The strongest soldier

Chapter 3436 Inspection of the Island

Crab Island is an island near the high seas. Not only are there many crabs living on the island, but more importantly, the island looks like crabs when viewed from a high altitude. The main island is round, like a huge crab shell, and extends for one kilometer on both sides. The islands on the left and right diverge like crab claws. A resort hotel has been built on the main island. Not many people know about it. It is a private membership system and non-members are not admitted.

Three days later, in the afternoon, the weather was fine. A speedboat cut through the waves and rushed toward Crab Island, making big splashes. Under the sun, the blue sea was particularly beautiful. There were several people standing in the suit, looking curiously at Crab Island. , pointing, the leader is none other than Luo Zheng.

Crab Island is an important place in the counterattack plan. The place used for holding meetings is far away from the urban area. A fight will not affect the normal life of the citizens. In addition, it is isolated on the sea and has no danger to defend. It can also attract the enemy very well. , if you choose a place that is beneficial to you, people from the Dark Church may not sneak up on you.

On this day, Luo Zheng heard about Crab Island and decided to come over to inspect the terrain in person. He was accompanied by Wu Jin, Tie Diao, Gui Shou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Diao, all of whom were experienced in combat. They all circled around Crab Island. After recording all the surrounding terrain, the speedboat arrived at the dock.

The person in charge of the hotel had already heard the news and came to greet him. Guishou was familiar with the person in charge and went up to negotiate. Luo Zheng took everyone to wander around. He was not in a hurry to enter the hotel and wandered all the way. Everyone chatted all the way and arrived unknowingly. When we arrived at the island that looked like a crab's claws on the left, there was the vast sea in front of us. The waves were rolling, reflecting the sun, and the sea breeze was gentle. Luo Zheng looked towards the vast sea and thought about something.

After a while, Wu Jin whispered: "This island has no natural dangers to defend, not even trees, and there are piles of weeds and rocks. Once a fight breaks out, we will be very passive. If the enemy attacks from all directions at the same time, the casualties will probably be considerable." , should you reconsider and move to another place?”

I have to say that Wu Jin's proposal was very reasonable. Choosing this place when the safety of the participants could not be confirmed was to risk death. Of course Luo Zheng knew this truth, but he did not express his opinion and continued to enjoy the sea view, as if there was something charming there. Something average.

Wu Jin wanted to say something else, but the snow leopard next to him pulled Wu Jin and made a silent gesture. Wu Jin nodded knowingly and waited patiently. After a while, Luo Zheng turned around and led everyone back to the main island. Just as everyone When he thought Luo Zheng would enter the hotel to observe, Luo Zheng walked towards the island on the other side that was shaped like a crab's claws.

Everyone followed Luo Zheng and continued forward, along the island, and unknowingly came to the end. Luo Zheng stood on a stone and continued to observe the sea. He even stretched out his hands and took a deep breath, just like a tourist who came to visit. After shouting a few words, everyone was surprised and confused, but no one asked any more questions.

After staying for a while, Luo Zheng took everyone back, this time heading straight to the hotel. The main building of the hotel is only three stories high and is mainly used for lobby reception and apartments. Behind the main building are all single-family villas, distributed in a circle, with a villa in the middle. The oval-shaped swimming pool is about 20 meters above the beach. There are steps on the left and right sides to go down to the beach. It covers an area of ​​nearly a hundred acres. The garden is full of low trees and rockeries. The landscaping is also unique, with some winding paths. It feels like a quiet place in Jiangnan. It is not easy to create such a garden on an isolated island.

Everyone wandered around under the leadership of the person in charge of the hotel, asking some questions while walking around, such as tide time, wave height, wind direction, etc. Then they went to the villa guest room to observe carefully. It had been an hour by the time they had finished watching everything. After that, Luo Zheng asked the hotel manager to leave and led everyone to the highest point of the main island.

Luo Zheng looked down at the hotel at his feet, with the big pliers on his left and right sides, and couldn't help but smile, and said to Wu Jin beside him: "Look, how nice the terrain is."

"Good, good. As long as we occupy the commanding heights of the main road and station two large pliers, we will virtually form a triangular ambush position. No matter how many enemies come, it won't be enough to kill them. The question is, will the enemies come towards the hotel stupidly? What if they attack from behind? ? Or sneak attacks from both sides? Or simply attack a large pliers, and then attack the hotel? This island is clearly visible at a glance, and there is no danger to defend. Again, it is not suitable." Wu Jin reminded seriously.

Of course Luo Zheng knew that what Wu Jin said was true. This undefendable island was indeed not suitable for fighting, but it was suitable for his counterattack plan. Luo Zheng pointed at the vast sea around him and said in a deep voice: "You are right, the enemy can attack from If we are attacked from anywhere, this island is not suitable for defense at all."

"Do you also agree to change places?" Wu Jin asked in surprise.

"No, what should I change?" Luo Zheng asked. Seeing that Wu Jin was eager to argue, he waved his hand and interrupted Wu Jin and continued: "Since it is not conducive to defense, why should we defend?"

"What do you mean?" Wu Jin looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, and others also looked at Luo Zheng.

"Everyone has thought of defense and counterattack. The Dark Church must have guessed that I will deploy forces on the island to counterattack. This island is not conducive to defense and counterattack. So, why do we still need to defend and counterattack?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Everyone was a little confused and couldn't figure out what Luo Zheng wanted to do.

Wu Jin simply pointed it out and asked: "I've been told you are confused. What do you want to do?"

"What I want to explain is that no matter where we choose as the meeting location, it is not suitable for defensive counterattacks. The enemy has nuclear submarines, stealth ships, and more importantly, aircraft, and motorcycles with terrifying combat capabilities. They are difficult to guard against. We choose an island to at least avoid motorcycles. Attacks, as for aircraft attacks, they are unavoidable. Although nuclear submarines and stealth ships are also very powerful, I would rather touch them than touch motorcycles, because that means we will hold meetings and fight on land with many people. It will cause panic to the society and is inappropriate." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice, his eyes shining.

"I know you made the right choice. Holding a meeting on land may avoid attacks by nuclear submarines and stealth ships, but it cannot avoid attacks by motorcycles. More importantly, it will hurt innocent people and cause social panic. You don't have to worry about it on an island. This is a problem, but the terrain here is really..." Wu Jin said worriedly.

"No, on the contrary, Qiaqia, I think this place is more suitable." Luo Zheng laughed solemnly, his eyes were firm, and his face was filled with a sheen of confidence.

"More suitable?" Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise.

"Why?" Wu Jin asked in surprise: "There is no danger to defend here, and it is far away from the country. It is not easy for reinforcements to arrive. I agree with you choosing an island as the location, but there are many islands close to the land. Why did you choose Here, we know that this place is close to the high seas, and the enemy will run away after fighting, what should we do?"

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