The strongest soldier

Chapter 3671 Brutal Fight

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. Luo Zheng held the military thorn tightly, kicked an enemy away and quickly looked at the position. The enemy and we were already strangled together. At this time, shooting may hurt one of our own. The best way is to use The army in hand assassinated the enemy, and the other blocking team that stayed behind showed its great advantage at this time and was constantly firing to kill the lone target.

"Hoo ho--" Several sounds of metal tearing the air sounded. Luo Zheng turned his head and saw that the stone well was in the air like a ghost, dodging among the enemy groups. It was completely unpredictable. The ruins under his feet were as flat as walking on the ground, unaffected by anything. Normally, the military spur in the hand is powerful and heavy, and it continuously hits the target's vital points, killing it with one blow.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng knew the fighting power of ninjas, and had also fought against Sora Ishii. In a fair fight, Luo Zheng was confident that he could defeat Sora Ishii, but in this case, Luo Zheng found that he was not as fast as Sora Ishii in killing enemies, and he couldn't help but be eager to win. Eager, he roared and charged forward.

How could the ordinary Free Army be Luo Zheng's opponent? In the blink of an eye, he knocked down five or six targets who tried to attack. Luo Zheng soon met up with Ishii Sora and shouted with great pride: "Haha, good tricks, let's compare, let's see. How about who kills more?"

"And me! Me!" Suddenly, several voices of the same unwillingness to be outdone came from not far away.

Luo Zheng knew as soon as he heard that it was the brothers from the second group who came to join him after hearing his order. He was overjoyed. At this moment, Ishii Sora suddenly shouted coldly: "We found the target, I'm going to go, you guys hurry up."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was startled. He turned around and looked around, and found Ishii Sora jumping towards a person with flying steps. The person was neatly knocking down two guards, and one of them had his head smashed directly. The attack was fierce. , his body was exuding an icy murderous aura, Luo Zheng reacted and shouted: "Brothers, find the master, be careful."

"Understood." Everyone roared angrily and dispersed, but they did not leave too far away from Luo Zheng. They were secretly on guard, fearing that something might happen to Luo Zheng.

"Puff-puff--" Two Free Soldiers' necks were quickly torn open by Luo Zheng with military thorns. Blood flowed wildly. Luo Zheng, whose eyes were red from the killing, didn't even look at each other. He strode forward with a sharp gaze. Locking on a target, the opponent kicked a guard away. The guard flew backwards far away and fell to the ground motionless.

"Seeking death!" Luo Zheng roared angrily, kicked his feet, and rushed forward like a cannonball. He tightened the spurs on his hands. When he got closer, he suddenly struck out, biting the opponent's waist like a poisonous snake. , the military thorn has a blood groove. Once it is stabbed in the waist, a large amount of air will pour in, and there is no chance of survival.

At this time, the opponent struck with a backhand, and the two spurs collided fiercely. Luo Zheng felt a large force sweeping over him. The spur in his hand could not be held firmly and fell. He was shocked. He looked closely and saw that the opponent's spur was in his hand. The spurs on his body also fell to the ground, and the two faced each other, a little more wary. Luo Zheng did not expect that the other party's strength and speed could reach such an extent, and he was secretly wary.

"Roar -" The opponent roared as if he had been insulted, and rushed towards Luo Zheng. With a bloody chill, he launched a fatal blow to the Siberian brown bear.

"Kill -" Not to be outdone, Luo Zheng took half a step forward, reached out with his big hand, and grabbed the fist of the opponent who was running straight towards him. He pulled hard with his hand, and then pulled it to the side. The opponent was already rushing forward. His body moved further forward, losing its center. The body involuntarily moved to one side, exposing the flaw under his armpits.

With a sound of "Boom--", Luo Zheng's iron fist hit the opponent's soft ribs hard. With the sound of bone cracking, the opponent snorted coldly, took a step to the side, turned around, raised his foot, and kicked Luo Zheng's abdomen. , Luo Zheng was so aware that he took two steps back to avoid this powerful and heavy kick.

When the opponent's big foot, which was whipped like a steel whip, left his abdomen, Luo Zheng reached out and grabbed it. As fast as lightning, he grabbed the opponent's ankle bone. With five fingers, he tightened it like a steel plier and kicked it hard with his feet. , the body exploded and took a step back, pulling the other party back as well.

As a result, the opponent did not have enough strength when one foot was on the ground, so he was pulled forward and jumped one step forward to avoid falling to the ground. At this time, Luo Zheng raised his foot and kicked the inside of the opponent's knee hard, and one of the opponent's feet was caught. There was no way to jump up and dodge, so he was kicked and fell to his knees.

At this time, Luo Zheng grabbed the opponent's foot with his other hand, and twisted it in the opposite direction with both hands almost at the same time. With a click, the opponent's bones were broken, and the opponent let out a shrill scream, letting go of the night owl, with endless emotions. The pain and anger spread far away, and the entire leg suddenly became useless.

Luo Zheng crippled the opponent's legs and planned to catch him alive, but found that the opponent picked up the military thorn on the ground, pushed his arm hard on the ground, and his body rose into the air. The military thorn stabbed towards Luo Zheng like lightning, like a poisonous snake in the dark, Luo Zheng quickly He turned sideways to avoid the fatal blow and punched the opponent directly in the head, knocking him unconscious to the ground.

With a sound of "Puff——", a bullet hit the opponent's body, and the opponent screamed in pain again. His body rolled around and became motionless. His eyes were wide open, looking at the empty night sky full of unwillingness. He couldn't understand why. Will die on this night, in this ruins.

Luo Zheng guessed that one of the remaining sniper team members shot and helped him. Out of good intentions, he missed an opportunity to catch someone alive. These experts who suddenly appeared made Luo Zheng full of curiosity, and he always wanted to capture someone alive. See what's going on. The opponent is dead. Luo Zheng quickly looked elsewhere helplessly, only to find that Ishii Sora and several brothers were fighting with a master. The enemy was defeated and began to retreat. The blocking team occupied the number of people. The advantage is that the game is very busy.

"Quick fight." Luo Zheng roared and rushed forward.

There was no road at all in the ruins, and there were bumps everywhere. Luo Zheng almost jumped forward and rushed forward. Wherever he passed, all the Free Army soldiers were ruthlessly wiped out. Without a general in hand, Luo Zheng quickly rushed to the stone well. In front of Sora, I discovered two masters lying on the ground. Their hearts were stabbed. There was some blood on Ishii Sora's body. I couldn't figure out whose it was. Another master came up from the diagonal stab.

Ishii Sora was fighting with a master. He didn't panic when he saw another master coming towards him. He was preparing to deal with it. When he saw Luo Zheng charging up from the side, he pounced on the enemy like a ghost. He snorted coldly and quickly gave up on the attacking enemy. Concentrating on the enemy coming in front of him, the military thorn in his hand was faster and a bit weirder, looking like a god of death in the moonlight.

The enemy Ishii Sora fought with was not simple. He actually blocked Ishii Sora's lightning attack and still had enough energy to counterattack. Ishii Sora knew that he couldn't attack hard. He swayed his body and disappeared from a distance. What ninjas are best at is speed. Suddenly, Coming, suddenly leaving, suddenly taking action, it is impossible to guard against it. As a chrysanthemum-level ninja, Ishii Sora is stronger in this aspect.

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