The strongest soldier

Chapter 3537 Abnormal Discovery

Who wouldn't care about being famous after their death? There is only one kind of person who has no position, no relatives, and even no identity. This kind of person will die when he dies, and no one will care. Soldiers have a position, have relatives, and have an identity. It is impossible for them to not care about the infamy after death. He has rich combat experience and strong combat effectiveness. What would he be if he were not a soldier? A mercenary? Could it be someone hired by an organization?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face became even more grim. If a country sent him, as long as he confirmed this, he could put pressure on the other country through diplomatic channels, or even disrupt the game. But if he was a mercenary, then The nature was completely different. Luo Zheng's face darkened. Suddenly he heard gunfire from the other side of the river. The enemy pursuers were coming up. He immediately said to Sanji: "Go to Xu Gang. You two are responsible for interrogating the other prisoners."

"Understood." Sanji agreed, knocked out the erect prisoner, and went to find Xu Gang.

Luo Zheng found a commanding height to hide, and carefully observed the enemy approaching from the other side of the river. His face became ugly. The enemy was divided into two, one part of them fired at his own people, and the other part dispersed to prepare to cross the river. This was not enough. With an attitude of never giving up, Luo Zheng angrily shouted through the headset: "Xu Gang, I'll give you five minutes. It's best if you can pry open the enemy's mouth. If not, kill them all."

"Understood." Xu Gang, who is good at interrogation, agreed.

After Luo Zheng handed over the interrogation matter to Xu Gang, he concentrated on directing the battle. The enemy was coming fiercely, and it was not easy to block it for five minutes. Luo Zheng continued coldly: "Snipers block on both sides, shoot freely, others follow me. Block in the middle and be sure to block the enemy for five minutes.”

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice and fired back.

Everyone is in a condescending position, occupying a geographical advantage. If the enemy wants to rush up, they must cross a river about ten meters wide. Although the river is not very wide or deep, it is not easy to rush over. Once they enter the river, they become a living target. , there must be sufficient fire cover.

There were about 200 enemies. Although dozens of them were killed, their strength was still sufficient. Nearly a hundred people were responsible for suppressing fire. The dense bullets fired at them, making the woods rustle and suppress Luo Zheng and others. It was difficult to suppress them. Observation from the probe revealed that Luo Zheng and others were also very experienced in combat. They fired one shot at a time and changed positions, spreading out as much as possible to disperse the enemy's firepower.

The enemy and we fought very resolutely. One side wanted to delay for five minutes, and the other side wanted to get back the captured people. No one would back down. If there was no river to block it, the enemy would definitely be able to rush up in the shortest time. Luo Zheng chose to rest here. The benefits of the river are fully taken into account.

"Da da da - boom boom boom -" The enemy fired wildly, and from time to time a rocket was launched. The explosion resounded through the mountains and shook the trees, and the entire hillside quickly fell into a sea of ​​fire. In less than three seconds, Within minutes, the enemy fired twenty rockets at an angle, which showed how determined they were to attack. If the hillside hadn't been big enough and everyone had been flexible enough, they would have been killed.

Luo Zheng did not expect the enemy to fight so resolutely, and became confused. Was it to rescue the captured people? Or do you want to fight yourself? An unknown anger arose, and he simply didn't think about anything else. He lay down behind a large bluestone and set up a sniper rifle. He kept firing to harvest the lives of the enemies crossing the river. The murderous look in his eyes was as cold as frost.

Whoosh! There were constant sniper rifle sounds in the woods on the hillside. Bullets accurately killed the enemies crossing the river. The shallow river water was dyed red with blood, and more than twenty corpses were floating on the river, going down the river. , the enemy's fierce charge was blocked and retreated.

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, changed the magazine and prepared to continue shooting. When he saw Xu Gang hurried over with a cold face, he lay down beside him and took cover, then said in a deep voice: "Boss, these bastards don't say anything, they look very loyal."

"Kill." Luo Zheng said coldly. Since the enemy won't recruit and keeping him is a burden, it's better to kill him and leave it to the enemy. The enemy may retreat after being captured, or he may pursue them more crazily. Either way is right. It is good for him. After the enemy retreats, he can play with peace of mind. In the future, he will have time to trace the identities of these people. It is also good to pursue them madly. Crazy troops can easily lose their minds and are easy to deal with.

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed and hurried away.

"Brothers, retreat, move quickly." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, put away his weapons and turned around to leave. The enemy's attack was too crazy and it was impossible to defend. There was no need to fight the enemy here.

The troops quickly evacuated the scene, leaving five corpses in the grass. Everyone evacuated quickly and ran all the way over the mountains and ridges, heading straight for the finish line. About an hour later, the troops climbed up a high mountain. After walking along the hill for about ten minutes, we stopped to rest in a forest.

"Little Wolf and Tiger Girl, spread out to the left and right to be on guard, while the others rest on the spot, eat something, recover their strength, and continue on their way in half an hour." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes scanning around the woods. After confirming that there was no danger, he breathed a sigh of relief, found a big tree, and sat down on the roots of the tree to rest.

After resting for a while and drinking some water, Luo Zheng was about to get some compressed biscuits to fill his stomach. Suddenly, a rapid voice came from the headset: "Boss, if you notice something abnormal, please come over and take a look."

The voice came from Xiao Lang, and the words were full of vigilance. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly stood up. Everyone else also heard Xiao Lang's words through their headsets, and they all stood up and looked over. Luo Zheng frowned and said thoughtfully: "Stay where you are. Stand by, Xu Gang, Tie Diao, and Shi Qian, follow me." He said and strode away to the side.

Soon, everyone came to a slope and saw the little wolf standing on a mound not far from the slope, waving desperately. Seeing everyone coming over, the little wolf jumped off the mound and disappeared from everyone's sight. Luo Zheng was startled. , I immediately thought that there was an open platform there, which was just blocked by the mounds of soil. It was difficult to see it until I was in front of it. It was a good place for a hidden rest, so I couldn't help but speed up and hurried there.

"Boss, come and see." Little Wolf poked his head out of the mound and shouted anxiously. In informal situations, Little Wolf called Luo Zheng his eldest brother, but in formal situations when he was on a mission, Little Wolf was also used to calling Luo Zheng his head. Son.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Someone has stayed here. The footprints on the ground are messy, with craters and blood. It's obvious that they have fought here." Xiaolang said quickly, his brows furrowed, showing deep worry.

This is your first time here, but you can be sure that the enemy is still behind you. How can there be a battle? Who left the blood? Everyone's expressions changed slightly when they heard Xiaolang's words, and they stepped forward faster.

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