The strongest soldier

Chapter 3496 The conspiracy behind the scenes

The sun was blazing, the sky was sultry, and the wind had stopped.

A small car hurriedly drove into the headquarters of the Crime Bureau. Several people passing by on the shady road saw the small car approaching and stopped to salute with respect. A whirlwind rolled up where the small car passed, and the whirlwind rolled up the dry ground. The leaves danced in the wind and drifted into the distance. Soon, the car passed through the long shady path and came to a parking lot to stop.

Luo Zheng hurriedly got out of the car and strode towards the conference room. His heart was extremely heavy. People he met on the road stopped to salute. From Luo Zheng's expression, it could be seen that something had happened again. Everyone did not dare to ask more questions and hurried away after Luo Zheng passed by. Luo Zheng was in a bad mood and did not pay attention to these details. He strode to the door of the conference room, opened the door and saw that all the participants were already there, sitting quietly and chatting, so he walked in.

Everyone stood up to greet each other. Luo Zheng waved his hand to signal everyone not to be polite. After sitting down at the top of the table, he said straight to the point: "Brothers, I have summoned everyone to report two things. The first one is the establishment of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance. There will be no changes soon. More than thirty countries are participating, but two countries have jumped out and want to compete for the position of leader, that is, the right to command."

"We finally pushed this matter forward, but unexpectedly someone jumped out to pick the fruit? Who?" Tie Diao refused to agree and asked angrily.

Everyone also looked at Luo Zheng, with anger flashing in their eyes. The brothers fought hard to make this happen. If the command was taken away, wouldn't it be in vain? No one was willing to accept this fact. Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood and waved his hands to calm everyone down before continuing: "The Polar Bear Country and the British Country."

"Both of them, why?" Tie Diao snorted disdainfully.

Everyone also smiled disdainfully. They had fought against these two countries more than once. Everyone knew the opponent's fighting power and didn't take it to heart at all. Luo Zheng saw that everyone underestimated the enemy, which further confirmed his judgment and looked solemn. Seeing everyone silent, perhaps feeling Luo Zheng's heaviness, everyone calmed down and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. The think tank asked everyone's thoughts: "Boss, is there something wrong here?"

"Just look at how you underestimate the enemy. This is what the enemy wants." Luo Zheng reminded with some disappointment. After what he said, everyone lowered their heads in embarrassment. Luo Zheng couldn't bear to stimulate everyone's self-esteem, so he continued: " It is not a bad thing to underestimate the enemy. We can despise all enemies tactically, but we must pay attention to all enemies strategically, even if the opponent looks very weak."

"It makes sense. Why would these two countries jump out when they know they are not our opponents? It must not be simple here. By the way, what do they want?" Hong Meihua asked in a deep voice.

"They proposed a competition to decide who would be the leader of the alliance, and competed in tactics, spear skills and fighting skills." Luo Zheng explained.

"Huh?" Everyone was surprised again. These three items are what the Mystery Bureau is best at. Isn't it better than these three items to seek death? But this time everyone did not underestimate the enemy, but pondered. It is impossible for the opponent not to know that these three items are not as good as the Mystery Bureau, why do they still propose to compare these three items? Who would believe that there is no conspiracy behind this?

"Boss, brothers, the enemy first proposed a competition to determine the leader of the alliance, asking us to underestimate the enemy. The opponent has already done this. We all underestimated the enemy just now. If the boss hadn't reminded us, we would not have thought deeply about it, and then chose what we are best at. The three items are paralyzing us and show that they have back-up tactics." The think tank said in a deep voice.

This time, everyone stopped laughing, and everyone looked serious in thought. The method chosen by the two countries that jumped out to cause trouble was really weird, and it was too beneficial to the Secret Bureau. Why did they choose these three points? The tactics of the Secret Bureau are famous all over the world because Luo Zheng is in charge. Luo Zheng and others have few opponents in their spear skills, and their fighting skills are even more invincible to a god-level soldier king. What does the enemy want to do?

No one would think that the enemy did not know about the Secret Bureau. There must be an ulterior conspiracy behind this. Everyone carefully analyzed it. The conference room was so quiet that even loud breathing could be heard. After a while, the think tank Suddenly he said in a deep voice: "Boss, you just said there are two points, what is the other point? It's better to tell us and discuss it together."

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng and pricked up their ears. Luo Zheng smiled and said: "One more thing. The KGB suddenly came to our door and hopes to cooperate with us to fight against the Dark Church. I have told everyone about this before. Just now, come On the way to the headquarters, Maria came to the door again and said some innocuous words, Hongmeihua analysis, they are trying to analyze my character through dialogue, the question is, why are they analyzing my character? "

"One side is analyzing the character, and the other side is jumping out to seize the position of alliance leader. It seems that there is a connection behind it." The think tank was so sophisticated that he immediately connected the two things together.

"It makes sense. They knew they were going to fight us, so they sent people to find out the leader's character so that they could be fully prepared. As for the cooperation proposed by the KGB, I guess it was just an excuse. The purpose was to get close to the leader and get in touch with him. He can chat more with his son and accurately grasp his personality and way of doing things. I have done this trick before, and it is very useful." Jackson said.

Behavioral experts and psychologists can accurately grasp a person's personality through his words, deeds, and attitude toward certain things, thereby finding his or her weaknesses. This is not a mysterious thing. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice: " It should be preparations for the next big competition, it seems that they have planned this for a long time."

"In that case, let's not compete." Jackson said solemnly.

"No, this is related to the dignity and prestige of the country. We will not be underestimated by other countries, and the command of the counter-terrorism alliance we finally promoted will also be taken away by other countries. We can die, but the dignity of the country cannot be provoked. This is a matter of principle. Hongmeihua said in a deep voice.

Jackson shrugged and expressed his incomprehension. Sam Country is a pragmatic country that puts its own interests first. It doesn’t care about face or reputation. One thing is enough to illustrate this problem, that is, Sam Country allows soldiers to surrender when necessary on the battlefield. This is the embodiment of pragmatism.

The country's philosophy is different, and the perspective of looking at the problem is also different. Sam's country is people-oriented and allows surrender. However, Luo Zheng is very clear about the importance his country places on reputation and does not expect Jackson to understand. He immediately said: "This matter is related to national interests and There is no need to discuss military honors. You must participate in the competition. Let's talk about how to compare." These words defined the matter and cannot be changed.

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