The strongest soldier

Chapter 3422 Ishii Sora arrives

The counterattack plan of the Staff Office cheered up Luo Zheng, and he and his adviser carefully deduced the details. The two were chatting happily when someone outside suddenly shouted a report. Luo Zheng was surprised when he opened the door and saw that it was his brother from the General Office. Before Luo Zheng could Zheng asked, and the brother quickly saluted and said: "Report, Sister Hua asked me to come over and tell you that there is a very important person coming to you outside, saying that you promised to help him find the child, and asked if you should be let in."

"Quick, ask someone to bring it in." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly warned.

The other party agreed and hurried away. The think tank stood up and said with a smile: "You have guests visiting. I will go back and study it with the people in the staff office first, and perfect the plan as soon as possible."

"There's no rush, let's meet together. It's Ishii Sora here. You also know his situation." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"It's him. Thanks to him for killing the enemy and preventing the explosion last time, otherwise we would have been in trouble. He came to see you for something?" the think tank asked curiously.

"Well, his son was kidnapped by the Dark Church and sent to an island to be secretly trained as a death warrior. This must be why he came here. Please listen in and help me give me ideas on how to rescue him." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and Ishii Sora hurried over accompanied by a brother. The Mystery Bureau is a confidential point, so naturally an outsider cannot come directly. There must be someone accompanying him along the way, first to lead the way, and secondly to monitor. Luo Zheng saw Ishii Sora came and waved to the accompanying brother to leave. He gestured enthusiastically for Ishii Sora to sit down and said with a smile: "You arrived not long after I came back. It seems that you are quite well informed."

"Your wife informed me." Ishii Sora quickly explained: "Please forgive the eagerness of a father who has lost his child. If it were not for the child, how could I have the nerve to bother you."

"Thank you for protecting my family's secrets during this time." Luo Zheng smiled.

"I didn't expect you to know everything." Sora Ishii said in surprise. When Luo Zheng smiled and said nothing, he continued: "I have known that your lady is powerful for a long time. I didn't expect that I was careful and cautious, but I was still discovered. Fortunately, I didn't It will cause misunderstanding, otherwise it will be troublesome. I have no ill intentions, I just promised to be your bodyguard. When you are away, it is the right thing to protect your wife and your family."

Luo Zheng was still in contact with Lan Xue when he was retreating in the desert. He heard from Lan Xue that Sora Ishii came to the door on his own initiative and claimed that he would protect his family secretly. For the sake of his family's safety, Lan Xue did not refuse and told the matter After telling Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng had no objection. With the protection of a chrysanthemum-level master like Sora Ishii, the safety of his family was guaranteed.

"You're welcome, are you here because of the child?" Luo Zheng smiled gratefully.

"Yes, I know you are very busy, but please understand my anxiety to rescue the child. I have no other way, please." Sora Ishii said seriously, while standing up and bowing to Luo Zheng.

"Sit down and talk. I will never refuse if I promise to help with this matter." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"I can't thank you enough, but I don't know when to start?" Sora Ishii said gratefully.

Luo Zheng understood Sora Ishii's mood, thought about it, and decided to tell the truth. He organized his words and said: "Some time ago, we tried to infiltrate the island for reconnaissance. You also participated at that time. There were difficulties in retreating temporarily. Please understand, but don’t worry, we will continue.”

Sora Ishii was silent and looked at Luo Zheng closely. He was very curious about why Luo Zheng gave up halfway. Because of his identity, no one told Sora Ishii the truth. Although Sora Ishii really wanted to know, he also understood the rules and didn't ask more questions. Luo Zheng Looking at Ishii Sora, he continued: "Because we got reliable information, that island is not simple."

"How?" Seeing that Luo Zheng was determined to tell the truth, Ishii Sora asked.

"The island is a secret base for the Dark Church to train dead soldiers and die-hard loyalists. The situation above is extraordinary. First, there are three thousand well-trained armed personnel on this island, all of whom are die-hard loyalists of the Dark Church; second, the island There are 300 young soldiers and 300 child soldiers on the island. Your children should be among them. Don’t underestimate those young soldiers. They are young and energetic and are not afraid of death. They are difficult to deal with. Thirdly, there are three Sam-21 anti-aircraft missiles on the island. , or even more; fourth, there is a weird radar position on the island, and any of our actions can be warned by them. The information warfare capabilities of the Dark Church are very terrifying, beyond your imagination. Fifth, I suspect there are torpedoes on the island. The base where it happened." Luo Zheng explained seriously, telling what he knew about the situation.

After hearing this, Ishii Sora's expression changed drastically, and he said eagerly: "What should we do?"

"Is the clue reliable?" the think tank also asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nod in the affirmative, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Damn, this is simply a military base. With the Sam-21 missiles here, we can't sneak attack from the air. The radar position is there, and with the torpedoes, we can’t make a sneak attack from the bottom of the sea.”

"What's even more disgusting is that the magnetic field on this island is so chaotic that even satellites can't detect it. And they actually installed a weird radar position on the island with a chaotic magnetic field. It can be seen that this radar is different from what we know. The information of the Dark Church The chemical combat effectiveness is very strong, we cannot lower this radar, we cannot secretly land on the island without solving the radar, let alone how to save people?" Luo Zheng reminded distressedly.

Ishii Sora also knew military common sense, knew the importance of radar, and knew the terror of the Sam-21 missile. His face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of panic. Luo Zheng couldn't help but comforted: "Don't worry, please believe me." , there must be a way to rescue your child, and since your child is being trained secretly, he will not be in danger for the time being."

"What if they adopt an elimination system? What if they let the children kill each other like killer training?" Sora Ishii said anxiously.

There is a cruel way to train killers. To put it simply, a bunch of kids of the same age are put together for training. After mastering the basic skills, they are thrown into a desert island to kill each other. In the end, only one will win, and the winner will naturally be the strongest killer. , this method is similar to raising Gu.

Ishii Sora's worry was not unreasonable. If Mailon hadn't provided the information, Luo Zheng would have suspected that the Dark Church also used this method to train dead soldiers. Seeing Ishii Sora's anxious face as pale as a sheet, he explained sympathetically: "No way. , please rest assured about this.”

"Your information is reliable, how do you know this?" Sora Ishii asked.

"The information is absolutely reliable. A person was once hired to work as an instructor on the island for a period of time. He told me this. I believe everything he said." Luo Zheng explained.

"Being hired to be an instructor on the island?" Ishii Sora asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nod, he thought about it, his expression softened a bit, and continued anxiously: "That should be true, as long as we don't have to kill each other. Just train your skills, there is still time, but you can’t wait too long.”

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