The strongest soldier

Chapter 3587 Arrangements before departure

The counter-terrorist alliance base is about to be built, and there are a lot of things that need to be dealt with. The core personnel have been assigned tasks. If they are temporarily transferred away, other people will need to take over the tasks, but Luo Zheng knows very well that tasks are all based on people. If someone is replaced, Not only would the effect not be achieved, it would also affect the work of others. There were many capable people around him, but Luo Zheng smelled something different from the attack on the intelligence station and planned to go and see it in person.

When Hong Meihua heard that Luo Zheng was going there in person, she immediately became anxious and said quickly: "Then I'll go too."

"You have to stay and take command." Luo Zheng said solemnly. Seeing that Hong Meihua was anxious and wanted to say something, he waved his hands and said solemnly: "Stop talking, someone must take command at the headquarters. This is an order."

Among the three giants in the headquarters, Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and Hong Meihua, Lan Xue used to be in charge. Now that Lan Xue is expecting a baby and Luo Zheng is leaving, the headquarters cannot be without people, so Hong Meihua can only take charge. Hong Meihua also understands the reason. One of the three must be present, otherwise there will be trouble at work. Seeing Luo Zheng suppressing him with orders, he calmed down and sighed helplessly: "Okay, be careful yourself. Who should you take?"

"You just heard that no one is allowed in or out of the company headquarters. It may not be suitable for a large number of people. Also, I feel that this matter is not simple. I'm afraid there is a conspiracy behind it. Maybe we will be attacked as soon as we arrive. The so-called place I'm afraid the internal war is just a cover, and I'm not sure what the purpose is, so I can't bring too many people with me, just Xu Gang's group should follow me." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Do you think there are other conspiracies?" Hong Meihua looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. In Hong Meihua's view, this incident should have been caused by local civil strife. Everyone was just affected. At most, armed men rushed in to rob. As long as If you don't resist, it will be fine. You can pay a ransom. After hearing Luo Zheng's analysis, he couldn't help but think deeply.

After a while, Hong Meihua's face turned serious and she whispered: "What you said makes sense. Could it be another conspiracy designed against us? Is the Dark Church the mastermind behind this?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe it's just targeting us by the way, or maybe it's coming directly to us. No matter what it is, I have to rush there to see it as soon as possible. You can make arrangements immediately." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Hongmeihua agreed. Seeing what Luo Zheng suddenly thought of, she continued: "You can't be like this in the past. You will be exposed as soon as you show up. Put on makeup and look like a local. As long as you don't speak. That’s fine, it won’t be a problem to take the fastest flight there. I’ll go prepare makeup props, tickets and passports for everyone, and I’ll find you in an hour.”

"Go." Luo Zheng waved his hand and said. As soon as the red plum blossoms left, Luo Zheng hurried to his office and immediately dialed the internal line to call Xu Gang.

Xu Gang realized something was wrong as soon as he saw Luo Zheng's face. He was not polite. After coming in, he found a place to sit down on the sofa next to Luo Zheng and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Your team is coming with me. One of our intelligence stations is under siege and we have to rush to support. I am definitely not simple about this matter. I'm afraid there is a deeper conspiracy. Tell brothers to be careful. We will arrive at the flight quietly. In the past, Hongmeihua will arrange makeup for a while. Everyone will use fake passports and cannot bring weapons. Everyone will wear dragon tooth suits and bring invisible earphones as a backup. Prepare one for me, what’s the problem?" Luo Zheng warned.

"No problem." Xu Gang agreed and hurriedly prepared.

After a while, Liu Qingqing came in with the meeting minutes. After reading it carefully, Luo Zheng said: "Leave this here with me, and print another one for everyone to sign and file. You know the process." After saying that, he picked up the meeting minutes and stood up. Come.

"Want to go out?" Liu Qingqing asked curiously.

"Yeah." Luo Zheng said noncommittally, hurriedly went out, asked Sora Ishii to drive out of the mystery bureau, and went straight to his home. He didn't know when he would be back after going out this time. What accidents might happen? Luo Zheng couldn't help but want to go back and have a look, even though the time was short.

On the way, Luo Zheng suddenly asked: "Ishii Sora, do you have a passport?"

"Yes, there are several of them. It's no problem to go anywhere." Sora Ishii agreed casually.

"That's good. I'll give you a task. You rush to a country immediately. When you get there, you'll be waiting at the airport and contact me at any time." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice and told Ishii Sora's address.

"That country is not peaceful. I heard there is a war recently. Are you leaving now?" Sora Ishii asked in surprise.

"The faster, the better." Luo Zheng warned.

"Okay, I'll drop you off and go directly to the airport. I'll transfer to three flights. I expect to arrive at the designated location early tomorrow morning. When will you arrive?" Sora Ishii asked.

"It should be a little later than you. I'm worried that someone is watching us. If we move, we will be exposed and we will be ambushed wherever we go. So I want you to take the lead first and be careful." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood, I will disguise myself when the time comes and I won't attract attention." Sora Ishii said confidently.

Luo Zheng didn't ask for details. With Ishii Sora's ability, it was easy to secretly infiltrate a country. Disguise was not a problem. He closed his eyes and meditated. Unknowingly, he arrived near his home. Ishii Sora got off the car and hailed a taxi. After leaving, Luo Zheng drove to the community. When entering the gate, Luo Zheng looked at the raised pole and hesitated. After thinking about it, he suddenly turned around and left. The brief meeting would only bring more uneasiness and longing. It would be better not to see you.

Luo Zheng drove to the secret military base and found Mr. Li who was handling official business. Mr. Li came out of the underground base and the two sat down in the courtyard living room. Luo Zheng handed over the minutes of the meeting and said seriously: "Grandpa, this is It’s about the construction plan for the anti-terrorism alliance base. They are working on the specific details and will report them soon. The location has also been selected. I will ask Blue Star to send a map later.”

"Looking at the anxious look on your face, is something wrong?" Mr. Li asked in a deep and surprised voice.

"Yes, one of our intelligence stations was besieged. It seems to have been affected by the local war. Many embassies have been closed. But I think there may be something complicated behind this. I don't know the specific conspiracy yet. I plan to go there in person. Take a look." Luo Zheng said and briefly explained the situation of the intelligence team.

Mr. Li pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Your concerns are correct. I can feel it from your description. Be careful. When are you going to leave?"

"The sooner the better, we plan to secretly infiltrate into the country, and Hongmeihua is making preparations before leaving." Luo Zheng replied quickly. Unexpectedly, the experienced Mr. Li felt that there was something strange behind this, and became anxious, and he and Mr. Li After talking for a while, he hurriedly said goodbye and left.

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