The strongest soldier

Chapter 3710 Enemy sneak attack

At dusk, the setting sun is like blood, dyeing the western sky red. Even the clouds are red on one side, which is particularly beautiful. The mountain breeze blows slowly through the mountains, bringing a bit of coolness, refreshing, and the temperature has dropped after a sweltering day. The temperature was moderate, and the troops who had been busy all day took a break to chat. There was no movement from the enemy, and we did not take the initiative to attack. Everyone in the troops was bored.

In order to improve everyone's safety, Luo Zheng asked everyone to strengthen the fortifications after lunch. He used the afternoon to dig three more trenches and connected them with traffic trenches. Such a position could be blocked for a while even if thousands of people attacked at the same time. The strong fortifications were built, and everyone felt at ease in the position.

After studying the drawings all day, Luo Zheng came out to take a breath, stood at the door of the headquarters tent, stretched, took a deep breath, and felt better. Suddenly he heard a voice ringing in the headset: "Report, The enemy is acting strangely, so we will launch an attack."

"Where?" Luo Zheng heard the voice of his brothers from the sniper team. Shan Diao led three sniper teams to ambush around and acted as observation posts. He reported the enemy's situation as soon as possible. Luo Zheng asked while rushing to the commanding heights ahead. According to the information provided by the observation posts, Looking in the direction, I soon discovered that a troop appeared on the hillside in front, heading straight in one direction. There was a troop stationed there. I couldn't help but be shocked. Is the enemy going to take the initiative to pass by?

The enemy's defenses are very strong, and if you escape, you will die. Luo Zheng can't understand what the enemy wants to do? Tentative attack or panic? At this time, Hans, the leader of the squadron stationed in the direction of the enemy's attack, said in a deep voice through the headset: "Captain, the enemy is coming. There are about a hundred people. Do you want to fight?"

"Don't worry, your firepower will be exposed if you hit him. Leave it to me to handle it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He didn't want to expose everyone's firepower deployment through any tricks. He immediately shouted through the headset: "Mr. Assistant."

"Yes." The assistant also wore a headset to facilitate contact at any time. He immediately responded when he heard the shout and rushed out of the headquarters tent. He looked around in surprise and saw Luo Zheng and rushed up immediately.

Luo Zheng pointed at the enemy appearing in front and said: "The enemy is on the hillside opposite the canyon. There are our troops stationed above. It's not time to expose the firepower yet. Let the rocket team come up and bomb them for me."

When the Free Army attacked the Presidential Palace last time, Xu Gang used all RPGs and formed a rocket team. The effect was very good. This time, the assistant brought the rocket team with him and expanded the rocket team to 300 people. He stayed in the reserve. The team was always attentive. When the assistant saw the enemy, he agreed and used the walkie-talkie to communicate with his troops.

Soon, the Rocket Team rushed up and attacked the hillside opposite the canyon with a barrage of rockets. Three hundred rockets came up. The enemy did not expect Luo Zheng to come up and use a saturation attack with artillery shells. They were so frightened that they all retreated and left behind. More than twenty corpses were evacuated in a panic.

The assistant was very excited when he saw the enemy withdrawing. He was about to order the troops to launch a second attack, but was stopped by Luo Zheng. The assistant might not be able to tell, but Luo Zheng discovered from the shelling just now that these people not only reacted quickly, but also had combat experience. Very rich, 300 rockets only killed more than 20 people. This team is not simple.

The enemy disappeared in the blink of an eye, which further confirmed Luo Zheng's thoughts. Facing such a master, unless he attacked suddenly like just now, it would be of little significance. It would not kill many people and it would be a waste of shells. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng Seeing that the enemy had no intention of attacking again, he became even more confused.

"What do they want to do?" The assistant asked in surprise when he saw that the enemy had not appeared for a long time.

"Perhaps it is a tentative attack, or perhaps we are panicking and want to break out of the encirclement. Who knows, we are so big, inform the troops that no one is allowed to leave the position, and when the enemy comes, just fire back it. No pursuit, we Don't be in a hurry, just play with them slowly." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with a hint of murderous intent on his stern face.

"Okay." The assistant agreed.

"Yes!" The other officers agreed after hearing the order.

Everyone's headsets have the same frequency. Everyone wearing the headset can hear everything Luo Zheng says. There was no movement for a long time after the enemy's attack was repulsed. The sky turned dark unconsciously. Luo Zheng asked all the troops to He split into two and took turns resting to avoid being exhausted, while he continued to observe the front from the commanding heights.

Sora Ishii and Xu Gang were tired from practicing swordsmanship, so they came over and sat down next to them. They looked in front of them in silence, thinking about their own thoughts. The surroundings were quiet, with only the sound of the mountain breeze blowing, and a bright moon hanging unknowingly. In the deep night sky, a few stars were shining faintly, and the surrounding mountains were so dark that nothing could be seen.

After a while, Luo Zheng felt a little tired and was about to go back and take a rest. Xu Gang suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Something's wrong. It seems that there are enemies. Brothers, cheer up and pay attention to their respective areas."

"Understood." Everyone who heard the voice responded in a low voice.

Luo Zheng was surprised and raised his telescope to check. The telescope has night vision function and can perform thermal imaging. Soon, Luo Zheng found that there were indeed a large number of enemies on the slope at his feet. They were quietly walking up the mountain. They were not very far away from him. , obviously, the enemy knew that there were people on this hillside during the daytime battle, and waited for a sneak attack at night.

"Team Rocket." Luo Zheng ordered in a low voice without hesitation.

"Here we come." The assistant quickly agreed after hearing the order and hurried over with Team Rocket. Just in case, Luo Zheng asked Team Rocket to be on standby at any time. He followed the order very quickly.

Soon, the assistant rushed up with the Rocket Team, carrying RPGs each with rockets inside. The rockets were in firing state. Luo Zheng pointed at the enemy who was only thirty meters away down the mountainside and shouted softly: "Blow them down. ."

The assistant agreed and quickly conveyed the order to everyone. Everyone rushed forward and aimed the rockets below. Unfortunately, it was too dark below and could not see anything. The assistant was already prepared. He took out the flare gun, aimed below and pulled the trigger. This was Luo Just in case, ask your assistant to prepare it in advance.

The flares burned with scorching light in the void, illuminating the surrounding area as brightly as day. The situation under the mountainside was clear at a glance. Everyone saw many enemies climbing up carefully. Perhaps they realized they were exposed. These people suddenly dispersed like birds and beasts, as if they were flying. They rushed down the hillside, took aim, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Countless rockets attacked fiercely. After the people in front were launched, they quickly retreated and made way for their companions who had been prepared to continue the attack. The commanding heights of the hillside were not big enough and could not accommodate too many at once. People can only attack in turns.

But this kind of attack in turns is more effective. With the help of flares, everyone can see clearly. Wherever the enemy flees, rockets will chase them. However, this unit is very fast. Everyone only has time to attack three times before these people rush in. It disappeared down the hillside.

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