The strongest soldier

Chapter 3462: Kill the opportunity

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. This is an eternal law on the battlefield. Ishii Sora tried to rush forward bravely, but the troops in front were not bad. They were not disrupted by Ishii Sora's preemptive attack, nor were the communication soldiers killed. In panic, under the leader's loud orders, they dispersed one after another, each finding a place to hide. While running, they did not forget to fire to block Ishii Sora's location, and they fought very methodically.

Sora Ishii was not very familiar with the battlefield. If Luo Zheng was here, he would definitely be more careful when he saw this scene. But Sora Ishii was different. On the contrary, when he saw that the enemy was fighting back tenaciously, he was furious and pointed the snatched automatic rifle at a Fire was fired violently in the direction, but the marksmanship was limited and the threat was not great.

As soon as the two sides exchanged fire, the enemy locked the specific position of Ishii Sora. Someone immediately spread out and tried to outflank him from both sides. As a result, the frontal firepower was suddenly reduced a bit. Ishii Sora didn't think too much and thought. Procrastinating will only make you trapped in a tight siege. Seeing that the frontal firepower is less, you don't hesitate to pick up the gun and rush forward to fight, completely relying on speed to avoid the enemy's firepower.

For a person who has not been formally trained in combat skills, Ishii Sora does not know any bullet avoidance steps or counterattack tactics. He fights based on instinct and bloody courage. Fortunately, his speed is amazing and he has a sense of danger. With almost beast-like intuition, he actually avoided the enemy's fire blocking several times.

The distance of the charge was not long, but Ishii Sora sometimes turned back and ran to avoid the bullets fired at him, and sometimes accelerated and jumped to charge. If he felt something was wrong, he rolled to the ground without hesitation. He didn't care that doing so would damage his identity as a chrysanthemum-level strongman, but In this way, he invisibly ran out of the bullet avoidance step. Although it was not standard enough, he still avoided the attack with his speed and shortened the distance between him and the enemy.

Enemies who were outflanking from both sides turned around when they saw Sora Ishii moving so fast. Enemies who were blocking him from the front were shocked when they saw Sora Ishii rushing up in the blink of an eye, and counterattacking even though he was carrying bullets. He is so fierce, how can he avoid so many fire blockades?

How could ordinary people have such terrifying speed? This phenomenon was beyond everyone's understanding, and they were all stunned. When Sora Ishii came to their senses, he was already within five or six meters of him. They were horrified, and they all gritted their teeth and rushed forward. Not one of them fled, which shows the combat effectiveness of this unit. Extraordinary.

Sora Ishii threw the empty automatic rifle at the enemies in front of him and rolled to the end. Before he could get up, he pulled out a Japanese sword from behind and slashed left and right, cutting off the legs of two enemies on the spot. , the blood surged, and the two men screamed and fell to the ground, rolling in pain.

Once he got close, Sora Ishii was not afraid of this enemy at all. The two Japanese swords flew left and right, using them both ways, constantly slashing and killing the enemies around him. He jumped, chopped, and stabbed. His movements were coordinated with the sword skills, and they moved as smoothly as flowing water. , as the sword flashed, blood was constantly being stirred up. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen enemies all fell to the ground, and no one was spared.

Ishii Sora almost broke out of the siege in one breath. He did not hesitate to fight, nor did he look back at the enemy who fell on the ground behind him. He did not move slowly with his feet and continued to rush forward. In the blink of an eye, he ran a hundred meters away and waited for the enemies on both sides to return. At that time, they only saw corpses and blood on the ground. Everyone was shocked. What kind of fighting power is this?

Someone immediately thought of contacting the higher-ups and reporting the situation, only to find that the individual radio station had been blown up and there was no way to get in touch with the higher-ups. A man who looked like a leader left several people behind to guard the corpses on the ground and his companions who were not yet dead. He led the others in pursuit with a cold face.

Ishii Sora rushed towards the valley. Although he was very tired, he also knew that time is life. Only by blending into the enemy group would he have a chance to survive. After running for a while, he suddenly saw another troop appearing in front of him, a distance away. It was still a little far away, so Ishii Sora didn't dare to be careless and immediately took a detour from the other side.

While running, Ishii Sora immediately told the tentacle monster about the situation. When the tentacle monster heard that Ishii Sora had killed the individual radio station, it was overjoyed and said quickly: "Ishii Sora, find a place to hide immediately and take a breather."

"What do you mean?" Sora Ishii asked in surprise, but his steps slowly slowed down.

"Are you sure you knocked out the enemy's individual radio station?" the tentacle monster asked. After receiving Sora Ishii's affirmative reply, he said excitedly: "The opportunity has come, your chance has come."

"What opportunity?" Sora Ishii asked in surprise.

"If you carry an individual soldier radio on your back, it means that the unit does not have a communication headset for communication, nor does it have a walkie-talkie or other mobile phone. Otherwise, there is no need to carry an individual soldier radio. The thing is still a bit heavy and inconvenient to carry. If you kill the individual soldier, If there is a military radio station, they will not be able to get in touch with them. Moreover, they will definitely chase you up. Firstly, they will kill you, and secondly, they will warn their own people to prevent you from sneaking into their camp. You only need to follow them. The enemy It’s true that they have radar, and it’s true that they can find you, but they can’t contact this team, which means that this team won’t know that you are behind them, as long as you don’t expose yourself.” The tentacle monster said quickly.

"That's right." Ishii Sora's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed. He took off his equipment in a few seconds. He originally thought that he could sneak into the enemy camp with this equipment, but he also took risks and finally snatched this piece of equipment. Personal equipment seems completely unnecessary now.

Ishii Sora took off all the equipment he had snatched, revealing the invisibility suit inside. His whole body quickly blended in with the surrounding colors, leaving only a pair of eyes, two Japanese swords and a backpack exposed. It was concealed without any need. Worried about being discovered, Ishii Sora quickly checked the surrounding terrain, ran back for a distance, climbed a big tree and waited patiently.

Not long after, Ishii Sora saw a team rushing over quickly. Perhaps they were eager to go back to report the news. This team did not carefully investigate the surrounding situation, but hurried on, quickly passed by Ishii Sora and headed straight towards the valley. Sora Ishii smiled when he saw this scene. It was indeed a camp.

After all the enemies had passed through, Ishii Sora quickly jumped down from the big tree and ran forward closely behind the team. As long as the enemy did not check the specific number of people, it would be absolutely difficult to notice that there was an extra person in the team, and even if they did, they would not. Yes, this enemy has no communication tools to contact them.

Ishii Sora followed the enemy for a while and rushed to a hillside. There was a valley in front of him. The valley was large and lush with trees, and wooden houses could be vaguely seen. A radar was also found on the mountainside. Ishii Sora was overjoyed and continued calmly. Follow this team forward, while thinking about the next plan.

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