The strongest soldier

Chapter 3635 Psychological Incentives

On the roof of the embassy, ​​Luo Zheng and some people were observing the enemies who were surrounding them with great fanfare for several minutes. He couldn't figure out why they were surrounding but not attacking? Shouldn't the battle be about catching the opponent off guard and making it a quick victory? If he had enough troops, Luo Zheng would have wished he could have counterattacked.

Xu Gang took a few steps forward and fought side by side with Luo Zheng. He pointed forward and said in a deep voice: "Boss, is it possible that the enemy is preparing for some big move?"

"It's possible, but it's a pity that our equipment is not good. It would be great if we had sniper rifles." Luo Zheng said with some regret. Everyone had ordinary assault rifles and machine guns. They were not equipped with night vision devices. It was too dark and we couldn't see very far. Otherwise, we can directly use sniper incendiary bombs to launch a counterattack on the houses and burn out the people hiding inside. After thinking about it, Luo Zheng said in a deep voice through the headset: "Attention all units, don't panic, stay calm."

"Wha—" As soon as he finished speaking, a signal flare was launched into the sky, and the bright light illuminated the entire night sky.

Everyone was startled when they saw the bright signal flare, and immediately realized that the enemy was about to attack. They all became nervous, especially the staff who were participating in the war for the first time. They involuntarily tightened their guns, but when they saw the guard platoon or espionage workers around them, With a calm expression, he even rested with his back against the wall, not panicking at all, and everyone's nervousness calmed down a bit.

"Brothers, get in position." A firm voice sounded in the headset, and everyone quickly got into position.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Suddenly, gunshots rang out from all directions almost at the same time. The dense gunfire resounded through the sky like a heavy rain. Countless bright lights visible to the naked eye roared in, striking hard with cold murderous intent. There were bang-dong-dong sounds on the walls, windows, and doors. The window glass was shattered and fell with a low clatter. The wooden door was punched through, forming a terrible bullet hole.

The staff who participated in the war for the first time had never seen such terrifying fire coverage. They were so frightened that they were at a loss. Their muscles were tense and they seemed to be frozen. They forgot to dodge, forget to fight back, and even forgot to think. , the reactions that new recruits should have on their first battlefield were all reflected in everyone. Fortunately, they had been mentally prepared for a few days, so it was good that they didn't run out in fear.

Immediately, some veterans around them shouted dissatisfiedly and told everyone to lie down and take cover. Some even rushed forward and threw the staff exposed by the window to the ground. They cursed several times in anger. Everyone gradually calmed down and hurried to find someone nervously. He took shelter somewhere, but he still didn't dare to shoot, and he didn't even have the courage to peek out of the window. As soon as the enemy came up, they blocked it with saturation firepower, and the offensive was too fierce.

At this time, the role of veterans came to the fore. Whether they were members of the guard platoon or spies, they all found favorable terrain to hide, hid themselves, raised their guns and aimed outside, waiting for the opportunity unhurriedly. The enemy was just firing randomly outside. The attack had not yet been officially launched, which virtually gave the recruits an adaptation period.

Luo Zheng, who was on the top of the building, secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. If the enemy blew up the wall and attacked fiercely as soon as they came up, the reaction of the recruits would probably be worse. Now it's better. If the enemy used firepower for ten minutes before attacking, the recruits would You can get through the first nervous period and slowly regain your composure.

"Is this a siege from all sides?" Xu Gang looked around and said in a deep voice. The embassy building is six stories high, and the tallest building around is only two stories. Everyone's home is condescending, and they can see the surrounding situation clearly. The bullets fired by the enemy can only be shot violently. It can be hit above the third floor, but it will be blocked by the wall on the third floor, which is actually safer.

The roof of the building was protected by guardrails, and due to the angle, the enemies hiding in the residences could not hit Luo Zheng and the others. Luo Zheng quickly checked the surrounding situation and said in a deep voice: "The enemies are surrounded from all sides. It seems that there are no feint attacks. They are all The main attack is trying to take us down in one go, everyone, be careful and aim carefully before attacking, we are not in a hurry."

"Understood." Everyone's response sounded in the headset.

"Although the enemy is hiding in a residential building, the firepower is basically exposed. The angle of the roof and the shooting range are sufficient. Do we want to fight back?" Xu Gang suggested in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, although the enemy has exposed its firepower, the firepower is either inside the room or behind a solid bunker. It is a waste of bullets to fire at this time. Moreover, the enemy is conducting firepower reconnaissance. Let's give him a silent wait and not let him go." They know the details, I want to see when they attack." Luo Zheng said coldly, his eyes shining, full of the flames of war.

"That's right, let them fight first. New recruits, hurry up and adapt to the atmosphere of war. The whistling sound of the bullets flying past is so beautiful. Listen carefully and feel it. This method can help you adapt to the war as soon as possible. "Xu Gang suggested with a smile on the headset.

When the recruits heard that it could still be like this, they were immediately moved. They hid in a safe place and listened carefully. At first, they heard the dense bullets hitting the walls, doors, windows and other buildings. The thuds were so heartbreaking that their hearts beat rapidly. It was not easy, but after listening for a while, I realized that I was safe and that the terrifying sound of bullets did not pose a threat to me. My courage gradually increased and my whole body began to relax a lot.

After listening for a while, everyone found that bullets seemed to be fired regularly in certain places. There were no bullets in many places, and there were also many places where bullets could not get in. As long as you hide in these places and fight back, you will be fine. Everyone became more courageous. After a while, some people climbed up carefully and found a safe place to hide. They raised their guns and aimed outside to check, but no enemy was found. This made everyone more nervous and relaxed.

Xu Gang just gave a suggestion based on his past experience. He didn't know that his words made the recruits relax. Looking at the intensive firepower exposed around them, he continued: "The enemy is like a mouse hiding outside and getting angry, and they don't dare to come up easily. Please don't shoot, otherwise you will scare away the enemy, let them in and fight again."

"Hehe-" Someone laughed relaxedly.

More people laughed. Luo Zheng heard everyone's laughter through the headset and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he could laugh, it was enough to show that everyone's tension had been relieved and an important psychological hurdle had been passed, and things would be easier to handle later. Luo Zheng gave Xu Gang a thumbs up, took over the topic and said with a smile: "Brothers, our embassy has been transformed into a strong fortress. The enemy will die if they rush up. All you have to do is aim and fire to satisfy the enemy. My wish, tell me if it can be achieved."

"Yes." Someone agreed vaguely.

"Louder, I can't hear you." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice.

"Can--" Almost at the same time, everyone roared in unison, the shouts were so loud that they seemed to shatter the night. The recruits were infected by this strong self-confidence and murderous aura, and they also roared and vented their hearts. Feeling nervous and scared, the eyes looking outside gradually became firmer.

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