The strongest soldier

Chapter 3661 Scar reappears

The warm sunshine quietly shrouded the suffering Presidential Palace. The alarm sound in the Presidential Palace has been heard. There is no harsh sound. It is quiet. No one can be seen. It is weird. In the direction of the gate, a long The convoy stopped, and countless armed men hid behind the car to maintain security. The cold muzzles of their guns were aimed in the direction of the Presidential Palace. The black muzzles exuded the smell of death in the sunlight.

The motorcade was also quiet. The large number of armed men hiding behind the motorcade held their breaths. No one dared to make a loud noise. Only one person was shouting with a loudspeaker. Further away, all residential buildings had their doors closed. , even the children playing outside were carried into the house by adults, the windows were closed tightly, and the curtains were drawn, as if they were being implicated.

Some vehicles drove over, and when they saw the long convoy, they quickly stopped and turned around, fearing that they would be devastated if they were too late. After a while, no one could be seen around, and no one dared to come to this area. The long convoy exuded a cold fighting spirit, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, as if a spark would explode.

Suddenly, dozens of rockets were fired from the building in the direction of the main entrance of the Presidential Palace. Whoosh! The rockets tore through the space with their hot tail flames, creating a terrifying airflow in the void and heading towards the convoy. The armed men hiding behind the convoy were shocked and looked for places to hide.

"Boom, boom, boom -" explosions sounded one after another. Countless vehicles were overturned, rolled a few times in the air and then fell heavily. The car body burst into flames instantly, and the complete convoy was in a mess without waiting for the armed personnel to react. Coming over, another round of rockets whizzed away, slammed into other vehicles, and exploded with a bang, engulfing the entire vehicle and blowing it up.

After two rounds of attacks, the Rocket Team quickly evacuated the scene. The Free Army outside was completely angry after being bombed. After waiting for a while, no more rocket attacks were seen. They all crawled out of the bunker and locked the position of the Presidential Palace with their guns. Their eyes were red and howling. It screamed strangely and looked like it wanted to eat people, but no one dared to open fire without orders.

The staff member who shouted was not attacked, but he shouted angrily after seeing the destroyed vehicle. Xu Gang, who was hiding in the bell tower, asked curiously: "Translator, what was he shouting?"

"He said he came with sincerity. It was the Presidential Guards who wanted to start a war, so don't blame them for being rude." the translator explained angrily.

"It seems that they are hurt from being beaten. What I want is to provoke them. Then it is their turn to attack. Inform all the troops to act according to the original plan, and no one is allowed to mess around." Xu Gang warned excitedly, not being disturbed at all. The large number of Free Army soldiers outside frightened me.

The translator saw that his guess was correct. Xu Gang did this to anger the Free Army, so he quickly passed the order knowingly. Soon, the translator saw that the Free Army also started to respond with rockets. Rockets roared in one after another and hit the outer room. Buildings, the walls of buildings were blown down, rockets fell in the rooms, and the whole building quickly collapsed.

Xu Gang watched this scene coldly, unmoved. The buildings in the outbuildings were all empty, and the people inside had been asked to leave. There was no need to worry at all. It was just right to use up the opponent's ammunition. As for what to do after the house collapsed, That was the Vice President's problem. Xu Gang didn't think about it at all, as long as he won.

"Boom, boom, boom -" rockets roared in one after another, destroying buildings one after another. More buildings in the outbuildings collapsed into ruins, but the Free Army did not give up. They looked crazy, and the heavy machine guns also fired at them. The building was strafed violently, the bullets penetrated the wall, and then the rocket exploded, causing the entire wall to collapse.

The sound of rocket explosions, bullet strafing, and the collapse of building walls merged together, resounding through the sky and spreading far away. Xu Gang on the clock tower watched this scene calmly, unmoved, and the corners of his mouth curled up A sneer, at this attack speed, the heavy firepower of the Free Army will be exhausted soon.

The translator also saw the benefits of doing this and said excitedly: "The general has been completely angered by your preemptive bombing just now. No wonder you just asked me about the general's character. It turns out that you deliberately angered him to make them react wildly and consume their energy. Bullets, good idea.”

"So many rooms were bombed, the vice president won't blame me, right?" Xu Gang said with a smile.

"Isn't it possible? If the house collapses, it can be rebuilt. If you lose, you will have nothing. Once the Free Army succeeds in seizing power, the entire country will continue to live in dire straits. What does a mere room mean?" Translator Shen He said in a clear voice, but he understood the righteousness well. No wonder he was sent by his assistant to translate.

When Luo Zheng saw the enemy starting to move out, he snorted coldly and said: "The house in front was blown down. They can't penetrate from the room. With the only way in the middle, our plan will be more successful."

The translator also knew that there were a large number of troops ambushed in the back room. He smiled knowingly, gave a thumbs up and said sincerely: "Provoking the general will not only make them attack like crazy, but also block the possibility of them infiltrating from other places. Kill two birds with one stone. You have a strong ability to make decisions on the fly.”

"The Free Army did not encounter any resistance when they attacked crazily. They will become more arrogant and irrational. Once they enter the ambush circle, our opportunity will come. We will inform the troops and prepare them. We must launch the attack according to the original plan." , we must evacuate immediately after the fight, and no one is allowed to fight." Xu Gang warned.

"Understood." The translator agreed and quickly conveyed the order.

Xu Gang raised his telescope and continued to observe the enemy situation ahead. The bell tower was built on the top floor of the Presidential Palace, directly facing the middle street. It had a wide field of vision and the enemy situation was clear at a glance. Because the distance was a bit far, the enemy bullets would not fire at the bell tower. He saw a large number of enemies rushing in. In the ruins that were blown up, the monster screamed and rushed forward. Xu Gang snorted disdainfully and continued to observe.

Suddenly, Xu Gang saw the nearly a hundred armed men who were rushing up, keeping their distance, and not swarming forward. There was a familiar figure, and he couldn't help but take a closer look. Shocked, he immediately became angry. This bastard almost broke into the embassy and committed a heinous crime. I was worried that I couldn't find him, but he actually showed up at the door.

"Brothers, if you find Scar, whoever has the conditions to kill him immediately." Xu Gang said coldly.

"Understood!" Someone responded in a deep voice.

Xu Gang didn't know why the other party, Scar, appeared here, but since he was here, he must not let it go, otherwise it would be unforgivable and he would feel guilty for the rest of his life. Suddenly, Xu Gang was startled and thought of another possibility. Scar was not a direct descendant of the general. How come the troops are the first to rush forward? Doesn't the general want a quick victory? What's the conspiracy behind this? Where is the general's main attack direction? Xu Gang was shocked when he thought of this, and a cold sweat broke out on his back.

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