The strongest soldier

Chapter 3523 Snatching Equipment

What is fought for on the battlefield is courage and wisdom. When they meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins. Everyone's actions have been exposed, so there is no need to pretend anymore. One by one, they rushed forward with murderous intent, facing the enemy's bullets, fearlessly and without fear. Their feet were as fast as flying, and their eyes were fixed on the enemy in front. Seeing the distance between the two sides shrinking, everyone Their eyes are bright, and as long as they can get close, everyone is confident that they can counterattack.

At everyone's speed, it would only take one or two seconds to reach a distance of ten meters on flat ground. However, the dense forest in the mountain col is not conducive to running. Everyone's speed is relatively slow. After two seconds, other enemies react. They all turned their guns with murderous intent.

Everyone was shocked. At the critical moment, the brothers quickly bowed their bodies in a tacit understanding and rushed forward almost close to the ground. Just when the enemy opened fire, the bullets fired from above everyone's back and missed, but the enemy was not slow to react. , the firepower continued, but the muzzle of the gun was pressed down, trying to stop everyone's charge, but by this time it was too late, everyone rushed to the enemy.

"Kill -" everyone roared. Like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, each person locked on a target and came up with a dead hand. They were chased by the enemy for a long time and were almost bitten to death by a tree snake. Everyone was holding back their stomachs. Fire, this monstrous rage turned into endless fighting spirit at this moment, and he was sure to kill if he took action.

Luo Zheng strangled the neck of a target with his strong arm, and grabbed the target's gun with his other hand. The target was still pulling the trigger, and the bullets were fired forward, hitting several enemies who were rushing forward. The enemy was killed on the spot. Luo Zheng heard several screams from the enemy around him and guessed that his brothers had succeeded. He was overjoyed and quickly broke the neck of the enemy in his arms, collected all the weapons and ammunition, and shouted: " Quickly collect weapons and ammunition and prepare to evacuate."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice, and quickly collected all the enemy's night vision goggles, firearms, magazines, military daggers and other equipment. At this time, more enemies rushed up and fired dense bullets like rain. As he hit, the surrounding area was in a mess and there was a rustling sound.

"Retreat." Luo Zheng saw that the enemy was coming fiercely and did not dare to fight. He decisively gave the order to retreat. While putting on the captured night vision device, he did not forget to look in the direction of the enemy during his busy schedule. Suddenly he saw several black shadows like lightning. He ran towards them, constantly changing directions. The dense woods in front seemed to be unable to hinder his running. Luo Zheng was taken aback and fired a hail of bullets at these people.

In the night vision device, Luo Zheng found that these people disappeared out of thin air like ghosts. When he looked again, these people ejected from the ground not far away, rushing up like cheetahs, and a few rabbits rushed to everyone, It's unbelievable that he is as fast as himself. Which country's soldiers are so fast? Luo Zheng was shocked and immediately realized that these people were not simple. He didn't have time to think about it and immediately roared: "There are experts, everyone, be careful, evacuate at full speed, follow me."

"Yes." Everyone responded and started running wildly. With the help of night vision goggles, everyone went at full speed. They quickly opened up the distance from the pursuers behind them and followed Luo Zheng's pace closely. rush.

While running, Luo Zheng couldn't help but look back and found that the black figures were still chasing after him. Because their speed was the same as everyone else, they always maintained a certain distance, but the other pursuers were getting further and further away. Luo Zheng Zheng's face was shocked. Being able to catch up with everyone's speed, these people are definitely not simple.

After running for a distance, Luo Zheng quickly changed direction. Everyone followed Luo Zheng and rushed out of the mountain col and rushed up a hillside. The ancient trees on the hillside were towering, which was convenient for hiding. Luo Zheng roared: "Brothers, hide on the spot. These damn bastards, please be careful."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice, and hid behind the big tree. They observed vigilantly and found that the figures chasing after them were also hidden. They did not pursue them again, but fired a barrage of bullets at them. Everyone had to start again. Hidden behind a big tree.

"These bastards are so fast and very vigilant." Xu Gang reminded loudly.

Luo Zheng had already noticed that these people were not easy, and then looked at the large number of enemies gathering in the woods further away, his face darkened, and he said loudly: "The enemy wants to use these people to entangle us, and at the same time delay the pursuit of the large army. Time is safe, while we consume our bullets and make good calculations, brothers, we can't be reluctant to fight."

"What should I do?" Tie Diao asked loudly.

The enemy's firepower was fierce, and bullets were like rain, resounding through the mountains and forests. You couldn't hear it unless you shouted loudly. Luo Zheng looked coldly at the enemy who was firing fiercely, and then looked at the M4 automatic rifle he had snatched. It was actually equipped with a night vision device. , which is also suitable for night battles in the jungle. Luo Zheng quickly raised his gun and aimed at it, locking on a target.

Just when Luo Zheng was about to pull the trigger, the target suddenly shrank back like a frightened rabbit and hid behind a big tree. Looking at the target that suddenly disappeared, Luo Zheng's face changed greatly. These people were not only fast, but also The ability to predict danger is also very strong. He is obviously a veteran of hundreds of battles. Such opponents are hard to find. Luo Zheng wanted to have a good deal with them and compete with them, but when he saw more pursuers coming up, he did not dare to fight. .

"Asshole, these people are not simple." Tie Diao also noticed the abnormality and reminded loudly.

Luo Zheng once again looked at the pursuers who were coming with great momentum, outflanking him from three directions. There was only one direction left for him, which was the depths of the cold forest. Everyone's equipment and Gongsun Wu were also in that direction, leaving Luo Zheng There was only one choice. Luo Zheng thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, follow me, retreat." After saying that, he ran away and ran wildly. With the night vision goggles, Luo Zheng went to full speed, pulling out in the darkness of the night. An afterimage appeared.

Everyone ran with all their strength. Any hesitation at the critical moment of life and death may lead to death. However, the black shadow behind was not slow at all. It chased after him like a hungry wolf. Fortunately, everyone was strong and fast. Others coming over might be overtaken by the shadow behind them.

After running for a distance, everyone met up with Gongsun Wu and each put their backpacks on their shoulders. Luo Zheng looked back at the shadow that was chasing him. He raised his hand and made a shuttle. The enemy rolled to the ground and disappeared from sight. Luo Zheng looked at it. The enemies who surrounded us said in a deep voice: "Let's go deep into the forest, Ji Wu, protect your brothers and sisters."

"Yes." Everyone said in a deep voice, and followed Luo Zheng as he strode towards the depths of the cold forest. There were too many enemies, and if you stayed, you would be waiting to die. There was still a 50% chance of success in the depths of the forest, and some equipment had been seized, especially It's a night vision device, which increases everyone's chance of survival by about 10%. They all fight tooth and nail to survive.

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