snakes. All enemies who dare to challenge are paper tigers and can be destroyed.

Luo Zheng was infected by Mr. Li's heroic aura and deep self-confidence. His heart moved and he shouted murderously: "Yes, I promise to complete the mission."

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