The strongest soldier

Chapter 3492 Summary after the war

Three days later, in the afternoon, conference room No. 1 of the Crime Bureau headquarters.

The backbone of the Secret Bureau was all present. Everyone sat upright, looking straight ahead, without speaking. They evacuated from the unknown island and drifted on the sea for two or three days. They finally returned safely. Everyone rested all morning. In the afternoon, everyone arrived and convened. The action summary meeting is a meeting to summarize the gains and losses of the Nameless Island operation, issues that should be paid attention to next time, etc. This is already a fine tradition of the Secret Bureau.

Everyone had been chatting about the military situation for a while. Seeing Luo Zheng's gloomy face and saying nothing, his voice gradually stopped until everyone looked at Luo Zheng seriously and said nothing. Perhaps because they didn't hear everyone's comments, Luo Zheng woke up. He looked at everyone in surprise and asked, "Let's continue the discussion."

"Boss, the discussion is almost over. Everyone knows the battle situation. There is nothing to discuss about the process. The biggest mistake in fighting the enemy this time was not arranging reserve troops to block the enemy's evacuation. We knew that the enemy had an underground cave base, but we have been I don’t pay attention to it, and I don’t know where it is. It would be great if there was a force in the whole plan to block the enemy’s retreat.” The think tank said in a deep voice.

"It's useless, we don't know where or how the enemy will evacuate." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"Yes, all this is God's will. The enemy's methods are too ruthless. They can't give up and block thousands of people to delay the time. They also shot thousands of people themselves. Who would have thought that they would be so cruel to escape for their own lives?" the think tank said casually. , his eyes passed over everyone, indicating that everyone could speak freely.

Everyone didn't know what to say. The enemy ran away, leaving nothing valuable except the abandoned corpses. This made everyone feel angry and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng suddenly raised his eyebrows. , said in a deep voice: "Everyone, after all, we won this battle. We destroyed an enemy training base and killed about two thousand armed forces. This can be regarded as a severe blow to the enemy's arrogance. Transnational operations can have such great results. We are worthy of the name Bureau of Secret Crime." These words set the tone for this operation.

Everyone was silent, it was really not a happy win. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone, understood what everyone was thinking, and continued: "It doesn't matter if the enemy ran away, just find them and kill them. It's not the first time the enemy has run away, and it's not the first time we have found the enemy. We could find them before, and we can find them in the future." It can also be found that no matter what, we have been chasing the enemy and achieved varying degrees of victory. This is an undeniable fact."

"What the brothers want is not the characterization of the matter. It is meaningless to talk about winning or losing. It is not to be discouraged. It is a pity. It is a great opportunity. We could have played better. This is the mistake of our staff. We failed to make a good plan. I Review." The think tank said solemnly, with a flash of guilt on his face.

"It makes no sense to discuss who is responsible. Sum up the experience and lessons in the battle, and fight next time. The past is in the past. What we have to do is to face the future. The enemy will definitely counterattack after suffering such a big loss. This is also a common practice. , the notice goes on, please be careful, especially the brothers in the intelligence department, they are working alone outside and may be in danger at any time." Luo Zheng said and looked at Hong Meihua.

Hongmeihua nodded in understanding and said, "Yes, I will convey it right away."

"Lan Xing." Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xing and shouted in a deep voice.

"Arrived." Blue Star responded seriously.

"There are a group of child soldiers at the island base, and there is also a group of boy soldiers. Ishii-o must be familiar with the child soldiers. Have a chat with him, make a computer puzzle portrait, and see if you can find out who the child soldiers are. I guess the child soldiers are The soldiers come from different countries, maybe we can get support from the country and society through these, at least we can get more people's support by exposing the terrifying face of the dark church." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Blue Star agreed.

"Hongmeihua, your intelligence office is trying to find a way to track down the scientists who participated in the seminar last time. The Dark Church has kidnapped them and they must be continuing to study biological bombs. As long as they take action, they will leave clues. Rescuing the scientists is very beneficial to us and can gain the trust of all countries." Support." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Hong Meihua agreed.

Although this battle failed to capture the enemy leader and failed to obtain valuable intelligence and equipment, only about 2,000 armed forces were eliminated. However, these armed forces were not simple. They were all die-hards, and they could be regarded as a severe blow to the darkness. If the Church slaps him, the Dark Church will definitely counterattack, and he has to make preparations. Luo Zheng thought for a while, and the people in the Intelligence Department need to go out to collect intelligence. There is no other way, so people from other departments should stay at the headquarters as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng glanced at everyone with his sharp eyes and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, according to the usual practice, we have punched the Dark Church, and the Dark Church will definitely kick us back. It's just time, everyone will be notified. Be careful, try not to act alone, and don't leave the headquarters of the Crime Bureau if you have nothing to do, in case you are alone and get caught." He said and looked at the heads of the Operations Department and the Information Department.

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly.

"Boss, I have a proposal." The think tank suddenly said in a deep voice, attracting everyone's attention.

"Tell me about it." Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"This battle will definitely anger the enemy, and the enemy will definitely think of ways to retaliate. This battle will also improve our status and influence. Without the United Nations, we can still fight terrorism and fight against the dark church. In view of this, we will promote it as soon as possible. Establish an anti-terrorist alliance and hold an opening meeting in a public and high-profile manner. I believe that the Dark Church will definitely take action. When the time comes, we will wait and see." The think tank said in a deep voice.

"What if you don't come like the last seminar?" Hong Meihua raised an objection. Seeing everyone looking at her curiously, she continued: "I'm not denying the think tank's suggestion, but I have to be careful. The enemy is so cunning that it doesn’t take too many people to destroy the conference, just a few agents can do it. Even if we don’t take action during the conference, what if we intercept the participants halfway through the conference?”

Everyone looked at Hongmeihua with deep understanding and nodded. The last seminar was organized to attract the enemy. However, the enemy did not come. Two days later, all the participants were kidnapped. If the enemy repeats his same tactics, wouldn't we all? Busy in vain? Luo Zheng understood everyone's thoughts and began to think deeply.

Everyone was deep in thought, and no one expressed their opinion first. The meeting room was quiet, with a sense of depression, and they didn't even dare to cough. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly broke the silence and said: "Everyone, this proposal is good, even if the enemy doesn't We also need to hold an inaugural meeting. Not only must it be held, but it must also be held with a high profile. If we are all overwhelmed by the arrogance of the Dark Church, why establish an anti-terrorist alliance? How can we gain the trust and support of all countries?"

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep and understanding voice. A fighting spirit surged up from the bottom of their hearts. Their eyes became firmer. They were all infected by Luo Zheng's words. How can a dignified warrior be afraid of the enemy?

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