The strongest soldier

Chapter 369 Relocation to Capital City

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye. During this half-month period, Lan Xue and others experienced the simplicity and enthusiasm of the village people. They ate three meals a day and almost all of them were at other people's homes. They took turns to invite the most important people in the family. All the good things were put out for entertaining, and everyone gained a lot of meat. Fortunately, the basic physical training was not neglected. Everyone did it secretly in the morning and evening, otherwise they would have to gain weight.

This morning, after everyone had a meal at home, they packed up and prepared to leave. In the past half month, Luo Zheng had persuaded his parents to live in the capital, renting a house first, and then buying one when he had money. The younger sister had already After being admitted to Beijing University, the family had some extra money, and with Luo Zheng's persuasion, they finally told the truth, but it had already expired. Lan Xue came forward and made a few calls, and the situation was resolved.

Lan Xue's actions won the approval of the whole family. The younger sister went to the capital to go to school. Luo Hu and his wife were bored staying in the mountains. With Luo Zheng's persuasion, they naturally agreed. However, no one expected that the folks would come to see them off. The local wine from this family and the eggs from that family were simple and sincere.

Fortunately, he had a car and couldn't refuse, so Luo Zheng had to collect some tokens from each family and put them all in the parking spaces. After saying goodbye to everyone, he drove to the capital. Along the way, the happiest person was his little sister, who had money to go to college. He was as happy as a lark, and he sang a folk song, which was so sweet and sweet that he instantly moved Gui Shou and others and shocked the world.

After a long and tiring journey, it was already the afternoon of the second day when we arrived in Beijing. The house had been rented, thanks to Gui Shou. It was located near Beijing University. The price of the three-bedroom apartment was a bit expensive, but Gui Shou didn't say it out loud. After paying two years' rent, Luo Zheng vaguely guessed that it was expensive, but he didn't point it out. He wrote down this friendship, brothers in life and death, some things don't need to be said.

The apartment was well decorated and fully furnished. When Luo Hu and others entered the room, they were dazzled. Where had the people in the mountains seen such a nice house? Very satisfied and guessing that the price was not cheap, they looked at Luo Zheng, who nodded. Luo Hu and his wife settled in without saying anything more.

In the evening, Lan Xue set up a table at a nearby restaurant, saying that it was for everyone to welcome their future wife's wishes. Luo Hu and his wife did not refuse, and fully agreed. During the meal, a guest came. Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in confusion. Xue looked a little like a stranger, but the girl with a quirky smile immediately guessed the identity of the visitor. Lan Xue mentioned it before, greeted him warmly, and motioned to sit down and talk.

The person who came was Lan Xing, who was very familiar with Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle. He was not polite. He greeted Luo Hu and his wife politely first. After saying hello to the younger sister, he looked at Luo Zheng and said with a smile: "Future brother-in-law, I'm here to help." You have been busy many times and you are considered a hero behind the scenes. Do you also express your gratitude?"

"No problem, just say it, as long as I can do it." Luo Zheng promised.

"You said you are not allowed to go back on your word?" Lan Xing said quickly with a smile, his eyes rolled, wondering what he was planning.

"Then what should we look at?" Lan Xing's face darkened and he asked.

"Sister, I'm not even married yet, and I already know that my arms are turned outward. Are you my sister?" Lan Xing pouted dissatisfiedly, looked at Luo Zheng, and said with a smile: "Forget it, sister issued a warning. , I don’t dare to offend her, so just give me some Cistanche deserticola, I’m old and need some beauty treatment.”

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed. He looked at Lan Xing, who was about the same age as himself. He actually said he was old. Are you a young person nowadays? Luo Zheng was speechless and said, "Go back to your sister and ask for it. I'll give you half of my share."

"That's interesting, come to me next time if you have anything to do." Lan Xing suddenly smiled happily and looked at Guishou and the others.

"Don't look at me, I'm very poor." Guishen said quickly, looking scared.

"It's useless to look at me. I'll die. You have to take it." Snow Leopard looked at his nose and heart. It was obvious that he had learned how powerful Blue Star was and didn't dare to provoke him.

"Forget it, I'll give you some, please spare me." The mountain eagle saw Lan Xing's glance and smiled bitterly.

"Third brother still loves me the most." Lan Xing said with a smile, and his coquettish words made people feel numb.

While they were talking and laughing, someone knocked on the door and came in. Luo Zheng recognized Gui Fang, Gui Shou's younger sister. He immediately introduced him to his parents, and then said to his younger sister: "This is Gui Fang, your senior sister, and you." The school, a department, has asked you to get to know her, and if you encounter problems in the school in the future, you can just go to her."

"Hello, Sister Guifang." The little girl greeted her very sensibly. Her voice was as sweet as an oriole, crisp and moving, without any hint of human fireworks, which immediately caught the attention of Lan Xing and Guifang.

"No problem. My sister is my sister, so I'll take care of her." Guifang agreed.

"It will be settled in the future. You are not kind. Just leave this matter to me. No one from Beijing University would dare not give me some face if I sign up for my number." Lan Xing said with a smile.

"Can you be more ladylike? I won't call you next time." Lan Xue said angrily.

"Oh, okay, lady." Lan Xing immediately sat upright, with a straight face, looking at his nose and heart, and said seriously: "Brother-in-law, you are not kind enough."

"Pfft." Everyone laughed out loud because of the quirky Lan Xing. Luo Hu and his wife immediately fell in love with Lan Xing. Lan Xue gave Lan Xing a hard look and was completely speechless. She felt so sorry for her precious little sister. , a tight headache.

At this time, the waiter served the food, everyone started eating, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After eating and drinking, they left. After Luo Zheng sent his parents home to settle down, he went downstairs to the parking lot and got into Lan Xue's car. Lan Xue started the car and walked forward while saying, "They are all used to it, right?" ?”

"I'm still used to it, thank you." Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"You want to meet me?" Lan Xue said pretending to be dissatisfied, glared at Luo Zheng, and said that the old man had something to look for, and continued driving. Luo Zheng knew that the old man was looking for something, so he didn't ask any more questions, and closed his eyes to rest. Unconsciously, I arrived at the military restricted area last time. I saw Mr. Li in the living room who was making tea. He quickly stepped forward to salute and said respectfully: "Hello, Chief, Luo Zheng is reporting to you, please give me instructions."

"Sit down, I already know about the Qinglong Village. You handled it very well. The soldiers ensured the safety of one side and drew their swords to help when the road was rough. It is natural. Don't worry about the rest. I have already taken care of it. I will call you before the holiday is over. Come on, the mission has come down and I need you to end your vacation early, is there any problem?" Mr. Li said gently.

"No problem, please give the order to the chief to ensure that the task is completed." Luo Zheng said gratefully, completely relieved. With Mr. Li coming forward and being reasonable, officials at the district and county level are not a problem.

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