The strongest soldier

Chapter 3637 Fierce battle at the door

At the entrance of the embassy, ​​behind the soil bag fortifications, Zhang Yang controlled the heavy machine gun and stared coldly in the direction of the front gate. Corpses had filled the trench in a thick layer, and the blood dyed the ground red. The strong smell of blood was pungent. , the enemy outside the gate stopped attacking. The gate seemed very quiet, but this quietness revealed a maddening weirdness. I wished I could get a few shots.

"Zhang Yang, where is the enemy singing?" Scud Ye Tong, the operator of another heavy machine gun next to him, asked curiously. In order to ensure the attack power at the gate, Zhang Yang not only took action personally, but also pulled up the best machine gun shooter. Ye Tong, most of the counterattacks just now were killed by Ye Tong.

"No matter where he comes from, it's best to retreat. The enemy is fierce when they come, and it seems that the total force is quite large." Zhang Yang said with a worried frown. He couldn't help but look up at the sky. The countless bullets in the sky kept flashing, as if The entire night sky was turned into a sieve, and the walls of the embassy were riddled with bullets. If it were not blocked by the wall, the enemy's firepower would definitely not miss the three-story building. It would be impossible for the two of them to guard the door with peace of mind. .

"That's right, just kill as many as you come." Ye Tong responded nonchalantly, his sharp eyes fixed on the direction of the door. Suddenly, an RPG stuck out from the side of the door. Ye Tong was shocked. He fired quickly and the RPG was shot. Hit the ground, an armed man behind was also knocked to the ground.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yang asked in a deep voice, looking over quickly.

"RPG, I'm afraid we can't hold it anymore." Ye Tong shouted anxiously. Ordinary bullets could not penetrate the thick layer of earth bags blocking the front. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, the fortifications formed by the accumulation of earth bags were one meter and a half high and two meters behind. , there is a steel plate barrier in the middle, and it is no problem for the two of them to hide behind it, but the RPG is different. The powerful shock wave is enough to overturn the earth bag blocking the front.

Zhang Yang was taken aback, looked at the door coldly and said, "Don't worry, wait and see."

"Understood." Ye Tong responded in a deep and understanding voice, a pair of sharp eyes constantly searching for the target.

"You can shoot the machine gun accurately. You are responsible for the RPG attacker. Leave the others to me." Zhang Yang suggested in a deep voice.

"Okay." Ye Tong agreed.

The two of them had a tacit understanding of the division of labor and each performed their duties, but soon, there was a loud bang at the gate, and a large piece of the wall was blown away by the red light of the explosion, collapsing to the ground, and dust was flying. Then there was another loud bang, and the gate The wall on the other side was also blown down, and a large piece fell down with a crash. Smoke filled the air. Zhang Yang vaguely saw many people rushing to lurk behind the collapsed pile of dirt.

"It's worse." Zhang Yang secretly thought, quickly aiming at the suspicious target and firing. Before, there was a gate blocking it, and it was only necessary to prevent the enemy from coming in through the gate, but now a large number of walls have been blown down, and the enemies are hiding in the collapsed piles of bricks and earth. A cold shot from behind would be difficult to hit, and the situation became critical.

"Ta-ta-ta--" The two of them kept firing at visible targets. The machine gun bullets roared. The growler pinned every enemy who tried to rush to the ground and waited for more firepower to come over. With the firepower of the two suppressed, it was difficult to find a chance to counterattack, so I could only shoot blindly based on feeling.

"Whoops -" A rocket roared, piercing the night sky, carrying a terrifying breath of death.

"No, squat down." Zhang Yang and Ye Tong shouted almost at the same time. They huddled up and squatted under the fortifications piled with soil bags. They held their heads with their hands, covered their ears, and shouted with their mouths wide, Reduce the impact of the sound waves of an impending rocket explosion on the brain.

"Boom -" there was a loud noise, and countless soil bags were blown up all over the sky, and a gap was blown out of the fortification. Then another rocket roared in, accurately hitting the soil bag fortification, causing a deafening explosion. With the sound, more earth bags were blown away, and the sky was filled with mud.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Intensive firepower swept over the fortifications, and more of them hit the fortifications, making a popping sound. The faces of Zhang Yang and Ye Tong who were hiding under the fortifications changed greatly, and they did not dare to look at them at all. After a quick glance, the two men held their guns in silence, listened carefully for a while, nodded in agreement, and rushed towards the door without hesitation.

The fortification was not very far from the gate. The two of them rushed in in two steps. They ducked and hid on both sides of the gate. They held the machine guns in their arms and took a breath. They quickly looked out and saw a large number of enemies rushing towards them. The two quickly Stand up, hold the machine gun and fire quickly.

"Kill——!" Almost at the same time, a class of security personnel hiding in the hall on the first floor also started shooting from the windows. Other combatants hidden on the second and third floors threw grenades downwards, and the grenades exploded when they hit the ground. , countless fragments flying around, how could the enemies rushing up with howling and strange sounds be able to withstand such a sharp counterattack? Row after row fell down, and when the enemies behind saw that something was wrong, they retreated and hid themselves, hiding behind the collapsed wall and dirt piles, and fired back, not daring to rush any more easily.

This is another beautiful counterattack. The tactics are very simple. Zhang Yang and Ye Tong use heavy machine guns to block the front and suppress the enemy with firepower. The guard platoon cooperates with firepower to block the enemy's charging speed. The second and third floors have been prepared long ago. The brothers took the opportunity to quickly throw down the grenades. The ones responsible for throwing the grenades were all recruits composed of employees. Everyone was not good at shooting, but throwing grenades was not difficult, and there was no need to be precise. Zhang Yang gave everyone only one order, Each person throws more than ten pieces in the shortest time.

Hundreds of grenades were thrown out at once, and they all exploded in the small entry square. The power of the explosion was by no means as simple as one plus one equals two. The explosion shock waves were superimposed together to form a powerful air wave. This air wave shook the people The doors and windows were crumbling, not to mention the people at the center of the explosion.

In just a minute or so, the enemy's fierce offensive was beaten back again. They did not expect that there would be such intensive firepower inside the embassy. They left nearly a hundred corpses behind and fled to hide far away in panic. They did not even dare to fight back. After all, they are a mob gathered together for profit. Although their fighting style is fierce and they are not afraid of death, they are not regular troops after all. They have not received professional training and their attack tactics are too crude. This kind of swarming attack method is undoubtedly courting death when faced with heavy machine guns, not to mention Such intensive grenade bombardment from friends.

In a few minutes, the troops responsible for the frontal attack suffered more than 200 casualties. The huge casualties made the enemy frightened and did not dare to attack again. At this time, the enemy offensive in other directions successfully broke through the wall due to insufficient blocking firepower, and screamed strangely. Come in and kill.

The situation became critical. Fortunately, the powerful enemy at the front was repulsed, and everyone was free to support the back door. But the enemy had already charged forward. How easy was it to stop them?

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