The strongest soldier

Chapter 3646 The situation reverses

The first three chapters have been updated to the previous content. They have been replaced with new content and will not be charged repeatedly. Please review it. Thank you for your continued support.

In the dim embassy hall, the heavy floor collapsed and destroyed everything. It looked like the God of Death was mocking. The fire was extinguished. Countless people were suppressed below and could not be seen. Many people outside were suppressed with most of their bodies and struggled. Unable to come out, he shouted in pain to his companions for help. Wails, screams, and moans were heard, and the air was filled with grief and anger.

The floor slab was too thick and too big. Even if it fell down and broke into pieces, each piece was still not small. It tightly suppressed the people below. The armed men who rushed to save people couldn't move it at all. Several people had to join forces. Dao Scar felt like Knife twisting, so many people died in one fell swoop, so what if we won the battle? Without soldiers or guns, even if the general is generous, he will face the situation of being reorganized. At that time, he can only be a small leader and cannot be a general in charge.

Thinking of this, Scar was furious, and another mouthful of blood came up, but he felt that his heart was breathing easier and his mind was calmer. He immediately arranged for a leader to lead people to watch the stairs and windows to prevent the opponent from taking the opportunity to counterattack. All personnel were involved in the rescue effort, and a unit on standby outside was notified to find a way to rush in for support.

I have to say that Scar's safety was correct. Luo Zheng upstairs really wanted to take the opportunity to launch a counterattack and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop. However, facing the intensive fire blockade, he couldn't go downstairs at all, so he had to give up. Although the fourth floor was not particularly high. , based on everyone’s ability, we can still jump down safely, but there are risks. Luo Zheng thought about it and gave up.

It is difficult to save people without tools. The heavy floor slabs are all made of deconstructed cement and steel bars. It takes several people to lift a piece. Even if the people trapped underneath are rescued, they cannot receive timely treatment. They also face the threat of death. Everywhere. It was all wailing, and there were screams everywhere.

Scar looked at this scene blankly, doubting his own command. The fire attack was not wrong. Why was it like this? Who is the opponent, and how could he come up with such a cracking tactic? Will you really win if you keep fighting? Scar's firm confidence was shaken, and he carefully recalled the normal battle, and suddenly found that every link was calculated by the enemy. This was a huge trap, and he actually jumped in with cooperation.

Thinking of the trench at the gate, the opponent's intensive grenade attack, the heavy machine gun at the entrance of the hall, and the opponent's decisive abandonment of the first floor, isn't everything a calculated trap? Didn’t I suffer heavy losses every time? Thinking of this scar, he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. Suddenly a question came to his mind, why did the general send his own motley army to attack here? Is it just because of the convenience of status?

The more Scar thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. The bitter pill of failure was hard to swallow. Scar was unwilling to give in. But seeing the corpses on the ground and the wailing sounds everywhere, the morale of the troops was already low. Can they win if they continue to fight? Scar didn't know and didn't dare to think about it anymore. He looked up involuntarily and saw the floor of the fourth floor vividly in his mind. If the enemy bombed again and the floor collapsed, how many people would he have left?

"Chief, where is the leader?" an urgent voice roared.

"You're not dead yet, why are you crying?" Scar roared angrily.

"Chief, your brother is dead." The other party shouted urgently.

"What, what did you say?" Scar was shocked. He rushed forward in a few steps, grabbed the other person's collar and shouted. Seeing that the other person's face was full of pain and speechless, he became furious and threw the other person aside to check. When I got up, I soon found a person lying on the ground not far away. His flesh and blood were so bloody that you couldn't tell them apart unless you looked carefully.

Scar rushed forward and squatted down to check. Sure enough, it was his younger brother who depended on him for life. He was furious and started wailing, ah——! The wailing sound was like a sad hungry wolf, and a cold murderous intention filled the air. Everyone changed their color after hearing this, and retreated one after another, for fear of being implicated.

"Brother, your spirit in heaven will watch me avenge you." Scar is indeed a hero. He quickly calmed down his emotions, placed the body on the ground, motioned to the two people around him to carry it away, stood up, and glanced at the whole place with his cold eyes. Everyone present shouted: "Come here, leaders of each team."

The leaders of the various armies did not dare to disobey Scar's will at this time, and gathered around them one after another. Scar pointed at the corpses on the ground and said in a deep voice: "We have suffered heavy losses in this battle, and there is no way out. For now, the only way is to fight to the death. After all, fortunately we still have troops on standby outside, what do you think?"

"It's up to you." Everyone expressed their opinions one after another. At this point in the battle, retreating would mean death. It is better to give it a try and gain wealth at risk. Besides, Scar was furious after his brother died. If he disobeyed, he might be killed. There is no need to mess with the law and enforce military discipline.

"Very good, the people here are responsible for rescuing people. Please notify the elite troops on standby outside to launch an attack from the outside. Let's attack from the inside and outside together. Tell them to send all the rockets to me upstairs. All Throw the grenades in, and don't leave a single bullet behind. If the ammunition is gone, you can replenish it. If it fails, none of us will be able to escape the order to be reorganized. Everyone knows what reorganization means." Scar said coldly.

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. They had all experienced reorganization and had reorganized others. They knew very well that anyone could stay during the reorganization, except for the leader of the unit. This was the best way to control a new unit. , is also a common method. If everyone doesn’t want to die, they can only fight hard.

"Where is the leader?" came an old voice.

When everyone saw that the person was Scar's aide, they all gave way, with curiosity in their eyes. This aide was controlling the troops outside, why did he suddenly come here? For example, something happened, and it was a big deal. Scar looked at the visitor and asked in surprise: "What happened again?"

"Chief, the government troops are here, many of them, and they sent an ultimatum to us to evacuate the embassy immediately, otherwise we will be killed without mercy." The aide said quickly, his face became anxious.

"What? This is impossible." All the leaders shouted almost in unison. Everyone knew that the government army and the Free Army were the same as each other. How could they come to help their opponents at this time? Scar also shouted in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"It's the vice president's guard." the staff quickly explained.

"Isn't he pro-Sam's country? Why is he helping the people inside?" Scar asked in surprise.

"I don't know either. Give us five minutes and we will launch the attack in five minutes." The staff member said quickly.

"Asshole, damn, why is this happening?" Scar roared angrily, like a wounded lion, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness. At this point in the battle, Scar was unwilling to retreat no matter what, and neither were the other leaders. They are willing to retreat, but in the face of the threat from government troops, everyone has to consider the consequences.

"What should we do?" The leaders all looked at Scar.

How does Scar know what to do? But he couldn't say these words. He glanced at the crowd coldly, his expression became dazed, as if he had become much older all of a sudden. After a while, he sighed helplessly and said unwillingly: "Retreat, keep the green mountains and don't worry about running out of firewood." burn."

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