The strongest soldier

Chapter 3467 Weird Beauty

Three days later in the morning, the sun shone warmly on every corner of the city, bringing warmth and hope to people. It gently brushed the willows on both sides of the street, and the catkins danced playfully with the wind, starting their own journey of growth. On the road, pedestrians are slow, vehicles are leisurely, and there are old people sitting down and basking in the sun on the roadside, chatting about the good memories of the past. Everything is so beautiful and harmonious.

In a cafe near a women's and children's hospital, Luo Zheng sat by the window and watched all this quietly. He felt that everything he had done was worth it. For people to live a carefree life, as a soldier, even if he died, Still, beautiful light music was playing in the cafe, as if it was telling a touching love story. Several pairs of young men and women were whispering to each other, and their faces were filled with happy smiles.

After the meeting, the Dark Church kidnapped all the foreign participants and then disappeared out of thin air. No matter how hard all countries tried to trace, there was no result. This situation made all countries nervous, and they learned a lot more about the Dark Church. share worries.

This is what Luo Zheng wants. As long as all countries understand and worry about the Dark Church, the anti-terrorism alliance will be easy to advance. People on the diplomatic side are looking for secret negotiations with various countries for specific work. Luo Zheng does not need to worry about it. Luo Zheng has already submitted the big charter, and Just like the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism, the overall situation must be grasped by oneself. Countries provide intelligence sharing, operational support and weapons assistance, and can send small teams to jointly attack.

The anti-terrorist alliance is related to the overall situation of the future. Luo Zheng has high hopes. It is precisely because the hopes are too high that the requirements cannot be low. You must grasp the overall situation by yourself. This is the bottom line. Otherwise, there is no need to form an alliance and work for others. It is absolutely forbidden to charge into battle or even act as cannon fodder.

The strange thing is that after the Dark Church kidnapped the hostages, there was no movement again, as if they were hiding again. There was no news after Sean was rescued. Everything seemed abnormal, but Luo Zheng knew very well that the enemy was brewing a bigger conspiracy. , or developing more terrifying weapons. In the past three days, besides spending time with his family, Luo Zheng devoted all his energy to intelligence, but unfortunately there was no progress.

Today is the day when Lan Xue comes to the hospital for a prenatal check-up. As a man, it is a responsibility to accompany your lover for a prenatal check-up. It is also a kind of happiness. After the prenatal check-up, Lan Xue stayed in the hospital for prenatal education. The classroom was full of pregnant women. Luo Zheng stayed It wasn't appropriate. The air in the hospital was too stuffy, so I ran to the cafe opposite to rest.

After making a few phone calls to the headquarters to handle official business, but nothing happened, he picked up a magazine next to him and started flipping through it. After a while, Luo Zheng felt someone coming over, so he looked up and saw a beautiful woman dressed very fashionably. Tall, with long hair shawl, her whole body exudes intellectual beauty, elegant, mature and dignified, and her long skirt shows off her sexy figure.

This beautiful woman walked up to Luo Zheng generously and asked with a smile: "Sir, can I sit here?"

"Whatever." Luo Zheng said lightly, and continued to look down at the magazine.

"I didn't expect that your husband also reads fashion magazines. I wonder if he likes retro, simple or surrealistic ones?" the beauty asked softly with a curious look on her face, a familiar expression on her face.

Luo Zheng was startled and looked at the other person up and down. He was secretly wary. There were already many people in the cafe. It was normal for this person to come to share a table. However, Luo Zheng did not believe that a beautiful woman would take the initiative to strike up a conversation with him. He knew his own business. If you have no money and no appearance, what do you want?

A beautiful woman who looks extraordinary would take the initiative to strike up a conversation with a man who has no money and looks? Luo Zheng is not a brainless young man, and naturally he will not be self-righteous and think that he is extraordinary. The bastard was shocked, and the beauties all over the world threw themselves into his arms. He immediately asked calmly: "Is something wrong?"

"Sir, we were joking. We were just chatting." The beauty said with a faint smile, as if she was really bored and just chatting casually. She waved to the waiter, ordered a cup of coffee, leaned on the back of the sofa, and looked at Luo Zheng. He continued: "Sir, are you waiting for someone? Will I disturb you?"

Luo Zheng became more vigilant, but with a calm smile on his face, he didn't answer. He closed the magazine and put it aside. He looked at the other party calmly and asked, "Is there something wrong?" ?”

"Sir, he is such an interesting person. He cherishes words like gold. Two sentences with the same two words are really rare. People like you are rare. Why don't you chat for a while?" The beauty said with a faint smile.

"Should I ask you what kind of person you are next?" Luo Zheng smiled lightly, looked at the other person thoughtfully, took out his cell phone, and jumped into photo mode while pretending to read the message.

"Sir, you are so funny. If you don't want to talk, just forget it." The beauty smiled lightly, with an indifferent expression.

Luo Zheng suddenly raised his cell phone and took a recent photo of the other party. The beauty's face changed drastically, and she stood up suddenly. A flash of panic flashed in her eyes. She picked up the small bag and was about to leave. Luo Zheng said coldly: "Sit down." Determination, with an unmistakable coldness, and an extra gun in his hand.

The beauty's face turned pale when she saw the gun. She sat down helplessly, looked at Luo Zheng nervously and said, "What do you want to do? This is a cafe. As long as I shout, many people will pay attention to this place. Even if you are killed, I will kill you." I can’t run away either, so don’t mess around.”

"Shut up." Luo Zheng said coldly. He sent the photo to Lan Xing and left a message asking Lan Xing to quickly investigate the person's true identity. Then he looked at the beauty coldly and said, "Sit down for a few minutes. It's okay. I will naturally let you go. If there is any problem, you must know my character and style."

"You, I don't know what you are talking about?" the beauty whispered in a panic.

"It's best not to know, otherwise the consequences will be serious." Luo Zheng sneered. If the other party were an ordinary person, he would scream in fear and run away instead of sitting down obediently. He was obviously guilty and also Knowing his identity and work style, he had to compromise in order to save his life.

Showing a gun is just a test method. If the other party is scared, screams, and runs away, Luo Zheng will just pretend that nothing happened and continue drinking tea. Even if the other party reports the crime, there is nothing to worry about, but the result of the test is that Luo Zheng was a little surprised, but it was also expected. Naturally, he would not let the other party escape.

"What do you want to do?" the beauty asked nervously, her face turning pale.

"I said, sit here for a few minutes and I'll let you go if nothing happens." Luo Zheng whispered in a cold tone, while secretly observing the surroundings in case the other party had any accomplices. A beautiful woman suddenly came up to strike up a conversation. This kind of thing doesn't happen to others. Maybe his hormones are rising and he thinks he is infinitely charming, but Luo Zheng will not be stupid.

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