The strongest soldier

Chapter 3610 Safe Transfer

The retreat of the Free Army made the transfer much easier. Luo Zheng quickly asked someone to drive up a few military trucks. Each truck took turns to park at the iron gate. All the support lined up to get on the truck. The military trucks slowly headed towards the embassy area. However, in order to avoid unnecessary complications, Luo Zheng did not show up, but stayed in the crowd and commanded remotely. All matters on the surface were conveyed to Tang Wu through Zhang Yang, and Tang Wu had full authority to handle them.

With the escort of government troops and the withdrawal of the Free Army, there was no danger along the way. Although the team walked slowly, no accidents occurred. When they arrived at the entrance of the embassy, ​​it was completely dark, and the lights of the embassy building were particularly dazzling in the night. , there are armed guards at the door. Everyone has received the order long ago, and someone will come up to check the situation, and quickly let them go after confirming that everything is correct.

The reception work of the embassy was also well prepared. Everyone was quickly taken to a large vacated room. There was water and food in the room, and doctors were making preparations. At the door, Tang Wu and Zhang Yang continued to control the officer. , until all the staff went in, the officer was worried about being killed and silenced, and said in a panic: "Can you let me go now? Don't worry, I won't cause you trouble."

"It doesn't matter. If you want, you can come to us and cause trouble. It's better to die in your hands than in the hands of the Free Army. The Free Army destroys the corpses and eliminates traces. But no matter where you hide, you can't find them. It's hard to take revenge." , you are different, there is still the presidential palace, it is easy to find you." Tang Wu sneered indifferently.

"You guys go in first." Zhang Yang whispered from the side.

Tang Wu nodded knowingly, made a gesture, and quickly pushed into the embassy with the others. The embassy was of a special nature. Attacking the embassy was an attack on a country's sovereignty. No one dared to shoot easily. Zhang Yang and others also entered after they entered. He got out of the car, but his vigilance did not diminish. He continued to lock the officer with his gun and walked away in reverse.

After retreating to the door of the embassy, ​​Zhang Yang swayed and stepped in. The large iron door of the embassy slammed shut, blocking the government troops outside. The officer stared at the large iron door with a cold face, filled with anger and not knowing how to vent it. Some subordinate officers gathered around and stared at the big iron gate fiercely, like wolves and tigers, but they did not dare to suggest opening fire.

The embassy is part of the country. Attacking the embassy is too serious a crime. No one dares to take this risk. The officer stared coldly at the big iron door, breathing heavily, his eyes full of anger, but the last trace of reason allowed the officer to remain restrained. , after a while, the officer said coldly: "Withdraw!"

After giving the order, the government troops hurriedly withdrew, leaving dust on the ground. Zhang Yang, who was hiding behind the big iron gate to monitor everything, breathed a sigh of relief and immediately reported the situation to Luo Zheng through the headset. Luo Zheng was secretly spying with the ambassador. He quickly told Zhang Yang to monitor the surroundings, take over the defense, and notified Xu Gang and others to come and join them as soon as possible. The danger was temporary. Xu Gang and others were not safe outside, so they might as well return to the team.

In the ambassador's office, the ambassador in his early fifties looked at Luo Zheng with curiosity. He had a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He looked more like a decisive soldier on the sofa. Luo Zheng was also curious. He was very versatile in diplomatic work. This How could a person smell like a soldier? I couldn't help but ask out of curiosity: "Is the ambassador from a military background?"

"I have good eyesight, I'm in chaos here. It's not suitable for ordinary people to come here. I, a person from the military, are more suitable. What do you think?" the ambassador said with a smile.

"It makes sense. This place is indeed chaotic. How is our ability to protect ourselves?" Luo Zheng asked straight to the point. Since the ambassador is a soldier, there is no need to beat around the bush.

Soldiers wanted to be direct. Seeing that Luo Zheng had a good temper, the ambassador said with a smile: "A platoon of guards. Considering the chaos here, the guards sent from home are veterans with rich combat experience. As peacekeepers, they have good combat effectiveness. But the number of people is a little small, and there are not many weapons and ammunition."

"It will be easier if the guard has strong combat effectiveness. As for the weapons and ammunition, we got some when we came here. It is enough for the time being, but there is no heavy firepower such as machine guns." Luo Zheng said with some regret.

"We do have two heavy machine guns here. I have deployed them at the commanding heights. They can overlook the entire embassy and shoot from all angles. However, the two forces outside are entangled and it is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. The embassies of various countries have closed their doors. , waiting for the opportunity, but I'm worried that this is not the right time." The ambassador had already learned about Luo Zheng's true identity from the country, without any concealment, and said in a worried voice.

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked, sitting upright and listening carefully. Know yourself and your enemy and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles. This is the basic essence of the art of war. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless. Tang Wu knew a lot about it, but Luo Zheng was worried about omissions.

The ambassador looked at Luo Zheng deeply, not sure how much Luo Zheng knew. After thinking about it, he said seriously: "The local government army is no longer the same as before. Since the president was changed, the local government has changed drastically. Many ideas and ideas have changed. Strategic decisions have changed, and the reason is unknown. In addition, the Free Army should be the same as the government forces, they are just wolves released by the government forces to plunder and plunder wealth for them."

"Are you saying that the Free Army is a force secretly supported by the government forces?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It is possible, but I think that both the government army and the Free Army are puppets, and there is a force behind them controlling them. The government army is responsible for occupying morality, and the Free Army is responsible for plundering wealth. When the wealth is almost accumulated, It is estimated that the Free Army will announce its disbandment or be recruited by the government forces, or even disappear. At that time, the government forces will take a strong step to unify the country, and use the looted wealth for people's livelihood, win over people's hearts, stabilize society, and at the same time use the wealth for military expansion. This The country is too poor, and using the Free Army is the best and fastest way to get rich." The ambassador analyzed in a deep voice.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng thought in a deep voice. The ambassador's analysis was the same as Tang Wu's, which shows that the authenticity of this matter is very high. If so, why did the Free Army suddenly run away when they retreated? Even if you don't want to confront the government troops, there's no need to run. Wouldn't it be better to follow them and then surround the embassy? Is there something weird in this? Are the two armies not monolithic?

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up when he thought of this, and he looked at the ambassador for verification and asked: "Mr. Ambassador, do you mean that both the government army and the Free Army are controlled by another organization, and that they are in a parallel relationship, not a subordinate relationship? That is, Say, there is competition between them?”

"Although there is a division of labor, there will definitely be internal competition. How will the rights be distributed after the merger of the two in the future? Who will lead? There are too many things involved. How can the top leaders of the Free Army be willing to be directly merged by the government forces? Competition is certain, but it is not They will openly start a war because the organization behind them is more powerful, and I don’t know the specific organization." The ambassador explained with some regret.

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