The strongest soldier

Chapter 3599 Inexplicable Worry

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng hurriedly inspected the situation in the other two villas, and asked Tang Wu to calm the emotions of the employees in the two villas. He checked the surrounding enemy situation on the roof of one of the villas. Two brothers from the special service team were on guard around the area, and four spies were on guard. Gong Ye found a place to hide and wait, and glanced at Luo Zheng curiously from time to time. Everyone was very excited to be able to fight side by side with Luo Zheng, the spiritual leader of the Crime Bureau and a god of war, and they forgot about their worries and worries.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng found that from time to time people went up to the roof to observe from inside the residence. Perhaps they were afraid of everyone's marksmanship, so they did it very covertly. After a few glances, they quickly retreated, and then quietly came up again. Luo Zheng felt that something was wrong. The enemy knew that something was wrong. Knowing that he has already arrived but still not attacking, I am afraid that some big move is brewing.

It would be okay if all the civilian residences were occupied by the Free Army. Luo Zheng could attack indiscriminately, but there were still some ordinary local people living in the residence. Everyone was innocent. Due to the force of the Free Army, they had to provide their rooms to The Free Army was hiding. Although Ci did not control the troops, Luo Zheng could not kill innocent people.

"Xu Gang, I heard the answer." Luo Zheng suddenly whispered.

"If you hear it, please speak." Xu Gang's voice sounded in the headset.

"I feel something is wrong. The enemy may be planning a major counterattack. The five of you spread out and infiltrate up, look for opportunities to launch sneak attacks, disrupt their deployment, wait until dark, and get heavy weapons by the way." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. , the enemy's situation is unknown, he hides and does not show his presence, and it is impossible to fight without fighting.

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed wholeheartedly. With the skills of the brothers, they were able to sneak attack alone. They could advance and retreat freely. If they could beat them, they would fight. If they couldn't, they would run away. In this area with scattered residential buildings and complex terrain, if the brothers wanted to run away, Absolutely no one can catch up.

Luo Zheng also knew that Xu Gang and others were sharp knives. There was no need to worry about safety issues. With everyone disrupting the situation, the enemy would be disrupted even if they had a conspiracy. He immediately asked Xu Gang and others to take action while telling the brothers in the manor to prepare for battle. , lest the enemy take advantage of the chaos and sneak in.

The battle was about to break out and he could not relax. Luo Zheng checked the weapons in his hands and asked a spy to send a few matching magazines for backup. He waited patiently and continued through the headset: "Headquarters, hear the answer."

"If you hear it, please speak." Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset. The intelligence station was deployed by Hong Meihua. Hong Meihua was very concerned about everything that happened here, so naturally she was at the headquarters to provide support.

"Is there a safe area around? It's not suitable for so many people here. They must be moved." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his cold eyes constantly searching for the surrounding enemies.

"The whole city is in chaos. If you go out, you will be exposed. The intelligence station is not very far from the embassy. If you can't, just go to the embassy to take refuge. But the transfer process will be very dangerous. Do you want to put pressure on the local government in the name of the country? They send troops to protect them, and at least drive away the enemies hidden in the surrounding residential areas." Hong Meihua suggested in a deep voice, with a hint of anxiety in her words.

"You can try, but don't have high hopes. In which direction is the embassy?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood, the embassy is to the east of you, three streets away, three thousand meters away in a straight line. Do you need to get in touch with them? But they are not having a hard time. They are also surrounded by the Free Army. The guards in the embassy are not enough to ensure the safety of the embassy. They can't. Send some help." Hong Meihua said quickly.

"It's too chaotic here. We don't have enough manpower. We need support." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Well, I'll arrange an airborne landing right away." Hong Meihua agreed.

Luo Zheng knew very well that airborne landing would take time. The journey was far away, maybe two days, maybe three days, but anything could happen before that. If there was no time to support him, he would have to rely on himself for everything. After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "Can Can’t you get in touch with the top brass of the Free Army?”

"You want to negotiate?" Hong Meihua asked in surprise.

"It's best if we can talk. If we can't, we can delay the time." Luo Zheng explained in a low voice.

"What a great idea. I'll find a way to contact them right away." Hong Meihua quickly agreed.

Luo Zheng agreed without relaxing at all. If the black hand behind all this is the Dark Church, the negotiation will be impossible. If the Free Army has nothing to do with the Dark Church, the negotiation will be difficult to achieve. The Free Army must have a lot of appetite for making such a big move. , as a soldier, Luo Zheng will certainly not agree to any rude demands of the Free Army. If the negotiation fails, the battle will continue, but it should be able to delay it for a day or two.

No matter what, Luo Zheng had to give it a try. Every employee here couldn't afford to lose. After explaining the red plum blossoms, Luo Zheng continued to stare at the surroundings. Suddenly, he heard intensive gunfire from a place, followed by a loud explosion. , Luo Zheng found that a residential building had been blown down, black smoke billowed, and a fire broke out.

Immediately afterwards, intensive gunfire rang out, but unfortunately no one could be seen. After a while, Luo Zheng could feel the gunfire gradually fading away. He guessed that one of his brothers had successfully evacuated after a sneak attack. Then, another sound rang out. Hearing the sound of explosions and intensive gunfire, Luo Zheng turned around and saw that a house was in flames. The bullets and flames kept flashing, making it look very chaotic.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene and smiled. The brothers' sneak attacks may not be able to fundamentally hurt the enemy, but piecemeal attacks can not only turn small victories into big victories, but also disrupt the enemy's deployment. As for safety issues, with Xu Gang and others' In terms of strength, those Free Army soldiers who have not received strict training are no match at all. Even if they can't stop them and run away for a while, there will be no problem.

It didn't take long for Luo Zheng to stop laughing. Xu Gang and others did attract many enemies, but there were too many. The shouts were louder than the gunshots. They were everywhere on the streets. After a rough estimate, there were not even a thousand enemies. After being hundreds of times bigger, Xu Gang and others had to retreat separately. Not long after, the enemies retreated into the residences again. The residences that had been lively for a while returned to silence, but there was a strange, invisible aura of chilling that made Luo Zheng worried.

The enemy has clearly been exposed, but he doesn't evacuate. Why? With so many people here, can the government troops feel at ease? Aren't you afraid of encirclement and suppression by government troops? Or is there a deeper reason behind this? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but trembled, an inexplicable uneasiness surged into his heart, and he quickly said in a deep voice through the headset: "Xu Gang, get out of the battlefield first, and find an opportunity to capture the person in charge of the enemy here."

"Understood." Xu Gang's voice sounded in the headset, with the sound of rapid breathing like running.

"Headquarters, get in touch with the government troops as soon as possible. If not, help us find a safe spot or vehicle. This place has become a trap and we must leave as soon as possible." Luo Zheng continued through the headset worriedly.

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