The strongest soldier

Chapter 3566 Frontal Breakout

The helicopter coming for reinforcements was bombed, and how terrifying was the enemy's trump card exposed? The situation suddenly changed, and everyone became nervous. Everyone was experienced in fighting, and they all smelled the conspiracy. Luo Zheng faced Bao Xiong’s inquiry without any flinch. If there was no anti-terrorist alliance, if the enemy was not the Dark Church, Luo Zheng would definitely Leave it alone, this is polar bear territory, and the bombing of the polar bear's helicopter is the polar bear's own business. Interfering in the country's internal affairs will cause diplomatic disputes.

But the current situation made Luo Zheng realize that he must not retreat, otherwise he will be laughed at, and the morale of the military that was finally gathered will collapse, and the anti-terrorism alliance will also collapse in an instant. Faced with difficulties and tests, Luo Zheng rose to the challenge and faced all countries. The racing team said in a deep voice: "Everyone, this is a conspiracy."

"Everyone can feel it, what should we do? We listen to you." Hans said in a deep voice. Luo Zheng's attitude of facing the threat won Hans' respect.

Luo Zheng also knew that the top priority was to come up with the charter as soon as possible. There was no time to discuss and analyze the enemy's situation. The time had come for Qiankun to make an arbitrary decision. Luo Zheng's face turned serious and he shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone, the enemy has man-portable anti-aircraft missiles, which can directly attack the top of the mountain. , after attacking the air support helicopter, it should be our turn next. We must leave here as soon as possible. Everyone, follow me, concentrate your forces, and break out from the front."

"Breaking through head-on?" All the team captains looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, but no one objected. Luo Zheng's personal bravery and tactical adaptability have impressed everyone. Now, facing the powerful enemy, Luo Zheng did not shrink back, but chose The courage to fight back head-on is heartbreaking.

Everyone was holding a breath in their hearts, waiting to avenge the tragic death of their brothers. The violent bear was eager to find a place to kill, and he would not object. Everyone responded in a deep voice and made preparations.

Luo Zheng tightened his grip on the gun in his hand, loaded the bullets, and shouted in a deep voice: "Mountain Eagle, take your people behind to cover the fire. Others follow me, attack the formation, rush down through the gap, kill - —" He said with a sharp look in his eyes and rushed towards the blasted hole with a violent fighting spirit.

"Kill——" Xu Gang and the others roared in a deep voice and followed Luo Zheng.

Hans, Bao Xiong, Man Niu and others saw that Luo Zheng was leading the charge, instead of letting everyone be cannon fodder. This courage, this generosity, this responsibility were all convincing, and everyone exchanged looks. , and charged forward without showing any signs of weakness, letting out a roar that shook the sky.

Teams from all over the world swarmed down from the gap, like tigers descending from the mountain, rushing down the mountain with a domineering momentum, a strong fighting spirit burst out, the color of the world changed, everything was changed, no one dared to take it, the team was invisibly moving with Luo Zheng The others formed arrows to form an attack triangle, while the mountain eagle followed calmly with two sniper teams, distributed in an arc, keeping a little distance to protect both sides of everyone.

"Kill -" Luo Zheng almost jumped down. Like a nimble cheetah, he landed on the collapsed soil below the steep slope and let out a roar. He quickly raised his gun and aimed forward, arching his body and rushing down the gentle slope without any hesitation. Xu Gang and Tie Diao and other members of the special service team followed closely, protecting Luo Zheng's sides.

"Bang, bang, bang, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo -" The enemies in the woods noticed something unusual and opened fire one after another. The bullets were as dense as rain, intertwining into a web of death in the void, covering the heads of Luo Zheng and others who were descending the mountain fiercely. The bullets hit everyone and made a dull sound, but they were unable to penetrate everyone's bulletproof armor.

The ten members of the special service team who were in front of them opened their eyes with anger and fired back one after another. Their feet were moving as fast as flying, and they kept jumping and running down the mountain. A few rabbits rushed down and dozens of them rushed down. At the critical moment of life and death, everyone used all speed. , going down the mountain again, incredibly fast.

Luo Zheng rushed to a protruding boulder, jumped hard under his feet, and flew into the air. He was in the air, and the sniper rifle in his hand kept firing, sniping the visible targets directly. Jump sniping was very effective for Luo Zheng. There is no pressure, not to mention that the enemy is only ten meters away.

Huhuhuhu - the sound of wind was filling his ears. Luo Zheng felt that his body was descending rapidly. Without any hesitation, he did not even look at the ground. He stared at any target in front of him. Empty all the bullets in the sniper rifle with one breath.

This time, the distance of the take-off was far, and the body landed only five or six meters away from the enemy. He rolled to remove the momentum, shrank under a big tree and pulled out the pistol. The sniper rifle bullets were empty. Reloading in a crisis would only be enough. Wasting time and posing a fatal threat to himself, Luo Zheng put the sniper rifle on his back, raised the pistol and rushed out of the bunker again, quickly pulling the trigger at the enemies around him, his face as cold as frost, and his murderous aura as cold as ice. Freeze all around.

The enemies were startled by Luo Zheng who rushed down from the sky, and instinctively retreated. In this stunned moment, several people fell under Luo Zheng's gun, and the bullets bit their eyebrows. Even at such a close distance, even a shot Even a fly can be easily hit by Luo Zheng.

"Kill--" Black shadows fell from the sky one after another, and Xu Gang, Tie Diao and others were also chasing after them. Like Luo Zheng, everyone almost jumped down. They were extremely fast and rushed into the woods in an instant, firing fiercely at the enemies in front of them, automatically Use the pistol as soon as the rifle's bullets are finished, and never waste time changing magazines.

In the fierce battle, any hesitation and reloading are a waste of time and a joke with one's own life. Everyone is a veteran and understands the truth. They roar to vent their fighting spirit and start killing like tigers entering a herd of sheep. Although the enemy is also They are very strong and will fight to the death, but bullets cannot penetrate everyone's bullet-proof armor, but everyone's specially-made dragon tooth bullets can easily kill the opponent, making the battle almost one-sided.

At this time, Hans and others also caught up. Seeing how fierce Luo Zheng and others were, they also felt the pain of bullets hitting their bodies and the fear of lifelessness. Their morale suddenly increased, and they roared and charged forward, charging forward like a hurricane. Sweeping away, wherever it passed, there was a bloody wind, suppressing the enemies on both sides who were trying to rush up, and keeping the attack triangle stable with Luo Zheng and others.

The mountain eagles and others also charged forward. There was no shouting, no roaring, and there was not even the sound of running footsteps. However, each of them had a cold look on his face and kept firing like the god of death, silently taking away the lives of the enemies one after another. , the threat is frightening, like a sophisticated killing machine, silent, cold, and efficient.

When encountering each other on a narrow road, the brave will win. Luo Zheng understood the principle of working hard. After emptying a magazine, he did not reload. Instead, he quickly put away his pistol, pulled out the dragon tooth knife, and suddenly accelerated his feet, rushing into the enemy group and roaring. Said: "Brothers, follow me and kill - kill!"

"Kill -" Xu Gang and other members of the special service team also emptied their pistol bullets, pulled out the dragon tooth bullets and roared into the enemy group, slashing violently, their eyes as cold as refreshing, and their fighting spirit was like gushing volcanic lava. Rolling forward with a momentum that melts everything.

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