The strongest soldier

Chapter 3590 The Country of Suffering

The road into the city is somewhat dilapidated, full of potholes, and the traffic is very bumpy. Occasionally, there are people moving with their families on the road, dragging their families with them, holding a few salutes, with expressions of despair on their faces. On the contrary, it is the children who are looking forward to it. He looked at the car rushing past with his eyes, and murmured at the corner of his mouth, not knowing what he was talking about, but he was soon led by the decadent-looking adult to continue moving forward.

Luo Zheng looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart ached for no reason. This is the suffering that war brings to innocent people. Some people ignore innocent people for their own selfish desires and interests. Who cares about the suffering of these people? ? Who cares about the suffering of these people? If the world is unfair, how can we talk about health? What is true is that, in prosperity, the people suffer, in death, the people suffer, Luo Zheng sighed secretly, and a sense of responsibility for the world's sorrows came up.

The car gradually entered the city. Under the gray sky, the city was full of gray and black. The gray ones were dilapidated buildings, many of which had been collapsed by bombs. Some people were cleaning up dully. The black ones were billowing smoke, and some were destroyed. The burning house fires have not yet been completely extinguished, and the air over the city is filled with the sorrow of the aftermath of the war.

On the roadside, a tank was parked next to it. The tank was bombed beyond recognition, but some children were playing on the tank. Some even sat on the barrel of the gun, looking curiously at the passing vehicles and people, pointing and pointing. Knowing what you are talking about is like not knowing that disaster has come, and being carefree.

Luo Zheng watched this scene silently, and his heart became heavier. The car continued to move forward under the guidance of the headquarters, and unknowingly came to a market. It was said to be a market, but it was just people bartering on both sides of the road. During the war, , the currency has no value anymore, everyone exchanges their favorite items for food, etc., talking quietly, looking around, as if they are guarding against something, looking very anxious.

In the middle of the market, some strong men were loudly selling various weapons. There were boxes full of weapons next to them. A dozen people with guns and ammunition were watching the surroundings with vigilance. Many people gathered around to learn about the prices. Luo Zheng scanned At a glance, I found that there were also howitzer launchers and grenades. There were a variety of weapons, with styles from all over the world.

"Boss, I didn't expect weapons to be sold openly here. It seems that people have no sense of security at all. The weapons were probably picked up by these people from the battlefield. Some of them still have blood stains on them that have not been wiped dry. However, there is no need to worry about it. Weapons are available, do you want to go buy some?" Xu Gang said with a smile.

"Keep moving forward." Luo Zheng said lightly. The civil war brought people not only the sorrow of life, but also the fear of death at any time and the sorrow of not seeing hope. A military truck appeared in front, with four military trucks. The wheels had been blown out, the whole car was lying on the ground, the body was basically burned, and black smoke was still rising. No one paid attention to the car, and passers-by hurried past numbly.

The car continued to move forward, and some people in uniforms were guarding the roadside, staring around with loaded guns and ammunition. They looked like government troops, but the local people could avoid these people, as if they were afraid. Luo Zheng looked at it in surprise. At this scene, Ishii Sora, who was driving, immediately asked him to turn around to avoid causing unnecessary complications.

Suddenly, the vehicle in front stopped, and those armed men rushed up to check the situation, shouting something. The muzzle of the gun was already locked on a small car. Unfortunately, they couldn't understand what they were shouting. A brother next to him took a look and whispered. Said: "It seems that someone was hit and killed."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone suddenly saw a woman in a black robe taking out an AK assault rifle from her robe and violently shooting at the uniformed armed men in front. Then, many people rushed out from all around, Each one of them held a gun in his hand and beat the armed men fiercely, and even screamed something strange in his mouth.

"Is this?" Everyone's expressions changed slightly when they saw this scene.

"Get out of the car." Luo Zheng made a decisive decision and said in a deep voice. He quickly opened the door and blended into the crowd and ran towards the house on the roadside.

When others saw Luo Zheng getting out of the car, they also chased after him. Just after running a certain distance, they heard an earth-shattering explosion behind them. A rocket blew a car into the sky, and flames rose into the sky. An explosion The shock wave even knocked away surrounding vehicles.

"Hiss--" Everyone's expressions changed drastically when they saw this scene. The bombed car was right in front of our car. The car we were sitting in had been blown over. If we hadn't been running fast, we would have been killed. Everyone was still scared. Looking at Luo Zheng, he was secretly grateful.

Luo Zheng was also very happy. He made a gesture and continued to evacuate to the safe area with the crowd. Then he stopped to check and found that the people around him had also stopped. There was not much panic. As if it was no surprise, the battle ahead was almost over. , those armed personnel wearing uniforms were attacked by others and suffered heavy casualties. They had little power to fight back, and they were about to all be killed.

Suddenly, some small cars roared over, and a heavy machine gun on the car fired violently at the people who were attacking. The large-caliber bullets directly cut the three people who were rushing forward into two pieces. The firepower moved fiercely, and the mud house could not block it. Live under heavy machine gun fire? They were punched into craters one after another, and the sneak attackers who were hiding in the house were also killed.

More people rushed up and fought back fiercely. The attackers, perhaps seeing that the situation was over, ran away with strange screams. These people did not pursue them, but carried the killed and injured people into the car and left in a hurry, for fear of being ambushed again. , Luo Zheng was dumbfounded. These people were too ruthless. They directly used the city as a battlefield, and both sides ignored the lives of ordinary people around them.

Luo Zheng could see that at least twenty innocent people were killed in this small-scale conflict. Several attackers died, and many uniformed armed forces also died. There were no losers or winners in this battle. It is only the common people who suffer. It seems that both the local government and other armed forces only consider their own interests.

"Boss, the car can't be used." Xu Gang came forward and whispered.

"Let's walk, no one can tell with our attire." Luo Zheng whispered, making a gesture, and everyone walked to one side along with the flow of people, moving in a roundabout way under the guidance of the headquarters' satellite. In order to avoid being exposed, the brothers Create as much distance as possible.

Luo Zheng and Xu Gang were walking side by side, whispering something as they walked. They walked through several alleys, and suddenly many armed men in uniforms appeared at the intersection in front of them. They set up roadblocks and set up machine guns. Like a formidable enemy, all who pass by must be inspected.

Retreating in front of everyone will only arouse suspicion. Luo Zheng's face changed slightly, he gritted his teeth and continued to move forward, while whispering: "Don't worry about me and Xu Gang when you go around behind, be careful yourself."

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