The strongest soldier

Chapter 3518 Analysis and Countermeasures

Pu Xing's words were like a thunderclap that woke everyone up. The enemy was not afraid to pursue, but was waiting for reinforcements. Setting fire to cook was just a cover, and everyone was confused by this cover, thinking that the enemy was afraid of the virus in the forest. They didn't dare to pursue him easily, and were waiting and watching. Unexpectedly, they were waiting for help. Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they all looked at Luo Zheng with anxious expressions.

On the battlefield, only by predicting the enemy's opportunity can we take the initiative. The consequences of misjudgment are very serious. Luo Zheng thought of many possibilities, but he did not expect that the enemy would have reinforcements. You must know that there are nearly a hundred elite pursuers ahead. These troops are enough It made everyone uncomfortable, and now nearly a hundred people have come. This is the rhythm of killing them all.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face darkened, and he looked at the depths of the forest with some fear, and his eyes fell on Shi Qian. Shi Qian stared knowingly into the depths of the forest, frowned in thought, and did not dare to draw conclusions easily. Luo Zheng Knowing that time was running out, he didn't dare to wait, so he asked: "Let's be honest, how sure are you?"

"I'm not sure. The viruses and bacteria that breed in each forest are different. My pills can kill most of the viruses and bacteria, but this forest is a bit weird and particularly spooky. It has natural conditions for breeding various viruses and bacteria. I feel... No bottom." Shi Qian said truthfully.

"We don't have much to worry about anymore. As soon as the enemy's reinforcements arrive, they are overwhelming us. We have no chance to resist, so we have to retreat first." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, take one more pill to improve immunity as much as possible. In addition, wrap the scarf around your face to reduce the contact with the air as much as possible." Shi Qian said eagerly, took out the small wooden bottle again, and distributed it to Everyone got a pill. Everyone knew how powerful it was and swallowed it one after another.

Luo Zheng took a deep look at the direction of the enemy, sighed with some regret, and said: "This mountain col is really a good battlefield. It's a pity that the enemy's reinforcements have arrived and can no longer be used. Everyone put on their tight-fitting hoods and covered their faces. Cover your face, wrap a scarf around it a few times, and prepare to evacuate."

"Understood." Everyone agreed and took off their helmets, took out the hats from the clothes on their backs and put them on their heads. The hoods covered the entire head, with only the eyes and nose exposed. Everyone took out their bunny hats from their backpacks and put them on. Above, the wide brim of the bunny hat has a good shielding effect. Blood-sucking leeches falling from the tree will be blocked and will not fall into the neck. Wear a bulletproof helmet to protect your head.

After that, everyone wrapped their necks and faces with scarves, tightly. Although the air temperature outside was very high, they had to endure it in order to survive. Fortunately, the woods they were about to enter were terrifyingly cold, so it was not a big problem. Everyone was well prepared. , putting on his backpack and getting ready to set off, Luo Zheng looked back reluctantly, heard the noise, couldn't help but was startled, and asked Pu Xing: "Is the enemy catching up? Quick, check."

"Understood." He Puxing agreed, quickly climbed up a big tree, and summoned his big eagle to investigate. Everyone waited patiently on the ground. Not long after, Puxing slid down the tree as quickly as a monkey, and ran to Luo Zheng stepped forward and said quickly: "The new reinforcements are rushing towards the other team. They seem to be joining forces."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng said in surprise. It was supposed that two groups of enemies were surrounding them in a pincer attack. Everyone had no other option but to retreat into the cold depths of the forest. The depths of the forest looked terrifying, and the situation was very difficult for the enemy. It's advantageous, why join forces? What's weird here? Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice: "Have they all gone?"

"I'm not sure about this. I just saw the enemy rushing over. I can't count them. I can't be sure. The distance is a bit far and the woods are dense, so I can't see them with the naked eye." Pu Xing said helplessly.

"Since the enemy has gathered together, we are not in a hurry to enter the depths of the forest. Let's take a look first before talking." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. The depths of the forest were full of gloom and terror at first sight. No matter how talented Luo Zheng was, he was very brave. He was very scared, so it was best not to go in. He glanced at the direction of the enemy, and Luo Zheng's eyes fell on the iron eagle.

Tie Diao said with understanding, "I'll go investigate and get some weapons if possible."

"No, don't alert the enemy first. Just go and observe the enemy's situation. Don't get too close. The enemy may have small position radars, or at worst, infrared detection equipment. Every move we make here is under the control of the enemy, so be careful." Luo Zheng He warned in a deep voice.

"Understood, it will be fine if it rains." Tie Diao agreed angrily, looked up at the sky, the sky was blue, and there was no intention of raining at all. Tie Diao cursed angrily, "What a thief," put down his backpack, and went into battle lightly. , hurried away and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

"If the two armies merge, there will definitely be some chaos. Let's break up and encircle them, take the opportunity to wipe out their outer sentries, get some weapons, and explore their true strength." Xu Gang suggested, the god-level soldier king was very unwilling to do so. Sitting there waiting for death, his eyes were full of cold killing intent.

"Don't worry, the forest behind is cold and scary. It's absolutely dangerous. We don't dare to go in, and the enemy doesn't dare to go in either. The enemy hopes to annihilate us. If we are forced to go deep into the forest, they don't dare to chase us, and they are worried. We survived, so we haven’t dared to send troops for a long time. The two armies have gathered together to discuss countermeasures. Our previous judgments were not all wrong." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"That's what I say, but if we really go into the depths of the forest, we don't know how many of us can come out alive. After all, we don't have any weapons in our hands, and our combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. Can we get some weapons before going in?" Xu Gang said seriously suggested.

"That's what I plan to do, so don't worry, we'll talk about it in the evening. It's definitely not possible to go there now. The enemy is not stupid. He knows that the troops joining the two armies are easily distracted. For example, if there are special arrangements, they may have heavily deployed troops to wait for us. Throwing yourself into a trap is too risky, there is no need to take risks, the enemy will never be able to calm down at night." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"Huh? Why?" Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, eyes full of curiosity.

"It's very simple. We will definitely evacuate at night, and they are afraid of the depths of the forest and dare not pursue us. The best way is to launch a strong attack before we enter the depths of the forest. The enemy just made a fire to eat, although they are waiting for reinforcements. , but it is also confusing us, hoping that we will not go into the depths of the forest immediately." Luo Zheng analyzed.

"It makes sense, then let's wait." Xu Gang said helplessly.

"Don't panic, everyone. It's okay if the enemy attacks during the day. We'll just run away then. If we wait until night, I'll have a way to counterattack." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his face full of confidence.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard that they could fight back under such unfavorable conditions. Thinking of all the miracles Luo Zheng had created in the past, they all became excited and geared up, with a strong fighting spirit in their eyes.

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