The strongest soldier

Chapter 3469 Military Intelligence Conference

On the way back, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue analyzed in detail the various possibilities for the KGB's initiative to cooperate. Due to the lack of other clues, it was difficult to judge, so they simply ignored the situation. It was impossible to cooperate before an anti-terrorist alliance was reached, and there was no institutional possibility. With permission, the conversation between the two quickly turned to prenatal education. As new parents, both of them had little knowledge in this area. Lan Xue smiled and stroked her belly while explaining to Luo Zheng what they had learned in the prenatal education center. , Luo Zheng listened carefully, his face full of happiness.

When he got home, Luo Zheng had just parked the car and was about to take Lan Xue upstairs when a call came in. Luo Zheng saw that it was from the headquarters and quickly answered the call. He heard Lan Xing say happily: "Brother-in-law, the tentacle monster and Sora Ishii are back. , they successfully landed on the island and returned, bringing many valuable clues."

"Great, I'll be there right away and notify the squadron leaders and above at home to hold a meeting so that the tentacle monster is ready to speak." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and hurriedly warned.

"Understood." Blue Star agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue apologetically. Lan Xue smiled knowingly and said, "Go ahead. Work is very important. You can get home just by taking the elevator. I can do it alone."

Luo Zheng still sent Lan Xue back to his house uneasy, then took the elevator downstairs and drove back in a hurry. The No. 2 conference room of the headquarters was already filled with the core members of the Secret Bureau. Everyone from the squadron leader level and above came. The spacious room The conference room was full, and everyone was talking quietly about something, glancing at the empty seat in front of them from time to time.

Officers at the captain level sit around the conference table. Officers at the squadron level are in a circle on the outside. The hierarchy is clear. The think tank and Hong Meihua sit on both sides of the main seat. The tentacle monster is tapping on the computer next to it, making various preparations before speaking. Ishii Sora was sitting next to the tentacle monster, closing his eyes and concentrating. The electronic screen had been turned on, and everyone was waiting patiently.

Not long after, Luo Zheng pushed the door open and came in. Everyone stood up to greet them with eager eyes. Luo Zheng waved his hands and lowered his hands, indicating that everyone should sit down. Without being polite, he quickly walked two steps to the main seat and sat down. He looked at the tentacle monster and said: "Everyone , there will be a meeting below, the topic of today’s meeting is the nameless island, please ask the tentacle monster to speak.”

"Yes." The tentacle monster agreed, looking around at the surprised brothers, with a solemn expression, and said seriously: "Brothers, Ishii Sora successfully landed on the Unnamed Island three days ago. Please first ask Ishii Sora to tell you about the situation of landing on the island." As he spoke, he tapped the keyboard, and a floor plan appeared on the electronic screen.

The plan was made after the tentacle monster hacked into the enemy's system. It was marked with red dots and arrows. The arrows were connected in a line, which happened to be the marching route of Ishii Sora after landing on the island. It was in an irregular oval shape, and each red dot was marked with a number. , represents the sequence of Ishii Sora's infiltration route. From this picture, it can be seen clearly where Ishii Sora landed on the island, where he detoured, and where he returned.

Sora Ishii opened his slightly closed eyes and nodded gratefully to Luo Zheng. With such a large formation and so many people coming to study the Unnamed Island, it shows how seriously they attach importance to this matter. As long as the Secret Bureau pays attention to it, Sora Ishii believes in rescuing His son was just around the corner, so he didn't dare to neglect. He explained in detail how he landed on the island, what he saw and heard on the way, the battle process, and the enemy's combat effectiveness. Everyone's faces became solemn after listening.

After a while, Ishii Sora explained the entire process in detail without any personal subjective analysis, so as not to mislead everyone's judgment. After finishing speaking, Ishii Sora added: "Everyone, thank you very much for listening patiently. Can you save me?" I’ll leave my son to you all.”

Luo Zheng nodded to Ishii Sora and began to think deeply. Everyone was also silent, digesting the information brought by Ishii Sora. After a while, Luo Zheng looked at the tentacle monster. The tentacle monster nodded knowingly and quickly tapped the keyboard a few times. A three-dimensional hologram of the camp appeared on the electronic screen. The barracks, roads, training grounds, defensive firepower, and patrol and warning arrangements were clearly visible at a glance. Everyone continued to think.

After a few minutes, Luo Zheng estimated that everyone had digested the information, and immediately said: "Everyone, this information is very rare. It was Sora Ishii who risked his life to bring it to you. Here, we express our gratitude to Mr. Sora Ishii with applause. , thank him for everything he did.”

Everyone applauded gratefully, and Ishii Sora quickly stood up and kept bowing to everyone. He didn't dare to take credit for anything, and when everyone stopped applauding, he said excitedly: "Everyone, I'm serious, I just wanted to save my son. I don’t dare to take any credit, I leave everything to everyone.”

Everyone smiled kindly, Luo Zheng looked at the tentacle monster and continued: "Everyone understands the basic situation. What information you also have, tell us all for discussion."

"Yes." The tentacle monster said quickly: "First, I have mastered the situation of their radar control system. I need the help of Sister-in-law Xuelian to find a solution within one day; second, the enemy has indeed deployed three thousand troops, and their combat effectiveness is fierce. ; Third, they have a total of ten SAM anti-aircraft missile launchers, which are deployed at different locations on the island. Each one has a company's strength handle, heavy machine gun positions and trenches and caves. It can be said that they are heavily defended and time is too short. I don’t know much about it; third, I haven’t found a torpedo launching base, but I can’t rule it out. In order not to attract the enemy’s attention, I don’t dare to invade their network for a long time; fourth, they have network information experts to control them. Once a fight breaks out, If you need someone to keep an eye on you, that’s all.”

It was good to be able to master so much information in a short period of time. Luo Zheng nodded with satisfaction, looked at everyone and said: "Brothers, the Unnamed Island is overseas. We cannot carry out large-scale air strikes, and the navy cannot openly go to help. If we can rely on ourselves, let’s talk about it.”

"It will be very difficult for us to rely on ourselves alone, and there will be casualties. Of course, we can still do it by taking down the Unnamed Island as planned. If the anti-terrorist alliance can be established, our casualties can be reduced a lot." The think tank took over the topic and said.

Everyone believed that as long as the anti-terrorist alliance was established, local countries could send troops to assist. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng. Only Luo Zheng knew the progress of the anti-terrorist alliance. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "The anti-terrorist alliance is still there. Preparations are in progress, and there is currently no timetable. In addition, we also need a beautiful victory to cheer up all countries, strengthen their confidence in counter-terrorism, and at the same time establish our prestige and influence in counter-terrorism. Therefore, I will focus on this battle. I hope I can fight it myself.”

"In this case, our staff office will come up with a plan as soon as possible. Everyone can speak freely and provide some ideas for our staff office. If anyone has a good idea, please tell me and I will treat him to a drink. I will take care of it." The think tank smiled. He looked at everyone and said.

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