The strongest soldier

Chapter 3425 Returning Home (Apology Chapter)

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As soon as I returned to China, I learned from Hong Meihua that the Dark Church had swept the stock market through various means and solved the problem of capital shortage. Unexpectedly, I received similar news the next day. The Dark Church actually looted a large amount of cash by force. It is difficult to estimate what the Dark Church, which has been dormant for several months, wants to do?

Luo Zheng vaguely felt that something was wrong from the capital matter, but he couldn't feel anything wrong. He chatted with Hong Meihua for a while and told Hong Meihua to keep an eye on this matter and find out the specific situation before reporting it. Hong Meihua He agreed and hurried away. Luo Zheng's good mood disappeared. He came to the window and took a deep breath of fresh air, but his mood could not get better.

Outside the window, at the training ground, the brothers are still working hard to practice their skills in killing enemies. There are also people passing by in groups not far away, whispering and laughing. There is a harmonious atmosphere, and a national flag flutters high, making a sound in the wind. , as if he was talking about something, Luo Zheng looked at the national flag intently, with thousands of thoughts, and could not calm down for a long time.

Time passed unknowingly, and two days passed by in a hurry. Luo Zheng got the discharge report signed by Wu Miao, walked out of the treatment room, threw a bunch of car keys to Sora Ishii, who was always around him, and said with a smile: "Since you want If you do that, then help me drive, I have to go home and take a look."

"Understood." Ishii Sora agreed, took the car key and went to the parking lot not far away. He pressed the car key and an off-road vehicle rang. Ishii Sora trotted up, opened the door, started the car and quickly drove out of the parking space. , parked next to Luo Zheng, who got into the back seat. He happened to see Lan Xing coming over in a hurry, so he said hello and said, "I'm going home. If you need anything, call me."

Lan Xing hesitated to speak, and finally said with a smile: "Okay, go ahead, my sister is already looking forward to it."

The car quickly left, rushed out of the mystery bureau, and rushed forward along the highway. On the way, Luo Zheng looked at the receding scenery around him with a heavy heart. Sora Ishii, who was driving, glanced at Luo Zheng through the rearview mirror. He didn’t ask any questions, just stared ahead and drove carefully.

Ten minutes later, as he was about to reach his destination, Ishii Sora suddenly whispered: "There is a car following us, and it is acting suspiciously. Do you want to stop and take a look?"

"Black Santana, right? Let him alone." Luo Zheng said lightly, not taking this matter to heart at all.

Ishii Sora didn't expect that Luo Zheng, who was concentrating on his own thoughts, would actually find a suspicious vehicle. This ability to do two things was extraordinary. He was very impressed and asked curiously: "Is it the guard who is secretly protecting you?"

With Luo Zheng's identity and rank, according to regulations, he needs a squad of guards to protect him, but Luo Zheng never uses it. When he heard Ishii Sora's curious inquiry, he explained: "It should be an agent or an intelligence dealer from a certain country. You should know that my Every move I make is watched by someone, and every word I say is bought at a high price. I am the favorite target of intelligence traffickers. Of course, agents from various countries also want to find something from me. It is not surprising. Don’t rush back and take more trips. After a few laps, there happened to be something I hadn’t figured out yet.”

"Since they are agents or intelligence dealers, we might as well arrest them." Ishii Sora suggested.

"There is no end to catching this kind of people. After the agents are caught, each country will send them again. In order to sell information, intelligence dealers cannot stop because of profit. Moreover, the charges are not serious. There is no point in arresting them. Let them go. Just expose your home location and family members, so as not to bring danger to your family members," Luo Zheng warned.

"It makes sense." Ishii Sora quickly changed direction and started to circle. He had been secretly protecting Luo Zheng's family for a while, so he was naturally very familiar with the surrounding terrain. After a few circles, he got rid of the tracking vehicle and ended up at an intersection near the community. After stopping, Luo Zheng got out of the car, and Sora Ishii drove the car and continued walking forward.

Luo Zheng just stood at the intersection and looked at the vehicles coming behind him. After waiting for a few minutes and seeing no suspicious vehicles or people, he walked into an alley. When he reached the end of the alley, he looked back and saw that there was no one following him, so he walked in He walked through the iron gate next to him and entered a community, then walked through the community and came out from the gate, crossed the road, quickly entered the gate of the community on the opposite side, and walked towards his home.

When he arrived at the door of his home, Luo Zheng became a little excited. He was about to see his beloved parents, beloved wife, and unborn child. Luo Zheng, who was about to become a father, was very excited. He was about to knock on the door when suddenly the door opened. Lan Xue stood at the door with a smile on her face and her belly became more obvious. She looked deeply at Luo Zheng and smiled: "My little sister said you came home, I knew you had changed it. As expected, I guessed middle."

"Hey, are you okay?" Luo Zheng smiled happily. This kind of tacit understanding made Luo Zheng feel fulfilled. His depressed mood suddenly calmed down. All worries and worries were swept away. There was only his lover in his eyes. There is only happiness and the warmth of home in my heart.

"I'm fine. My parents treat me like a princess and I've become fat." Lan Xue said with a smile, picking up a pair of slippers next to him and handing them to Luo Zheng. His quiet, virtuous and dignified appearance made Luo Zheng's heart move. , Lan Xue, who is about to become a mother, has a bit of maternal brilliance in her body, and this mature charm deeply attracts Luo Zheng.

"Where are your parents?" Luo Zheng took the slippers and quickly put them on, closed the door and entered the house. Seeing that there was no one in the living room, he couldn't help but asked curiously, while holding Lan Xue in his arms and caressing Lan Xue affectionately. Xue's hair said lovingly: "Thank you for leaving you alone at home."

"It's okay. I hope you come back safely. I heard that this mission was extremely dangerous. My parents knew you were coming, so they went down. They said they were buying groceries to reward you. I guess they wanted to give us two worlds, and were afraid of affecting us at home. Talk." Lan Xue replied gently.

"Fortunately, it's just a small matter, don't worry about me." Luo Zheng comforted, helped Lan Xue to sit on the sofa together, picked up the fruit knife next to him, peeled the apple, handed it to Lan Xue and said, "You are now There are two of us, so we need to eat more. I heard that pregnant women are very taboo about eating in the first few months and cannot touch spicy food. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, it's been more than six months, and I'm already past that stage." Lan Xue smiled, took the apple and ate it, looking at Luo Zheng with a happy face and tenderness in her eyes.

Luo Zheng also looked at Lan Xue, his thousands of words turned into an affectionate gaze, his hands clasped together unconsciously, the two of them smiled knowingly, there was no need to say anything more, no more questions, they just let it go as if nothing was wrong. Now that I know it, this tacit understanding feels really good.

"Are you leaving again in a few days?" After a while, Lan Xue suddenly asked.

"You know everything, right?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Well, I have arranged all the work at the headquarters remotely, so I can share whatever I can." Lan Xue responded.

"I know, don't be too tired. The situation has become complicated. I have to take the initiative, so I can't stay with you at home. In addition, I've arranged for some brothers to keep an eye on our family. I guess there will be more people trying to take advantage of our family recently. Mom and Dad Pay attention to safety." Luo Zheng warned worriedly.

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