The strongest soldier

Chapter 3520 Self-defeating

On the dense canopy of the vast primeval forest, half of the body of a tree snake as thick as an arm is tightly wrapped around a branch, and the other half of the body rises into the air. It stares at the humans passing by in the forest with its head held high, and its cold eyes are fierce. Sheng, spitting out the letter, made a terrifying hissing sound. The sound was not loud, but it was creepy. Especially when he saw many tree snakes entangled in the crown of the tree, they woke up. The expressions of Luo Zheng and others changed greatly. He hurried forward without daring to pause for a moment.

Everyone rushed for about two to three hundred meters. The forest in front was much brighter and the sun was shining in. No tree snakes were seen on the canopy. Everyone turned around to observe and saw that the tree snakes had no intention of pursuing them. Then they breathed a sigh of relief. Under Luo Zheng's order, they all slowed down and walked a certain distance, finding that the enemy was stopping in front.

The enemy seemed to know that Luo Zheng and others would return, and they were waiting seriously. Everyone hid behind the big tree, raised their guns, and were ready for battle. Luo Zheng did not dare to take risks, and let Da San take cover. Okay, we'll decide based on the situation.

Everyone spread out and took cover, waiting patiently. The enemy had no intention of launching an attack, and did not even fire. This was completely inconsistent with the behavior of pursuers. Luo Zheng watched in surprise. At this time, Xu Gang quickly stepped forward. Come, hide next to us, and whisper: "I'm afraid the enemy really wants to block us in this forest. They should know the danger of this forest. They don't plan to fight us head-on. They want the poisonous snakes to consume us. Why?" manage?"

"The situation is a bit tricky. When the tree snakes come out at night, none of us can escape, and we can't attack. Every move we make is definitely being monitored by the enemy. The situation is not good for us. Let's take a look at the situation before making a decision." Zheng whispered helplessly.

"It's okay. The enemy is eager for success, but they are afraid of poisonous snakes and blood-sucking leeches in the forest, so they withdraw their troops. As long as they block other directions and leave only one path deep in the forest, we will probably be in big trouble at night. These tree snakes I’m not a vegetarian, what should I do?” Xu Gang asked helplessly.

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it later in the evening." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone had no better idea, and exchanged glances with each other. They all looked helplessly in the direction of the enemy, their expressions serious. Luo Zheng frowned, thinking about how to get out of trouble. The biggest problem was that the enemy had detection equipment, and everyone could not quietly attack them. If you touch it silently, you won't be able to fight in close combat and seize the gun. Without weapons, this battle is difficult to fight. What should I do?

After thinking for a while, there was no better way. Suddenly, the iron eagle in charge of reconnaissance from the front hurried over, making the enemy's attack gesture with an eager look on his face. Luo Zheng was taken aback, and was about to ask everyone to retreat to avoid the sharp edge. Suddenly I heard intensive gunfire from ahead. Bullets were flying in the woods, hitting the trees with rustling sounds, sawdust flying, ricocheting bullets, and the gunfire resounded throughout the forest.

Luo Zheng's face changed greatly. He quickly looked up and found that countless tree snakes were awakened. They raised their heads high and looked in the direction of the gunfire, hissing from their mouths. Thousands of tree snakes simultaneously hissed loudly. Countless demons were grinning, making everyone feel numb and nervous.

The enemy did not attack, but just fired at random with dense bullets. Luo Zheng immediately realized that the enemy did this deliberately to scare the tree snake into attacking. After understanding the enemy's tactical intention, Luo Zheng became even more nervous and looked at him fearfully. There were really too many tree snakes. The tree snakes, which were as green as emerald leaves, started to move, as if they were green water waves, and the entire crown of the tree was flowing, which was extremely weird.

Luo Zheng watched this scene vigilantly, and was secretly frightened. There were enemies in front of him who were firing, and there were countless terrifying tree snakes swimming above them. They would be enveloped by the hood at any time. Even though Luo Zheng was very brave, he couldn't help but get nervous. , staring closely at the tree snake swimming in the canopy. If necessary, Luo Zheng would rather lead his brothers to charge towards the enemy, rather than die on the way to the charge rather than be bitten to death by a poisonous snake.

The strange thing is that these tree snakes did not fly down from the tree crown to attack. Especially after the enemy's bullets were fired at the tree crown, all the tree snakes receded like a tide, just like the ebbing sea water, disappearing after a while. Luo Zheng even felt the top of his head. The sun was shining down from the canopy of the trees, making the forest much brighter, and I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why did you retreat?" Xu Gang said in surprise.

"I don't know. Maybe the tree snake is too high away from us and can't see us under the tree. They are afraid of shooting bullets. The enemy wanted to provoke the tree snake to attack us, but unexpectedly it helped us. Great, the tree snake... If we retreat, we will be safe for the time being." Shi Qian analyzed with surprise.

"The enemy is self-defeating, great." Xu Gang shouted in surprise, looking at the brightened tree canopy, he said happily: "We have seen more tree snakes. No wonder the sun can't shine down. The feelings of these trees are Snakes lie on the canopy of trees to bask in the sun, blocking the sun. Even though tree snakes are cold-blooded animals, they still need to bask in the sun, right? It’s very cold underground and there’s no sun at all, so they can only go up trees.”

"Ignore the tree snakes for now, everyone, follow me." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looking at everyone with a cold look, and then looked in the direction of the enemy. The intensive bullet fire suddenly stopped, maybe he thought it was almost done? Luo Zheng said coldly: "The enemy has indeed discovered the tree snake. They don't dare to come in. They just want to trap us in this forest. We will not continue to go deep into the forest and can only meet it."

"Yes, death is inevitable anyway. It's better to give it a try. It's better to die by the gunpoint than by the poisonous snake." Xu Gang said in agreement, waving his big hand to signal everyone to follow, he took the lead and rushed forward, catching up with Luo Zheng Then he whispered: "After all, the enemy has weapons and cannot get close. This is more difficult. What is your method?"

"Remember that mountain col? The enemy is near the mountain col. We go up and keep a safe distance from the enemy. If the enemy doesn't chase us, we will ambush near the mountain col and wait until night." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Xu Gang saw Luo Zheng mention the mountain col again, and the terrain of the mountain col flashed through his mind, but he didn't find any place that was beneficial to him. Seeing Luo Zheng's cold face and saying nothing, he didn't ask any more questions, and walked shoulder to shoulder for a distance. , everyone came to the vicinity of the mountain col and saw that the enemy was indeed camping on the other side, and the sentries on the periphery were clearly visible.

The sentry also saw Luo Zheng and others walking up, and shot over them. Luo Zheng and others looked for cover in a big tree. The enemy fired for a while, but had no intention of catching up. Maybe they thought it was useless to chase them, because their opponents would run away. This kind of tug-of-war where you chase me has just been experienced. This time the enemy did not attack again. They just sent more people to guard the perimeter and did not give Luo Zheng and others a chance to attack.

Luo Zheng couldn't figure out why the enemy didn't attack, but just as he wanted, he snorted coldly and immediately signaled everyone to disperse their alert, wait and see what happens, and be careful.

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