The strongest soldier

Chapter 3576 Preparation Results

"The controversial issue on hold?" Luo Zheng keenly grasped the key from Mr. Li's words, and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "What controversial issue?"

"As for the issues after the establishment of the alliance, such as management issues, supervision issues, funding issues, resident issues, etc., the anti-terrorism alliance needs a dedicated department to operate and manage, just like a company, there are too many things to decide, and this decision is not If one company can be established, all participating countries are required to participate, which is very troublesome." Mr. Li explained in a deep voice.

"What about now?" Luo Zheng's face turned ugly and he asked.

"It's much better now. Someone in the organizing committee of this competition should have betrayed the information. In order to prevent this from happening, each country sent a representative to set up a supervisory committee. It only has the power of supervision and questioning, but no management or decision-making power. That is to say Check the accounts to see if there is any unfairness, etc. After the inspection, if any problems are found and questioned, the person in charge can give a reasonable explanation. Similar to the procuratorate, the person in charge does not need to be responsible to the supervisory committee and makes all decisions by himself. Just make a backup file for them to review afterwards." Mr. Li explained.

"That's good. If the person in charge is tied up, there will be problems with the organization's decision-making and work efficiency will be low. Is there anything else?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Is there any problem with the operation and management model that I learned from the one you used in the Anti-Terrorism Administration?" Mr. Li asked.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, the representatives sent by each country have one job, and that is to unite their countries to cooperate in anti-terrorism operations. In the past, this work was handled by Fula and the United Nations, and then contacted each country. There were too many intermediate links. , since each country has sent representatives, and the representatives are also members of the Supervisory Committee, they should play more roles. If the other country is involved in counter-terrorism, they will not act randomly, right?"

"The representatives sent by each country must have been carefully selected and will focus on safeguarding the interests of their own countries. There should be no problems, but they have to be careful. People's hearts are complicated. If you can think of these, you must also know what to do. I Don't worry about it anymore, the Preparatory Committee has initially reached an agreement that you will be the commander-in-chief, and you will be responsible for all the internal structure and personnel appointments. Are you sure?" Mr. Li asked seriously.

"It's not a big problem, just copy what the previous Anti-Terrorism Administration did." Luo Zheng replied thoughtfully.

"Yes, you were able to play around with it before, and you can play around with it now. Where is the appropriate place for the anti-terrorism alliance to operate? The preparatory committee has not reached a final opinion on this issue. They entrusted me to ask for your opinion." Mr. Li asked road.

"What are the options?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It is certain that the headquarters will be in our country. Which city you choose is up to you." Mr. Li explained.

Luo Zheng pondered deeply. The location of the headquarters is very important, as it affects future actions. After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Let's put it in the northwest. It is adjacent to several countries and the land is barren. There is enough space. It is usable, and what happens will not cause local panic. I estimate that the counter-terrorism alliance headquarters will be attacked by various attacks in the future, and it will definitely not work in the city."

"Northwest?" Mr. Li looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. He didn't expect that Luo Zheng would put his headquarters in a remote place. He thought about it and said with a smile: "You have to think about where the conditions are very difficult and life is difficult. Change."

"I know, but it is more conducive to our performance. You have to decide the specific location. I don't know enough about it." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"I don't know enough about it either. You should go and investigate first. Tell me if you are sure. Since you have chosen the northwest, then I will listen to you. The deserted place is really conducive to your performance. If someone comes to attack you, you don't have to worry about hurting civilians. More importantly, It is adjacent to several countries, so if something happens, we can rush to support in time. I believe other countries will not be able to find fault with this choice." Mr. Li said in a deep voice.

"It's easy in the city. One building can solve all problems, but building a base in the desolate and populated areas in the west requires a lot of money." Luo Zheng reminded.

"Funding is not a problem. Countries can pool their resources, and construction is not a problem. We have enough engineering troops. Don't worry about using our own people. You can confirm the specific location as soon as possible. Leave other matters to me. There is a military region over there, and I have to pay attention to the local soil quality, environment, etc." You are relatively familiar with it, you can go to the local military region to understand the situation, it may be helpful to you, time does not wait for us, everything must be done quickly." Mr. Li said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Luo Zheng agreed quickly.

After chatting for a while, it was lunch time. Luo Zheng had lunch with Mr. Li and then left. He hurried towards the headquarters in a car. He didn’t even bother to go back when he passed by the house. As Mr. Li said, time waits for no man, so the base Construction will take some time, but the Dark Church is busy carrying out a conspiracy and cannot afford to waste time.

After returning to the headquarters, Luo Zheng immediately summoned Red Plum Blossom, Zhitan, Blue Star, Snow Lotus, Xu Gang, Tie Diao, Shi Qian, Gui Shou, Snow Leopard and Shan Diao to the conference room No. 1. Liu Qingqing was in charge of the meeting minutes. Everyone. Luo Zheng's face was a little heavy, and he looked at Luo Zheng without saying a word.

Luo Zheng waited for everyone to arrive and immediately announced the meeting. He detailed the conversation with Mr. Li one by one, and finally asked: "The anti-terrorist alliance is in full swing. We don't need to worry about the specific work. There is only one thing, and that is When it comes to site selection, the future Anti-Terrorism Alliance agency will definitely be large and have a lot of personnel. It cannot be satisfied by an ordinary place. We need a larger place. This place is best far away from the city, so I suggest it be in the northwest."

"Northwest?" Everyone began to ponder in surprise. Luo Zheng waited for everyone to digest the information. After a while, everyone understood Luo Zheng's intention and nodded in agreement. Although the west side is difficult, is it a bitter battlefield?

Hongmeihua was the first to express her position: "The northwest is good. It is the main area for terrorists to enter the country. Being located there is a huge threat to terrorists. At least domestic security is ensured. Secondly, we are far away from the city and we will not be attacked by terrorist organizations. We can freely use our hands and feet to counterattack; thirdly, choose an uninhabited place, the area available to us is large enough, and we can plan whatever we want."

Everyone was convinced and expressed their approval. Since it is an anti-terrorism base, war is inevitable. Naturally, it needs to be placed in a place where no one is around for easy operation. Seeing that no one had objections, Luo Zheng continued: "It's fine if no one objects. The next step is to find the specific location and bring up the aerial photos of the area over there.”

"Boss, I suggest that Cao Xi participate in the site selection. She knows a lot about this and may be able to provide some opinions for reference." Shi Qian suddenly said.

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Why did I forget about this geography expert? I asked her to come right away."

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