The strongest soldier

Chapter 343 Fight the enemy bravely

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet roared out, carrying Luo Zheng's worry and anger, and made a screaming sonic boom in the void. It was like the God of War rolling in from nine days away, with unparalleled fighting spirit. In an instant, After hitting the target, a blood arrow flew wildly. The target fell down and disappeared, and the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

Luo Zheng's stern eyes scanned the surroundings. No one tried to climb up to the roof anymore. The strange silence was heart-stopping. Luo Zheng pricked up his ears and listened. There was no noise, no footsteps, no gunshots, no bullets and no sound. The explosion sounded as if there had been no war just now, and I knew in my heart that this was the silence before the storm.

"Brothers, be careful." Luo Zheng reminded in a low voice, his eyes like a torch, constantly scanning the surroundings, the hand holding the sniper rifle harder, his eyes slightly closed into a dangerous needle shape, and the muscles all over his body were even more tense, ensuring Shoot a fatal shot at any time.

Quiet, so quiet. Apart from the sound of the wind, there was only the sound of everyone's breathing. This atmosphere was so depressing. Luo Zheng's face was as solemn as iron, his forehead was covered with sweat, and beads of sweat rolled down his eyebrows like swords. It was charming. The paint on his eyes and face was stained with sweat.

Danger can break out at any time, and the pleasure of waiting is indescribable. Luo Zheng suggested coldly and softly: "The enemy must be accumulating strength. Once it breaks out, it will be earth-shattering. We can't hold on. What suggestions do you have?"

"If it doesn't work, just jump off the city wall. If you can sneak in this time, you can also do it next time. Avoid its sharp edge and fight another day." Guishou suggested coldly.

Everyone has their backs against the city wall, which is only two meters high. There are many ways to rush over, but what happens after you rush out? Luo Zheng will definitely face a large-scale pursuit. There is no way to avoid it, and the result is still not ideal. Moreover, next time the micro-shutdown can penetrate in. After waiting for a while, seeing that no one had any good suggestions, he said: "How about we put it together?" The house in front of us has been blown down, so we won’t let the enemy get close, and we will engage in a positional battle with the enemy.”

"Want to go downstairs?" Snow Leopard asked.

"No, it's best to hide on the roof. If it doesn't work, jump over the city wall and retreat. However, it's not the last moment yet." Luo Zheng whispered. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone sneaking up to the roof to observe. Luo Zheng quickly Move the muzzle of the gun and pull the trigger decisively. Even if you miss, you still have to scare the opponent down. The situation on the roof must not be detected by the enemy.

"Snow Leopard, you collect everyone's grenades and act as the gunner. I will take your place." Lan Xue suddenly suggested: "It's hard to infiltrate in. It's a pity to withdraw. Don't give up until the last moment. The enemy has been here for so long. Without launching a decent attack, I guess they don’t have many manpower.”

"Huh?" Everyone was startled, and their eyes suddenly brightened. Luo Zheng also secretly admired Lan Xue. After all, Lan Xue was an old captain. His ability to command when facing enemies was indeed extraordinary, and he was very experienced. He still had to learn, but he did not lose heart. He said coldly: "Brothers, let's fight hard and win here."

"Kill." Everyone took off their grenades and put them aside. Almost at the same time, people kept climbing on the roof again. Everyone fired with precise bursts, knocking down the visible targets. The snow leopard hurried over and killed them. Collect all the grenades from everyone, then go back behind everyone and throw the grenades wherever you see a crisis.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Luo Zheng replaced the Type 95 assault rifle and kept firing at visible targets. His face was as dark as the sea and his eyes were as sharp as a knife. The shells happily jumped out of the gun chamber and fell to the ground with a dull sound. With a loud sound, the bullets whizzed away with Luo Zheng's endless killing intent. One after another, the Type 95 assault rifle seemed to be firing continuously like an angry heavy machine gun, with terrifying power.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Snow Leopard kept throwing the grenades, making a series of explosions with terrifying power.

The enemy's sudden attack momentum was quickly suppressed by everyone. Luo Zheng glanced around indifferently while filling the empty magazine with bullets. This defensive method consumed bullets too quickly. His cold eyes found that the enemy did not attack again. , couldn't help but condensed, and became suspicious. If he was commanding it, there was no reason to attack so easily. How could the enemy sing? What about mortars? What about rpgs? Any one of them is enough to make me feel uncomfortable. Is there no Wolf King anymore?

While he was thinking about it, Lan Xue's voice sounded in his ears: "The situation is a bit strange. Why is the enemy not attacking with heavy firepower? Judging from the momentum of the attack just now, there are only about twenty people. Is there really no one around the Wolf King?"

Luo Zheng looked towards the direction where the enemy was attacking. That was the central area of ​​the castle. Several of the rooms were slightly larger. He wondered if this was the residence of the Wolf King. But there was no basis for this speculation. Luo Zheng did not dare to use it as a reference for formulating tactics, and said: "How about dividing the troops? I will stay behind to attract the enemy, and you will split into two and attack from both sides."

"Okay, be careful." Lan Xue hesitated for a while before agreeing. His face turned cold and he shouted in a low voice: "Snow Leopard and I will be in a group. Leave the grenades behind. Mountain Eagle and Ghost Hands, you go to the left and take action."

"Yes." Everyone immediately took action and moved quickly to both sides. Luo Zheng ran to the place where the grenades were piled, picked up the grenades on the roof and threw them towards the enemy's suspected hiding place, attracting the enemy's attention and providing a safe place for himself on both sides. People provide covering fire.

"Boom!" Two grenades exploded, red light shot into the sky, and gunpowder smoke quickly filled the air. There was no reaction from the Wolf King's men, which made Luo Zheng suspicious. He quickly rushed to the edge of the roof, and suddenly spotted something out of the corner of his eye. Someone got into the building in front of him. The speed was too fast to be sure.

Just in case, Luo Zheng quickly threw the five grenades in his hand from the window into the opposite room. "Boom!" The house was blown down and collapsed, and two black figures rushed out from inside. Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed and he quickly Pull out your pistol, raise your hand and shoot at a few points.

"Puff, puff, puff!" The bullets from the pistol equipped with a silencer were fired quickly, knocking one of the black figures to the ground. Another black figure also stumbled to the ground, but this man reacted quickly and rolled over after being shot. He quickly got up and hid in the alley, disappearing from sight.

The house was blown down, and the view in front of him was much wider. Luo Zheng had an idea and threw the grenade into other adjacent rooms. Another house was blown down. This kind of mud house was not strong to begin with, so it could not withstand a few grenades. A shock wave formed by simultaneous explosions?

When the grenade was thrown into the third house, Luo Zheng found three figures rushing out of the room. They moved very quickly. After going out, they rushed into the alley and disappeared instantly. Then there was a loud bang and the house collapsed. Luo Zheng He was shocked, but he didn't expect that the enemy had quietly approached the room where he was, his face as solemn as ice.

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