The strongest soldier

Chapter 3420 Funding Issues

In the car driving at high speed, Luo Zheng looked at Hongmeihua in surprise, his eyes full of curiosity. Hongmeihua did not hesitate, and while focusing on driving, he said urgently: "During your absence, something happened in the country. The stock market crash is a catastrophe in the stock market. Several overseas speculators made huge profits in the domestic stock market. The amount was astonishing, and the stock market was basically paralyzed."

"Wait a minute, what does this have to do with our Secret Bureau? The stock market is considered financial and civil affairs. It does not belong to military affairs and is not under our control. What's going on?" Luo Zheng interrupted in surprise.

"Listen to me." Hongmeihua explained eagerly: "Of course the stock market is not under our control, but those speculators bought some people in the country and secretly took away a large amount of money and ran away, leaving a mess. Someone will take care of the moths in the country, and the above said, let us track down those speculators."

"Speculator?" Luo Zheng became even more confused. This was not under the jurisdiction of the Mystery Bureau. Seeing Hong Meihua being so nervous, he guessed that there was something behind it, so he did not interrupt Hong Meihua's question and his face became solemn.

"That's right, it's those speculators. Although they disguised themselves well and entered through various companies and funds, they were still detected by us. Moreover, our overseas intelligence personnel also traced this situation. Now it is basically certain , those speculators have an extremely close relationship with the Childe family." Hong Meihua hurriedly explained.

"Dark Church?" Luo Zheng's face changed drastically, and he asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure?"

"Basically confirmed, there is no favorable direct evidence, but we are 70% to 80% certain that they are behind the trouble, so the higher-ups leave it to us to investigate." Hong Meihua said with certainty.

"You just said a large amount of money, how much is it?" Luo Zheng asked anxiously, his face became anxious as he thought about the danger behind this matter.

"It's difficult to estimate, but the initial estimate is nearly 100 billion meters of gold." Hong Meihua said bitterly.

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked, almost jumped up, and said with a livid face: "Asshole, with so much money, wouldn't all our previous efforts be in vain? With so much money, wouldn't it be a problem that the Dark Church's funds are broken? Once it has been solved and with enough funds, the Dark Church will have no weaknesses, so how can it still fight?"

"Yes, this is what I'm worried about. We fought to death and sacrificed many brothers before. We finally forced the Dark Church to have problems with its capital chain. We almost suppressed them. As long as we persist in the shortage of funds for a while, it will If it is completely exposed, there will be enough flaws to come out. Now that it is over, it is useless to talk about it and still take away the money from our country. Those moths are really hateful." Hong Meihua also said bitterly.

Luo Zheng's face became extremely ugly. He had sacrificed many brothers to achieve the situation where the Dark Church was short of funds. He originally thought that the Dark Church would not be able to hold on if it persisted for a while. Unexpectedly, with a few damn worms, the Dark Church would After solving this problem from the domestic stock market, Luo Zheng angrily cursed: "These bastards!"

Hongmeihua was not sure whether Luo Zheng was scolding the worms in the country who were assisting the Dark Church, or the speculators, or the Dark Church. She also said bitterly: "No, there are a few traitors in the country, and they are probably being used. I don’t even know, but the people in the country have their own departments to solve the problem. We are required by the superiors to find a way to recover all the funds. The time is tight and the task is arduous. We have discussed it with my think tank, but there is no better way."

"How can we recover the money once it's in the hands of the Dark Church?" Luo Zheng said angrily.

"Yes, it will be difficult to recover the funds after they have left the country, but you have to find a way. Otherwise, the Dark Church, which has been severely weakened, will develop rapidly with this fund, recruit more terrorist organizations, and create more Advanced weapons, this is very detrimental to us." Hong Meihua said angrily.

Of course Luo Zheng knew this, but how easy was it to recover the funds? He pondered with a cold face, an island is enough to be irritating, but there are financial problems. Since being trapped on the island, Luo Zheng found that things that happened recently were not going well. First, the Counter-Terrorism Administration changed hands, and everyone had to evacuate. With the banner of the United Nations, we cannot stand on the moral high ground and the high ground of justice to attack our opponents. Then Snow Fox was arrested, Ishii Sora's child was arrested, and the heavily defended island now has a funding problem.

Especially the funding problem makes Luo Zheng irritated. With sufficient funds, the development speed of the Dark Church will increase many times. No one knows where it will go. And without the banner of the Anti-Terrorism Administration, it will be difficult to fight against the Dark Church. Will be improved several times again, and Luo Zheng becomes worried when he thinks of this.

At this time, Hong Meihua glanced at Luo Zheng and said in a low voice: "Boss, the think tank and the others have developed a plan to counterattack the Dark Church. I didn't ask more about the specifics. They are preparing and will report to you at any time when you return. , In addition, the above asked me to inform you that the funding issue must be resolved as soon as possible."

At this moment, Luo Zheng somewhat understood why Hong Meihua was not in a hurry. The bosses were pressing hard and things were very difficult. What was even worse was that the Dark Church would become even stronger after receiving additional funds. Not to mention that all the previous efforts of the brothers were in vain. The difficulty of combating in the future will increase exponentially. As the third leader of the Secret Bureau, can Hongmeihua not be anxious?

"I have to seriously consider this matter. What does the think tank say about the funding?" Luo Zheng asked with a cold face.

"I just received a notification from my superiors yesterday. Time was too tight, so I only had a preliminary communication. He also felt that it was too difficult to recover the funds, but he could find ways to severely damage his opponents. His original words were, "The money can't be recovered anyway, so there's no need. Wasting time and energy on this would be better spent on attacking the enemy. "Red Plum Blossom replied.

Luo Zheng knew that what the think tank said made sense, but the tasks assigned by his superiors had to be completed. Even if they could not be completed, they had to find a way. Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and then said: "Can those speculators be found?"

"The Information Department went all out and couldn't find it for a whole day. Sister-in-law Snow Lotus and the tentacle monster also helped to search, but there was no news. Those people seemed to have suddenly disappeared. I have sent people to keep an eye on their relatives and friends. I'm here, any news will be passed on as soon as possible." Hong Meihua said quickly.

"I'm afraid they are hiding. It is very easy for the Dark Church to hide a few people. We are different from the time when we were in the Counter-Terrorism Administration. All countries will show off their face and can investigate wherever they want. Now we have too many concerns about doing things. , please reply to my superiors and tell me that I will seriously consider it and make a decision as soon as possible." Luo Zheng said.

"Understood." Hongmeihua knew that Luo Zheng must go to the medical room for observation for more than three days after returning to the headquarters. This is the ironclad system of the Crime Bureau. All those who return from the battlefield must go to the treatment room first to make sure there is no problem. Come out, so as not to leave any physical risks, and there is no time to see the superiors in person, so I quickly agreed.

"Asshole——!" Luo Zheng cursed again angrily, and he didn't know who he was scolding. His face became more and more gloomy. He looked at the trees and buildings passing by in front of him, feeling extremely depressed.

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