The strongest soldier

Chapter 3446 Valuable Experience

There was deathly silence in the gray sky. Nothing could be seen in the thick gray clouds. Only the missiles were flying around like headless flies in the sky because they could not find their targets. There were no shadows in an instant. Everyone looked up at the sky. , I didn't dare to breathe out, my whole body was tense and motionless, as if the whole world had stopped.

"Boom, boom, boom -" There was a faint thunder-like sound in the invisible high sky. It should be that the missile exploded on its own. Dozens of missiles were prepared but not prepared, but they failed to bring down the aircraft. Everyone was disheartened. Standing up, I was shocked by the terrifying performance and speed of the aircraft. Is there any way to restrain such a terrifying combat weapon?

Just when everyone was disappointed, they suddenly heard a series of explosions in the gray clouds above. The firelight flashed through the thick clouds, like lightning at midnight, extremely dazzling. Everyone knew that it was a fighter jet that launched the attack. , finally arrived, everyone became excited, and the fighting spirit soared again.

"Everyone listen to my order, leave the vehicle quickly and find a place to hide." Ghost Hand shouted at the intercom. He was not sure whether the fighter jet could intercept the aircraft. If the aircraft launched an angry attack on the ground, everyone had no way to fight back. If you stay, you will be courting death.

After hearing the order, everyone quickly jumped out of the car and scattered, looking for a place to hide. Guishou even rushed towards the top of the mountain, trying to witness this rare air battle with his own eyes. Just after climbing more than ten meters, a sound sounded in the headset. Voice: "The aircraft evacuated quickly after being hit. It was too fast for our fighter jets to pursue. It was intercepted by our border troops. You are now safe."

"Run away?" Guishou looked at the empty sky with a shocked face. Unfortunately, he couldn't see anything. The high-altitude decisive battle was blocked by thick low-pressure clouds. Guishou shouted angrily: "What did you just say? The target was hit? Why can the target escape the encirclement?"

"The missile exploded near the target. The target was overturned by the peripheral shock wave, but it quickly flew steadily and hurried toward the west with black smoke. They couldn't escape this time. Friendly forces deployed anti-aircraft artillery positions in the west. Even if they rushed out of the artillery position, Even if you intercept them, they won't be able to escape. The earth is so big, I don't believe that he can go to outer space, and all the satellites are already in place to track him." The man with a thick voice explained angrily, and he was obviously really angry.

Guishou smiled bitterly after listening to the other party's words. He was not optimistic about the interception of the air defense position. After all, the Dark Church also has satellites. As long as the air defense position is discovered even one minute in advance, the enemy can easily evacuate. The speed of the aircraft is really too fast, faster than the naked eye. Can't even keep up with the speed? How terrifying is this speed?

Thinking of this, Ghost Hand picked up the walkie-talkie angrily and shouted: "Brothers, get in the car and go back."

"Yes." Everyone agreed feebly. After traveling thousands of miles, they finally got here but had to go back after launching the missile. What is this? But no one complains. The only blame is that technology is inferior to humans, and the enemy's aircraft are too fast and perform too well. Dozens of guided missiles cannot capture the target, and many fighter jets can't capture the target even if they surround them. What else is there to say? ?

Everyone returned to the car and started the car. Guishou signaled everyone to wait. He picked up the phone and dialed Luo Zheng's number. Luo Zheng had already heard about this and was on his way to the headquarters when he received the call from Guishou. After the phone call, he asked about the process in detail, especially after thinking about the attack. Guishou waited for a while but didn't see any orders from Luo Zheng. He looked at the call status with some doubts and found that the call was not disconnected, so he asked: "Brother, we Should we return or continue to go to Tianshan to act as a suspect?"

"Continue to Tianshan. Your whereabouts must be monitored by satellites. The enemy already knows that you have transported dozens of missile launchers there. This is a huge air defense force. They will believe that our meeting location is arranged in Tianshan, which will help us. ." Luo Zheng said decisively.

"Understood." Guishou promised: "But the missiles we carry have been used up and need to be replenished."

"I understand. Your counterattack tactics just now are very good. It inspired me. There was a problem with our previous tactics. There is no need to use guided missiles to attack. We should use cluster bombs or anti-aircraft rocket launchers to form a barrage. The dense firepower will delay the target and give the fighter jets Create opportunities.”

"Cluster bombs? Anti-aircraft artillery? Barrage?" Guishou was startled, reacted suddenly, and said excitedly: "It makes sense. If it was a cluster bomb attack just now, the huge firepower would form a fire swamp. Once the target falls into the swamp, it would be impossible to escape. Go out, if it is a rocket attack, the fire will form a barrage and a wall of fire. If the aircraft hits the wall of fire, it will definitely die. It's a pity, why didn't I think of it before."

"I just thought about it, no wonder everyone. After all, we have too little experience in direct combat with aircraft. You have made a great contribution this time. You not only drove away the aircraft, but also accumulated experience for the subsequent counterattack. With this understanding, From now on we will know how to deal with aircraft." Luo Zheng said excitedly.

"It's good if it's useful, otherwise brothers will go all the way in vain and waste so many missiles. This grandson can run really fast. I hope the friendly artillery positions in the west can intercept the target." Guishou said angrily.

"I guess it will be difficult. We can only attack the aircraft suddenly. Once the opponent is alert, it will be difficult to capture it. I will arrange for people to send cluster bombs over as soon as possible. Your launcher can launch cluster bombs with a slight change. You must Stabilize the morale of the military, the most dangerous experience is over, and we will not be afraid of encountering aircraft in the future." Luo Zheng warned confidently.

"Okay, I understand." Guishou promised fully. After cutting off the call, he quickly ordered the troops to get on the car. He pulled up the canvas again to disguise himself and prepared to evacuate. At the same time, he asked someone to bring the person he was following over.

Not long after, a man was carried over, like a chicken, and he threw it next to the ghost hand in the carriage. A brother stepped forward and slapped the man awake, and dealt with this There is no need for such people to be benevolent, righteous, and moral. Ghost Hands looked at the other person coldly and said: "Search him."

"Yes." Someone immediately agreed to search him, but unfortunately he had nothing on him, not even his driver's license and driving license. Guishou looked at the waking man coldly and shouted: "Boy, you make me very unhappy. Should I confess honestly or be beaten up by me and then confess? I like the latter."

"No, I said, I said." The man, who was also a bachelor, said quickly: "Someone gave me money to keep an eye on your marching route."

"Who is it? How can I contact him?" Guishou asked coldly.

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