The strongest soldier

Chapter 3401 Determining Countermeasures

The vast night sky was gloomy and deep, with heavy leaden clouds, and not a trace of moonlight could be seen. The wind picked up, and a slight breeze slowly passed by the blown-out window, picking up some dust on the broken wall, and suddenly disappeared without a trace. Luo Zheng He stared out the window in deep thought, unable to make up his mind for a moment. Wu Jin looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, wondering why Luo Zheng suddenly hesitated. After thinking about it, he stepped forward and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Of course, Luo Zheng couldn't say that he was worried about the inability of Wu Jin's troops to fight. These words were too hurtful to say out loud. He smiled bitterly, thought for a while and explained: "The Prime Minister must be surrounded by many guards. We can't do it with just a few people like us." We need to come up with a foolproof plan, but more importantly, it’s difficult to deal with it if we don’t know where the Prime Minister is.”

"This is not difficult." Wu Jin whispered, looking back at Nightingale who looked thoughtful and asked: "Are you familiar with the situation? Do you know where the Prime Minister lives?"

"It's hard to say. The Prime Minister lives in many places. I'm not sure where he lives now." Nightingale replied.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng frowned slightly. Capturing the Prime Minister was the best way to break the situation at the moment. After the Prime Minister was captured, the enemy's counterattack plan lacked overall coordination. The people below were leaderless and would defeat themselves without attacking. Thinking of this Luo Zheng clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "We must capture the Prime Minister and let the enemy be in chaos, so that we can take the opportunity to leave."

"Do you have any idea?" Wu Jin asked in surprise.

"Of course." Luo Zheng said confidently. Before, he was worried that Wu Jin's brothers would not be able to fight well and did not dare to take action. Now that he has understood the benefits of arresting him, there was no need to hesitate. The idea came to him immediately without much explanation, and he quickly Connected to the headquarters, waited for the connection, and said in a deep voice through the headset: "Immediately coordinate with the relevant departments, ask the embassy here to come out to meet with the Prime Minister, and inform us of the specific time and route."

"No problem, what's the reason for the appointment?" Lan Xing asked in a deep voice.

"The family members of the hostages suddenly disappeared after meeting with the media, so that no press conference was held the next day. Also, they asked the authorities why three armed men rushed to the press conference, citing national security as the reason. The specific reason was to let the diplomats Think about it, they are more professional than us in this aspect." Luo Zheng warned.

"I understand. Also, Ishii Sora just came to the door and said that he had traced the cruise ship and found out that the cruise ship went to an island. That island is not far from the island where you lost contact last time. He asked you when you would return. He was very happy. You look anxious." Lanxing said quickly.

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect that there was something weird on that island. His face darkened and he looked around. Wu Jin and Nightingale knew that Luo Zheng had something secret to say, so they both walked farther away consciously. Luo Zheng also turned to the other side. He walked sideways and whispered in a low voice: "Tell him that if his child is on the island, it means that there is no problem for the time being, and tell him not to worry. In addition, arrange for Guishou to take a few people on a nuclear submarine to find a way to touch the island, and let Ishii Sora You decide whether you want to go there, and you must understand the situation clearly, don’t alert others, and wait for me to come back to deal with it.”

"Understood." Blue Star agreed.

After ending the call, Luo Zheng began to think deeply. The cruise ship transporting Sora Ishii's son actually landed on that island. This meant that the island was one of the bases of the Dark Church. It might not be simple for such a big island, and he was entangled in what was happening in front of him. He had no choice but to postpone his actions, hoping that nothing unexpected would happen. Luo Zheng looked at the dark sky outside and pondered, thinking about how to deal with it.

After a while, Luo Zheng heard a slight cough from behind. He looked back and saw Wu Jin coming slowly. He smiled bitterly, went up to him and explained, "There's something going on at the headquarters, I'm sorry."

"No, don't ask if you shouldn't ask. I understand the discipline. Don't tell me. It may not be a good thing if you know. I only care about what to do now?" Wu Jin said in a low voice.

At this time, Nightingale also walked up and looked at Luo Zheng curiously. Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "A large number of troops are surrounding the city. Tens of thousands of people in the city are looking for us. There must be more people outside to join us. We can't escape at all." , there is only one way, and that is to completely muddy the water and disrupt the enemy's plan. When the water is muddy, it is easier to fish."

"I understand the truth. Have you decided to take action against the Prime Minister?" Wu Jin asked.

"It's decided, this is my plan." Luo Zheng glanced at Nightingale and said solemnly: "Let the diplomats make an appointment with the Prime Minister. No matter where they meet, we will make arrangements in advance after mastering the route and time. We will ambush halfway and arrest secretly. Without the Prime Minister, this situation will be completely messed up."

"It's a good way to lure the snake out of its hole." Wu Jin praised.

Nightingale's eyes also lit up and she praised: "What a great idea, what can I do?"

"You arranged for two buses to be on standby in the safe house. There is enough food for all the brothers here for thirty days on the bus. Is there any problem?" Luo Zheng asked.

"No problem." Nightingale agreed.

"After the incident is completed, we retreat to the safe house and then walk north. We drive all night without turning on the lights. We can reach the desert area before dawn. Walking for more than 20 days is enough to cross the desert and reach another country. We will arrange vehicles and diplomatic personnel at that time. Wait at the border, and if you have friendly relations with our country, there should be no problem." Luo Zheng warned.

"What, you want to walk in the desert?" Wu Jin was shocked. The desert is no joke, and it will take more than twenty days. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't look like he was joking, he calmed down and after thinking for a moment, he understood Luo Zheng's intention. With his intention in mind, he said in a deep voice: "I can't even think of walking into the desert, and the enemy can't even think of it. Moreover, even if the enemy finds out later, they may not be able to do anything to me. Once we reach the desert, our world will be ours."

"That's right, the combat effectiveness of this country's army is average, and they are no match for us in the desert. As long as there is enough food and water, it won't be a big problem. Moreover, we are not in a hurry to evacuate after we succeed. We will wait until dark before leaving, and wait for the enemy to find out. By then we have entered the depths of the desert." Luo Zheng warned.

"What if the enemy's armed helicopter pursues us?" Nightingale reminded.

"Hahaha, this is simple. When the time comes, just rob a caravan and pretend to be merchants, or mix in with a certain caravan and walk together. We dress up like locals, and the helicopter will be difficult to recognize. There is nothing we can do. If we land for interrogation, To directly kill someone and seize the opportunity, unless a large enemy force is waiting in the desert, but this is impossible." Wu Jin said excitedly, his eyes bright.

"Yes, who would arrange for an army to wait in the desert? Besides, the desert is so big that it is impossible for the enemy to predict our marching route and wait in front. Even if there are troops, it doesn't matter. We can avoid it in advance through satellites. Open, the key is how to catch the Prime Minister." Luo Zheng also said solemnly, with a firm tone.

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