The strongest soldier

Chapter 3708 Besieged but not attacked

"Order." Luo Zheng shouted loudly. He glanced at the whole audience with a cold gaze and landed on the four squadron leaders. The main force attacking the enemy this time was the Anti-Terrorist Alliance. Luo Zheng's first order was naturally given to his own people, not to others. Government troops came to assist in the fight.

Tubas and Manniu's chests were raised higher and their bodies straighter, as if they were a green and tall pine tree, facing the rising sun and the mountain peaks, growing vigorously, invisible fighting spirit bursting out, Luo Zheng was satisfied He nodded and shouted: "Tubas is responsible for the east, Manniu is responsible for the west, Kuta is responsible for the south, and Hans is responsible for the north. Find favorable terrain three kilometers away from the canyon to dig trenches, build fortifications, and prepare for a protracted war. The trenches must be It needs to be deep and can be protected from cannons, is there any problem?”

"No." The four roared almost in unison, their momentum like a rainbow, shaking the breeze in the mountains and fields.

At this time, the assistant hurried over with some officers, and Luo Zheng stepped forward to greet him. After all, he is the assistant to the president, and the courtesy must not be discarded. He must not leave an arrogant impression on others. The future battle will require the assistance of these three thousand government troops. Luo Zheng and The assistant shook hands, and the assistant said first: "Please give us orders about our mission. The president told us before coming here to support you at all costs, even if we are the first to take the lead and the main attack."

"That won't work. We can't mess up the assistance we agreed on. However, we really have a mission for you." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, glancing at the officers who followed the assistant. They all had restrained murderous looks, firm faces, and calm eyes. , at first glance, he looked like a veteran who had been in the war for a long time. He didn't feel nervous at all before the war, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he came, Luo Zheng was worried that the Vice President would handle the matter and send a random troop up. But now it's fine. The assistant immediately perked up when he heard about the mission, and said seriously: "Give me the order."

Luo Zheng pointed at the four squadron captains and said in a deep voice: "My tactic is to encircle them first without attacking, and then decide according to the situation. They will be stationed on one side respectively. You arrange a thousand people, divided into four, to assist them in digging. How about building fortifications, helping to defend against the enemy, and cooperating in combat?"

"No problem, we will make a good start." The assistant was not stupid. He immediately understood Luo Zheng's intention. He spoke bluntly and gave some instructions in dialect to the officers around him. He also called four translators to accompany the army. This time In order to facilitate communication, the assistant recruited many fellow translators. Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men.

Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his assistant didn't mind his deployment and was very cooperative. There were only ninety people in a squadron of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance. Although its combat effectiveness was good, its firepower was a bit weak. If there was an army to assist, it would kill the enemy. During the attack, he was responsible for suppressing firepower and could share a lot of pressure with the squadron. However, after all, it was a matter of attacking. Luo Zheng was a little embarrassed. Unexpectedly, the assistant was very cooperative after seeing through it, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After giving the order, the assistant looked at Luo Zheng and said, "I've already told you that they will cooperate vigorously. What will happen to the remaining two thousand people?"

"Arrange a thousand people to find favorable terrain for rest and fortifications five thousand meters away from the canyon to prevent enemy reinforcements from coming up. Remember, we must defend on all sides. The remaining one thousand people will be used as a general reserve force. Is there any problem?" Luo Zheng looked at the assistant and said in a deep voice.

"No problem. I also brought a guard team, one hundred people, all veterans who are capable of fighting. They are absolutely trustworthy and will be left to your command." The assistant promised.

"That's great. I plan to set up camp here and establish a pre-war headquarters. You, a hundred people, will be responsible for the security tasks of the headquarters. How about it?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise. The guards who can be brought by the assistant must have combat capabilities. Not bad, and more importantly, reliable.

"No problem." The assistant agreed.

"Great, then I don't have anything to worry about anymore. I'll leave the security mission to you." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He looked at the four squadron leaders around him and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, rush to your respective directions as quickly as possible. Choose I will give you half an hour to build fortifications at a good combat position. You must complete the construction of fortifications and take action within half an hour."

"Yes." The four men shouted in a deep voice and quickly left with their respective troops.

The assistant also reacted and immediately exchanged a few words with the officers around him. Everyone quickly left with their troops. After a while, only a thousand of the army of more than 3,000 people were left on standby. They set up camp and gathered together before coming. Zheng made preparations for a protracted war and brought tents and other supplies.

More than 3,000 people took action one after another. Shandiao also led three sniper teams to set up tents as headquarters. Luo Zheng once again came to the commanding heights to observe the canyon ahead. Xu Gang and Ishii Sora came forward and stood on both sides to guard. After a while, , Xu Gang said doubtfully: "Boss, why are you besieging and not attacking? This is too time-consuming. Since the enemy is defending the canyon, they must be fully prepared."

"I can't let the troops suffer too much. The anti-terrorist alliance has suffered too much. I can't explain it to the countries. The newly established anti-terrorist alliance may fall apart. I need a victory, and a big victory, so I can't be in a hurry. Hard attack is not suitable for us." Luo Zheng said solemnly.

"A hard attack is indeed not suitable, but it is troublesome for the enemy to hide in the cave and not come out. If we cannot attack for a long time, it will be disadvantageous for us if there are too many." Xu Gang reminded in a low voice.

"It's okay, the enemy is strong, and the individual combat effectiveness is even more terrifying. Let's build the defenses first. With the fortifications, we won't worry about being attacked even at night. In addition, I have notified the headquarters to dispatch the first and third groups to help. The enemy There are too many ninjas and new holy warriors, and there is no master to take charge of this battle. There is another more important factor." Luo Zheng explained in a low voice, while looking at Zhou Quan.

"What?" Xu Gang was startled and asked nervously.

"The troops here have just been reorganized and need time to adjust. Our sniper team still has very weak control over the troops and has even less understanding. It will take time. The special operations teams sent by various countries are also unfamiliar with each other. They are all elite masters. It is inevitable Keeping your eyes above your head and being dissatisfied with each other also requires time to adjust. Encircling without attacking can not only put pressure on the opponent, but also free up time for the troops to adjust." Luo Zheng explained in a low voice.

Xu Gang was startled, then realized what he was doing, and secretly admired him. He didn't expect Luo Zheng to think so carefully and thoughtfully. After thinking about it, he whispered: "If you have fortifications, you don't have to worry about enemy sneak attacks or night attacks. This method is good. Just wait, this is the first time our special team is fighting side by side."

"Not only that, but the newly formed fourth group will also come." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"The fourth group? What's going on?" Xu Gang looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked. He had long heard that Luo Zheng was going to form a fourth group. Isn't that something that should be prepared after going back? Why are you here now? Sora Ishii looked at Luo Zheng with a surprised face, unable to react.

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