The strongest soldier

Chapter 3681 Promote cooperation

The Free Army is the largest non-governmental force in the area. The collapse of this force means that the country's situation has been reshuffled. Every force and everyone should re-align, including businessmen. They will continue to go to the dark side. Or should we consider it from the government? This is a matter of political stance, especially for a sensitive industry like arms dealers, who should take a stand in advance. No government will allow these dangerous people to stay outside the government.

The arms dealer was not stupid and immediately realized the risks and crises behind this. However, he could not believe that the dignified Free Army general was actually dead. However, the man in front of him did not look like he was lying to him. After thinking about it, the arms dealer did not answer immediately. Zheng asked the question, but picked up the phone and started dialing. What he said was in the local dialect. Luo Zheng couldn't understand a word, but he could guess that the other party must be confirming the authenticity of the news. He didn't rush him and waited patiently.

After a while, the weapons dealer put down the phone and looked at Luo Zheng with a sullen face, his eyes flickering as if he was making some kind of decision. Luo Zheng looked at the other party with interest without saying a word, and continued to wait. Some words were too much, and he stayed. It's better to give the other person some space to think wildly.

At this moment, the room was quiet, and time seemed to have frozen. You could even hear each other's breathing and heartbeats. After a while, the weapons dealer sat down with a dejected look on his face, as if he had suddenly become much older. Luo Zheng observed the other party carefully and vaguely guessed that the other party had a close relationship with the general of the Free Army. Otherwise, a businessman who pursues profit would not be able to give up his heart for a dead person.

"Who are you here to represent?" the weapons dealer asked in a heavy voice.

"The State of China and the Vice President have reached a cooperation." Luo Zheng said calmly. For smart people, just stop there and there is no need to explain everything.

The arms dealer's expression changed again. He looked deeply at Luo Zheng without saying a word. His face was uncertain. After a while, the arms dealer sighed and said: "With your support, it seems that it is only a matter of time before the vice president unifies the country." Yes, what do you want me to do?"

"I just said it." Seeing that the other party had made a choice, Luo Zheng smiled lightly.

"It's just as simple as kidnapping?" the weapons dealer asked in disbelief.

Luo Zheng was startled and looked at the other party in surprise. He had a vague feeling that the other party might not be as simple as a weapons dealer. His mind was spinning rapidly and he asked tentatively: "What do you hope?"

"I hope to have a suitable identity." The weapons dealer said solemnly.

"That depends on your performance." Upon hearing this, Luo Zheng became more sure of his guess, but he didn't know what it was, so he could only continue to play riddles with the other party and asked tentatively: "I can't promise you any request, but I can Promise to bring your demands to the Vice President, don’t you think?”

"I understand. You have a national policy and tradition of non-interference in internal affairs. I understand. I hope you can give a message to the Vice President. I need a suitable position. Logistics is fine. I don't like fighting. I am a businessman and I like to do it. Business, I like the feeling of all kinds of colorful money flowing into my pocket." The weapons dealer said in a deep voice.

"Yes, business requires fairness in transactions." Luo Zheng said with a faint smile.

"I did what you said for free, and I guarantee that nothing will be missed. In addition, I can donate 20,000 guns, 50,000 grenades, 1,000 RPGs, 10,000 supporting rockets, and 500 grenades. One hundred thousand rounds of bullets for the national unification war." The weapons dealer said seriously.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that the other party actually had so many weapons, and he didn't expect that this greedy guy would be willing to donate them unconditionally. There must be something fishy in this, so he immediately asked bluntly: "Why did you do this?"

"I only have one condition. The general is dead and the clan will not hold him accountable. I can swear on behalf of the whole clan that I will never take revenge." The weapons dealer said seriously.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he suddenly understood. This guy should be related to the general of the Free Army. He was worried about the vice president's pursuit, so he used these weapons to atone for his crimes and give his people a way to live. No wonder he was so decadent and worried just now. It turns out that there is still this layer After thinking about the inside story, Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "I will convey your request truthfully. I can't guarantee whether it will come true. Considering that you and I have cooperated before, I will try my best to persuade you."

"Thank you very much." The arms dealer said gratefully: "I won't hide it from you. The weapons I just mentioned were presented to the Free Army by some mysterious people on the condition that the company and embassy that besieged your country are all Brand new, untouched.”

"How much do you know about those mysterious people?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"I don't know at all, it's all the general who is in contact." The weapons dealer replied truthfully.

"Understood." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, got up and walked outside. The matter has exceeded Luo Zheng's expectation. He didn't expect that this weapons dealer is actually a relative of the general of the Free Army. No wonder he can sell weapons here. No one is in charge, things are beyond control, and the rest depends on the vice president's choice.

The weapons dealer sent Luo Zheng out of the yard with a gift and sent a car to the entrance of the Presidential Palace. Luo Zheng was silent along the way, thinking about something on his mind. After getting off the car, Luo Zheng hurried to the Vice President's office. The Vice President was handling official business. When he saw Luo Zheng came over with a sullen face. Knowing that something was going on, he quickly stood up to greet him and signaled for everyone else to go out.

Luo Zheng asked Sora Ishii to leave temporarily, and the two sat opposite each other. Luo Zheng explained in detail the purpose of meeting the arms dealer. The vice president carefully inquired about the address, and after confirming the identity of the arms dealer, he pondered. He was worthy of being a tycoon of a generation. The vice president quickly made a decision and said in a deep voice: "I will ask my assistant to come over for this matter later. I can agree to any of his requests. The logistics department needs a person in charge of weapons. Since he is proficient in this, let him Come take charge, what do you think?"

"This is your internal affairs, so I won't interfere. However, I am personally curious. Are you not afraid of him messing around?" Luo Zheng couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Don't be afraid. He can donate so many weapons to his tribe, which shows that he is a person who values ​​friendship. As long as his tribe is in the country, he will not mess around. As long as I show my sincerity, I believe he will not have two intentions. If we cooperate, There are two benefits, and two harms if divided, and he must also understand this principle." The vice president said solemnly.

Luo Zheng was filled with admiration when he saw that the Vice President had seen so thoroughly, and smiled and said: "Then it's settled."

"Hahaha, thanks to you again this time, otherwise I wouldn't know how to deal with it. They are part of the Free Army, and it would be best for them to kidnap them. Thank you very much." The vice president said with sincere gratitude.

"You're welcome, we have a cooperative relationship. If we work together, we will both benefit, and if we divide, we will suffer two harms." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Yes, cooperation will benefit both sides, and division will cause two harms. However, the Dark Church may not let the government troops return. At present, nearly half of the troops are willing to return. How can these people come back safely? I am not good at military matters. I hope I can get your help." The vice president said solemnly, looking at Luo Zheng with shining eyes full of hope.


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