The strongest soldier

Chapter 3490 The enemy ran away

The moonlight is hazy, quietly covering the isolated island in the vast sea, as soft as gauze, exuding a bit of tranquility and peace. The waves beat on the cliffs of the island, making a rumbling sound, like unwilling people shouting silently. What, powerless and helpless, unable to do anything about the cliff. On the cliff, several black figures stood quietly, looking at the billowing black smoke rising from the bottom of a cliff, their faces full of shock. It was Luo Zheng et al.

After discovering the billowing black smoke, Luo Zheng left the battlefield to the ghost hands, snow leopards and mountain eagles to clean up. He quickly rushed over with two brothers from the special service team. When he arrived at the destination, he discovered that the black smoke was coming from the cliff. The cliff is like a mirror, steep and unreachable. There is no grass growing on the cliff, and it is all dark and hard rock.

"Boss, there is a cave down there." Shi Qian looked for a while and said in a deep voice.

"Is there something weird down there?" Ishii Sora also followed and said anxiously. He looked at his son, suddenly thought of something, and continued: "Son, do you know what's going on below?"

Ishii-o has been training on this island for a while and is more familiar with this island than everyone present. Everyone looked at Ishii-o with a bit more expectation in their eyes. Ishii-o could feel everyone's expectations. After thinking about it carefully, He shook his head and said: "We were ordered to move around in the camp and were not even allowed to go out outside the camp. Our knowledge of this island is limited to the camp. We have never heard of this cliff."

He is just a child soldier. Although he has high hopes from the Dark Church and is the reserve force of the Dark Church, he is just a child soldier now and knows only a limited number of things. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng with some disappointment. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "The cliff is more than a hundred meters high. Let's take out the ropes, connect them, put them down and have a look."

"Understood." Everyone took the rope out of their backpacks, connected it into two, and fixed it on a huge stone. The stone was mostly buried underground and was very strong. Shi Qian tied a rope around his body and did a job. Button, grab another rope and fall backwards down the cliff.

The nearly 100-meter-high cliff is no joke. Below are hard rocks, some of which are like sharp swords piercing the sky. If they fall, they will definitely be shattered into pieces. Shi Qian climbed down very carefully. Fortunately, this kind of work is not suitable for Shi Qian. It wasn't difficult. Not long after, Shi Qian arrived at the bottom of the cliff. He stood on a protruding stone to stabilize his body, grabbed another rope to steady his center of gravity and looked around.

Shi Qian was shocked when he saw it. Sure enough, there was a huge cave. The cave was filled with sea water, and most of the cave was submerged by sea water. This situation reminded Shi Qian of the inexplicable island where biochemical humans were cultivated in the past. His expression changed drastically, and he quickly reported the situation through his headset. After telling everyone, he untied the rope and carefully jumped onto the rocks at the bottom of the cliff, and walked quickly towards the cave. The gun in his hand was aimed in the direction of the cave, just in case.

When Luo Zheng heard that it was a huge cave, he didn't wait for the news and immediately grabbed the rope and went down. Everyone quickly helped to hold on to the rope to prevent the rope from swinging to Luo Zheng's disadvantage. Luo Zheng slid down skillfully and soon he was down. When we reached the bottom of the cliff, we jumped onto a huge rock to observe.

When Luo Zheng discovered it through the tactical goggles, he was lying down at the entrance of the cave to observe vigilantly. There were waves in the entrance of the cave, and the whine of the wind pouring into the cave was deafening. Looking at the other side, it was quiet and chaotic under the cliff. There were piles of rocks and there was no ambush. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly moved towards the entrance of the cave.

Soon, Luo Zheng also came to the entrance of the cave to join Shi Qian. Shi Qian did not expect Luo Zheng to come in person and said quickly: "Boss, something is wrong. It seems to be a military base inside. Do you remember the island where the enemy cultivated biochemical humans? It’s also an underground base, very similar to this one.”

There was black smoke billowing inside the cave. Needless to say, there must be something strange about it. However, such huge black smoke coming out of the cave meant that someone was lighting a fire inside. The people inside would definitely not be able to hold it. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "If it is a military base, Why is there so much black smoke? Did the enemy set fire to this underground base?"

"No, if that's the case, everything inside will be burned. Why did the enemy do this? Did they escape on a nuclear submarine?" Shi Qian suddenly thought of something and shouted in shock.

When Luo Zheng heard this, his face turned ugly. If it was really a base inside, then this base would definitely not be simple for the people on the island. The outer camp was just a cover, and the cave base was the focus. However, with such a big black smoke billowing, the things inside I'm afraid they were all burned. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was so angry that he quickly took off his backpack, put down his weapons, jumped directly into the sea, and swam towards the cave.

Shi Qian was startled, and quickly put down his weapons and equipment, jumped into the water and chased after him. The two paddled hard. Soon, the cave turned a corner and the front was much wider, but everything he could see was blazing fire, and black smoke came from inside the cave. When it came out, the high temperature of the fire could be felt from a distance of about twenty meters.

"Boss, we can't go any further." Shi Qian was anxious and shouted quickly.

Luo Zheng stopped, floating on the sea and looked at this scene coldly, his face was livid, and he said angrily: "I understand, those armed forces who came forward to attack us are just abandoners, delaying their evacuation, use Thousands of people died in exchange for them burning down the cave base to escape, what a very spicy method, and the person who gave the order was so bold."

"It's a very common tactic for geckos to cut off their tails in self-defense. However, the more it is like this, the more important it is to prove the importance of this underground base. It's a pity that there is such a fire and we can't get in at all." Shi Qian also said angrily, swam to Luo Zheng and pointed Looking at the fire in front, he continued: "Boss, look, the cave in front is much wider, there are docks, and many man-made buildings. Such a fire cannot be formed temporarily."

"You mean the enemy has already thought of this plan to escape the golden silkworm's shell?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"That's right, it only took an hour before and after we attacked the island. It will take some time for the enemy to retreat. Even if the fire was lit half an hour ago, it would not have burned so big. You see, even the rock walls will be burned. There is a pungent smell of petroleum in the air. It should be that they have stored a large amount of petroleum here to support combustion. They can reduce the entire underground base to ashes in a short time. Such a ruthless method. Once they realize there is danger, they will immediately cut off the escape route. There is always nothing left for us." Shi Qian analyzed angrily.

Every time they fight against the Dark Church, as soon as the Dark Church realizes that something is wrong, they immediately hide themselves or erase all the traces behind them. Just like now, Luo Zheng is not given any clues, and every time he works in vain for a long time, except for cutting off some Except for the minions of the Dark Church, they cannot fundamentally destroy the foundation of the Dark Church.

"Another wasted work." Luo Zheng said bitterly as he looked at the raging fire. The sound of explosions in the cave came to his ears. The whole cave seemed to be shaking, and the soil fell one after another. Luo Zheng was startled and quickly looked towards Shi Qian shouted: "No, the cave is unstable, retreat first."

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