The strongest soldier

Chapter 351 Toxic attack

"China is a country of etiquette. Is this how you treat other teams? From a certain point of view, we are allies against the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. If the situation here is reported to the competition organizing committee, you can't bear it. Take responsibility." The other party shouted loudly and coldly.

"If you want to negotiate, turn off the signal jammer before we talk. There is no sincerity at all. What are we talking about?" Lan Xue shouted disdainfully, while quietly making a gesture to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng understood it and returned a prepared gesture. He slowly put his index finger on the trigger. He only heard the other party shout loudly: "What kind of jammer? I don't know. I only know that when attacking the castle, you fire first. We don't know." You were in the castle, so you attacked, but you opened fire even though you knew it was us, how do you explain it?"

"Phew!" When Luo Zheng heard this, he couldn't bear it anymore. He felt the gun trembling with anger. He quickly pulled the trigger. The bullet screamed and rushed towards the target fiercely. Like a completely angered wild beast, in an instant, Submerged into the opponent's brain, the brain exploded, red and white things flew, the body fell to the ground, and sand and dust flew.

This shot was so sudden that no one was mentally prepared. The person in charge of the negotiation did not expect Luo Zheng to fire under such circumstances. Although he was on guard, he could not avoid Luo Zheng's shot without warning. The Sam national team hiding behind the sand dunes did not expect to fire. Looking at their comrades who fell to the ground, they were shocked, with incredible expressions on their faces.

With Lan Xue's upright character, it was expected that he would not fire this shot. These teams took this into account, but they did not expect Luo Zheng's existence. All Luo Zheng's information was classified as highly confidential when he was still a private, and no one It can be found that no one knows about Luo Zheng. At this moment, all team members realized the seriousness of the problem.

Behind the hill, the surviving team members from each country looked solemnly at a tall and strong man, Tom, the captain of Sam's national team. When things developed like this, everyone was a little confused. Tom also looked solemn. After thinking for a moment, he saw He said to everyone gloomily: "The lake is poisonous. We have only two ways to go. Either kill the people inside or retreat now. You can choose for yourself. No matter what, we will stay."

"No one is a coward, and our Royal Special Forces team will also stay." A naked man said with murderous intent.

"Yes, we will stay too." Others said one after another, but their eyes became hesitant. There were not enough manpower, the right time, location, and people were not occupied. In addition, there were varying degrees of poisoning, no water, and the weather alternated between hot and cold. How can we fight this battle if we can't resist it for long? But if we leave like this, the brothers will die in vain. They will not be able to explain themselves when they go back, and they will offend Sam's country. We have come to this point and there is no way out.

Tom's resolute face was covered with sweat, and he glanced at everyone with a cold gaze, smiled with satisfaction, and continued: "If you have more trust from everyone, there are still five warriors who can fight us, and the opponent can only have five at most. From the fighting point of view, Look, there are only two people shooting, maybe the remaining three people on the other side are not dead or injured, and we are still sure of victory."

"What should I do if I take it?" asked a tough warrior, his eyes firm and sharp.

"It's daytime now, the field of view is wide. They are prepared. Attacking will definitely not work. Let's wait until night." Tom looked coldly in the direction of the castle, a trace of fear flashed in his slightly closed eyes, and then he returned to indifference and turned around. , glanced at everyone, and said with a firm face: "When the time comes, three people will infiltrate from three directions. The target is small and not easy to be exposed. The remaining two snipers will cover from a distance. I believe they will be able to break open the castle."

"Yes, just do it." Others responded one after another. Fighting enthusiasm is high.

"Ouch." Suddenly, a wounded man groaned happily, attracting everyone's attention.

"Peter, how are you? Can you hold on?" A tough soldier walked up to a wounded man sitting on a backpack and asked with concern on his face and solemn eyes.

"I can't do it anymore, my stomach hurts so much." The other party said in pain, his face was pale, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, he was bent over, his back was arched, his hands were pressing his lower abdomen tightly, and even the gun of Second Life fell to the side. Not aware.

"Ouch, it hurts me too." Another wounded man also shouted in pain.

Everyone looked at each other, their expressions became ugly, and they all realized that something had happened. Tom looked at the two of them, his face as solemn as iron, and looked in the direction of the lake. His cold eyes slowly moved to the castle, where a man exuding a beast-like aura was revealed. The man walked over calmly and whispered: "Captain, the situation is not good. The poison is more serious than imagined. The wounded people's resistance has weakened and the poison has begun to take effect. I am afraid we will not be immune. What should we do?"

"Hey, it seems that we have to retreat. We are only one step away from success." Tom said to himself, looking at the wounded with a face full of reluctance, and then at the others, who had just summoned the fighting spirit. He disappeared without a trace, sighed helplessly, and said in a low voice: "It seems that now is the only time to attack by force."

"But?" the person next to him said worriedly.

"There is no but, for the mission, for the honor, we are soldiers, we have no choice." Tom said firmly, scolded the people next to him, looked at the others, and continued: "It seems that the poison we are poisoned will also It will happen soon, and the castle must be captured as soon as possible, what do you think?"

"Let's fight." The others pulled the bolts of their guns one after another, showing a desperate attitude.

"Okay, let's fight. It means death anyway. It's worthwhile to die for the country and win honor for yourself before dying. Prepare for three minutes. The sniper will provide sniper cover. The others will charge with me in skirmish formation and use the fastest speed." Take the castle quickly, what questions do you have?" Tom said murderously.

"Ouch." As soon as Tom finished speaking, a burly man who was checking the gun suddenly screamed. He covered his abdomen and bent over. His face was pale, and big beads of sweat rolled down, and he was in great pain.

Tom was taken aback and glanced at this person. He cast his cold eyes towards the castle with murderous intent. When he saw another person screaming, his abdomen also felt pain like a knife. He knitted his brows and roared unwillingly, "Ouch" —! The voice was full of unwillingness and fighting spirit, breaking through the hot desert sky and reaching into the sky.

"Let's go." Tom said helplessly. He knew very well in his heart that if he continued to waste any time, he would be dead. It would be impossible to capture the castle. It was better to leave as soon as possible. Maybe everyone would still have a chance to survive. He turned around and headed not far away. As I walked towards the parked all-terrain vehicle, my back shone, showing a sense of sadness and loneliness.

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