The strongest soldier

Chapter 3480 Reinforcements Landing on the Island

Half an hour later, in a dense forest on an inconspicuous hillside on the island, Shi Qian looked around with vigilance. Ishii Man even climbed up a big tree to hide himself, acting as an observation post. Shi Qian guessed that this boy had learned something on the island. Many things were left to his own use. Seeing that the time for the general attack was approaching, the sea ahead was still rolling with waves, and there was no abnormality. Shi Qian couldn't sit still.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng's voice came from the headset: "Brother Shi Qian, brothers will be ashore in five minutes and prepare to respond. What is the current situation of the enemy's position?"

"The enemy is still repairing the artillery. The artillery has basically been blown up, so there is nothing to worry about. However, the heavy machine gun position is very threatening. It is only two thousand meters away from the beach and has a wide field of vision. You have to be careful." Shi Qian reminded, while Looking towards the heavy machine gun position halfway up the mountain, the enemy there may have realized that something was going to happen. They were staring seriously at the sea and getting ready for battle. This was not good for landing on the beach, and Shi Qian became anxious.

"It's fine without cannons. Our combat plan has been slightly adjusted. First, the first and second teams of the special service team penetrated ashore from the seabed. There is no radar threat. The brothers don't have to worry about being discovered when they get ashore. They will be the first to arrive after they get ashore secretly. Time will find you to join us, and then we will find a way to seize the machine gun position and cover the large troops landing on the island." Shi Qian said in a deep voice.

Shi Qian was overjoyed when he heard this. As long as the brothers could infiltrate part of the seabed first and seize the heavy machine gun position, the battle would be basically won. Without the radar threat, the brothers would only need an oxygen tube to come over, and Not being discovered, and then finding a place to dock secretly is more than half the success, so there is no expectation.

After adjusting the tactics according to the actual situation, Tokikan was completely relieved. The enemy's heavy machine gun position was quite large. Tokikan and Ishiio alone might not be able to capture it, and there was a great threat to their lives. With reinforcements, it would be different. Shi Qian waited patiently.

About five minutes later, Luo Zheng's voice sounded again in the headset: "Brothers are approaching the reef area and are preparing to go back to your location to gather. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, my position is not far from the reef area, and there are no enemies on the way." Shi Qian was overjoyed and quickly turned to look at the reef. The reef was full of piles of rocks. The rocks were huge, like a room, and had high concealment. It's hard to find people inside, and even if they are discovered, it doesn't matter. The pile of rocks is a good cover.

Next to the reef area is a cliff. The slope of the cliff is not very big. With the combat power of the special service team, it is easy to climb up. Shi Qian waited happily. Due to the distance and the obstruction of the piles of rocks, Shi Qian did not see anyone coming up. Waiting patiently, he carefully informed Ishii Man of the situation and asked Ishii Man to keep an eye on it.

About ten minutes later, Ishii-o let out a slight bird call, which was the pre-arranged secret signal. Someone was coming. Shi Qian quickly blended his body into the inconspicuous darkness with understanding, and looked around vigilantly. You must not be careless until you are sure whether the person coming is friend or foe.

After a while, Luo Zheng's voice came from the headset: "Brothers are already close to your position, don't get me wrong."

"Understood." Shi Qian was overjoyed.

Everyone was wearing headsets, and the headquarters could locate them based on everyone's headset signals. After being reminded that it was one of their own, Shi Qian quickly came out of the shadows, walked to the open area and let out a few bird calls, three long and two short. It was the number one of the special service team. He set the agreed secret code for his own people, and soon, several black shadows hurried over.

Not long after, these people arrived near Shi Qian, followed by more people, and spread out to guard the surrounding area. The first few people trotted up to Shi Qian, and one of them asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

When Shi Qian heard the voice, he knew it was his lover Cao Xi, and immediately smiled and said, "It's okay, don't worry."

"Hahaha, you are so good, you actually made such a big fuss and overfulfilled the task." Someone ran over excitedly and said.

"Boss?" Shi Qian didn't expect that the person arriving was Luo Zheng. He quickly went up to salute, but Luo Zheng grabbed his arm. Shi Qian saw Luo Zheng looking around and pointed to a big tree knowingly.

Luo Zheng looked up knowingly, and sure enough he saw a child sliding down on the canopy of the tree. He couldn't help being happy, and shouted through the headset: "Ishii Sora, come here."

"Sora Ishii is here?" Shi Qian looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked. Luo Zheng nodded without looking around. Sure enough, a familiar figure rushed out of the woods and went straight to Ishii. It was him. Ishii Sora couldn't help but smile and said: "When father and son meet, our team Ishii Sora's promise has been fulfilled, and the favor owed to Ishii Sora has been repaid."

"Yes." Luo Zheng also said with a smile. Last time, Ishii Sora in the underground garage turned against the enemy and killed the enemy, avoiding a big explosion and saving Luo Zheng's life. It can be regarded as a favor owed to Ishii Sora by the Secret Bureau. This is also the willingness of everyone to help Ishii Sora. Seeing Ishii Sora and his son meeting each other, Luo Zheng also smiled and whispered: "Okay, tell me the situation."

"The enemy's heavy machine gun position is halfway up the mountain. Look, it's over there." Shi Qian said and pointed in a direction.

Luo Zheng looked along the direction, and sure enough he saw several trenches dug on the mountainside. A dozen heavy machine guns were lined up in a row, and the muzzles of the guns were all locked on the beach. The shooting range was very wide. As the secret penetrated, there was absolutely no way to escape being shot. He secretly rejoiced and said in a low voice: "This location is very good. If we hadn't known in advance that there was a heavy machine gun position, we would have landed directly on some beach."

"Yes, this beach has gentle terrain and is most suitable for fishing boats to land." Shi Qian agreed.

"You have made a great contribution this time." Luo Zheng said with appreciation. He looked towards the top of the mountain, where figures flashed. It was the enemy's artillery position. Luo Zheng observed for a moment and was about to issue a battle plan when he saw Ishii Sora walking up. Then he nodded and said with a smile: "So, everything is okay?"

"Thank you for your help. My father and I will remember this kindness in our hearts." Sora Ishii said gratefully.

"No matter what, this is what I promised you. Now more than half of the promise has been fulfilled. The next step is to kill the enemies. Only by killing the enemies on the island can we return safely. You don't need to participate in the subsequent battles. Wait patiently. Stay, or take your son and retreat first." Luo Zheng smiled.

"No, this is also my war." Ishii Sora's eyes became firm and he said in a deep voice. He pulled out two Japanese swords. After thinking about it, he handed one to his son and said in a deep voice: "The Shame can only be washed away by the blood of the enemy, this is the belief of a ninja, please allow us to participate in the war."

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