The strongest soldier

Chapter 3512 Preparing to Depart

The conflict that should not have occurred was suppressed by the major's strong style, and some people with ulterior motives were afraid that the matter would get worse and have negative consequences, so they chose to keep things quiet. The matter was brought under control. Everyone came to a large room at the request of the major. In the tent, Luo Zheng and others explained the matter clearly and left. As for how to deal with it later, Luo Zheng didn't care. This time Soaring made a strong move, at least he injured the violent bear Kuta and the black-faced man, and dampened the arrogance of his opponent. , become famous.

If possible, Luo Zheng didn't want to fight this fight and expose the fighting power of his brothers to all the participating team members. This was not in line with Luo Zheng's style of hiding his trump cards at critical moments, but things happened anyway, and Luo Zheng has no regrets The choice at that time was to let everyone rest, while I sat at the door of the tent and posted the first sentry.

The bright moon hangs high in the deep sky, and the dark clouds have dispersed. It is obviously a sunny day tomorrow. The mountain breeze is blowing slowly. There are many lights and shadows in the camp. Occasionally, people can be seen passing by. Many soldiers are patrolling outside, and some unknown insects are chirping. Take the trouble to add a bit of life to this quiet night.

Luo Zheng looked at Lang Yue in a trance, with a lot of thoughts. He couldn't understand why the violent bear Kuta provoked him so arrogantly, over and over again. Who would believe that there was no weirdness in this? And Hans is probably not easy either. Will Coulta continue to participate in tomorrow's game after his injury?

All this was weird. Luo Zheng really couldn't understand it. He shook his head and simply didn't want to think about it. When he started practicing, he and Lan Xue spent several months on the Nameless Island last time. They cut trees during the day and practiced at night. Their sword skills and internal energy have been greatly improved. , but kung fu will deteriorate if you don’t practice it for a day, so you can’t delay it, especially since the competition will start tomorrow, it is very important to maintain good condition.

Time passed unknowingly. Someone came to change the shift. After Luo Zheng finished his work, he rested in the camp. Early the next morning, everyone woke up and someone brought breakfast. The leader was the second lieutenant, with an enthusiastic face. The brothers put their things on the ground of the tent and went out. They came in to clean up after everyone had finished eating, and then left in a hurry. Although they were full of curiosity and questions, they were disciplinary troops after all and knew the rules, so they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

At nine o'clock in the morning, thirty-six transport helicopters roared in and stopped in the open area. The participating teams lined up in thirty-six lines, forming a semi-encirclement. The team leader stood in style, and the people from the organizing committee were in the middle. There were troops. The competition equipment was delivered and placed in the open area in the middle, piled up like a mountain.

The equipment is very simple, a helmet, a spare Bonny hat, a scarf, a set of combat uniforms, a pair of combat boots, a rucksack, which contains a bag of compressed biscuits, a small bag of salt, and a first aid bag. Wilderness survival medicine, a windproof lighter, a military water bottle, two pairs of spare socks and a sleeping bag, the equipment is quite complete.

According to the rules of the competition, no one is allowed to carry weapons. The equipment is uniformly provided by the Huaxia Kingdom and is stacked together for everyone to choose. You can take whichever set you want. You can change the size of the team. It is fair, open, and impartial. People will suspect that Huaxia is cheating secretly.

The competition teams took turns to select, and Huaxia made the final selection. Everyone selected equipment that suited their body shape and returned to the team to change on the spot. Luo Zheng and others wore tight-fitting clothes, and wore round-neck black sports T-shirts and black sweat-absorbent sweatshirts. Wearing tight-fitting thin pants, no one could see the tight clothes underneath. Everyone took off their outer clothes in a few seconds, put on the uniformly provided equipment, put their backpacks on their shoulders, and got ready.

Everyone was ready. The representative of the organizing committee gave a passionate speech. It was nothing more than the close cooperation of all countries to work together for world peace. After the speech, the people from the organizing committee began to distribute maps. Luo Zheng got the map. Look, it's an aerial terrain map, with a landing point and end point specified on it. Luo Zheng was stunned for a moment, thinking that this landing point should be where his team was going.

"Why don't we see the landing points of other teams?" Luo Zheng pondered in surprise.

At this time, the representative of the organizing committee continued to say enthusiastically: "Everyone, the maps just sent to you are all the same. I believe you can also see that they are uniformly copied. The only difference is that the landing point is different. Everyone got it. It’s your own landing point, you can’t see other people’s positions, and the end point is the same. Finally, I wish everyone a successful competition. The organizing committee and I are waiting for everyone’s good news at the end point.”

Luo Zheng handed the map to Xu Gang behind him to look at, and soon found the representative of his country in the crowd of the organizing committee. At this time, representatives from various countries came to see off their country's participating teams. Luo Zheng saw the representative of his country walking over, and he Nodding in question, the representative hurried up and whispered: "Ghost, Mr. Li asked me to give you a message. Do your best and don't act recklessly. In addition, be careful of unexpected situations."

"What unexpected situation?" Luo Zheng asked in a surprised voice.

"Mr. Li didn't say anything. He just said that he felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what it was exactly. Let me tell you to be careful. If the situation is not right, you can give up the game. When the time comes, the country will operate, and there will always be a way to deal with the aftermath. Don't worry. "The representative explained in a low voice.

Luo Zheng knew that Mr. Li was trying to decompress himself. It was really inappropriate to go to the battlefield with strong pressure on his back. He smiled gratefully and said, "Thank him for me. Also, do you know the location of this landing point?"

"I know, it was decided by the organizing committee last night," the representative said in a low voice.

"I'm afraid these landing points have been determined a long time ago, but it is no longer important. You must tell Mr. Li this landing point. This is very important." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Okay, I promise to tell Mr. Li as soon as possible. Is there anything else I need to do?" the representative solemnly agreed.

"No, let me ask you a question, who determined these landing points? How?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice, his eyes flickering, quietly observing the situation of other teams.

The representative felt something was wrong with Luo Zheng, thought about it, and said seriously: "It was proposed by the person in charge of the organizing committee, and it was discussed and approved by the organizing committee. Everyone doesn't pay much attention to where to land. Anyway, there has to be a place to land." No? Moreover, I looked carefully and found that the distance between each landing point is constant and it takes a while to reach it. Therefore, you will not have any battles in one day. Which point you land on is not very important, right? What, Is there anything wrong with this?"

"So that's it. There's no problem. If you ask clearly, you'll know better." Luo Zheng said in a low voice, not wanting to reveal his worries.

"Okay then, I wish you a successful start. I'll be waiting for your return at the finish line." The representative said seriously, holding Luo Zheng's hand tightly, with a hint of anticipation for victory in his eyes.

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