The strongest soldier

Chapter 3399 Yuebei kidnapping

An hour later, Luo Zheng found through the Dragon Tooth Shield that the people in the drug factory were drunk and staggering, with no fighting ability at all. He was relieved and immediately put down his backpack and automatic rifle. He only carried a bundle of special ropes and a Tiger Tooth Army. A dagger, a pistol equipped with a silencer, for sneak attacks at night. Too much equipment will slow down the speed. Wu Jin called the drunkard to give some instructions, handed the drunkard's pistol to Nightingale, and everyone quickly moved forward to touch it.

Then at night, the three of them cleverly used the cover of the surrounding houses to quickly advance towards their destination. Unknowingly, they came to an alley. Luo Zheng leaned his back against the wall, blending his body into the shadow, and listened for a while to make sure there was no danger. After looking forward, I saw that the drug factory was only about a hundred meters away from us. There were many people patrolling the door with guns on their backs. It looked like the defense was very lax.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng looked at the roof after making sure that he was not exposed. He crossed his hands on his abdomen. Wu Jin nodded knowingly and stepped on Luo Zheng's palm with one foot. Luo Zheng pushed up with force. Wu Jin used the strength to swish his body. Run up to the roof, climb up with a roll, and then stretch out your hand.

When Nightingale saw Luo Zheng looking at her, she nodded knowingly, stepped on Luo Zheng's palm, stood up against the wall, stretched out her hand to grab Wu Jin's palm, and was pulled up. Wu Jin, who had pulled Nightingale, stretched out his hand to pull Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng shook his head, took a few steps back, took a run, jumped up suddenly, and climbed up to the eaves in a whoosh. He swung his body up, which made Wu Jin admire him and gave him a thumbs up.

You must know that this building is about five meters high. Wu Jin can't even jump up. Nightingale is even more admirable. He can directly climb up the eaves of such a tall building. This skill is not easy, and he can't help but look at Luo Zhenggao. , realized that Luo Zheng was not only excellent at tactical command, but also not simple at all.

"Follow me." Luo Zheng whispered, hunching his body and using his hands and feet together, looking like a cheetah stalking. Wu Jin and Nightingale understood immediately and followed suit.

The three people moved forward quickly on their hands and feet. From a distance, they looked like three hungry stray dogs. They quickly reached the other end of the roof. There was an alley in front of them and a level house on the opposite side. The alley was only two meters wide. The three of them stepped back a few meters. He rushed over with a single step, reached the other side with a single jump, and continued to sneak.

Not long after, the three of them walked through five rooftops in a row. An alley appeared in front of them, only two meters wide. In front of them was the drug factory. The patrol officers at the gate were clearly visible. The lights illuminated the gate. Inside the drug factory. It was also brightly lit, but there was no sound.

Luo Zheng observed for a while. The drug factory was much higher than the roof where everyone was sitting. It was impossible to jump directly. There were streets and alleys below, and people would come over at any time. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and signaled everyone to lurk by the eaves to observe. After a while , Luo Zheng mastered the pattern of the patrols, and jumped down while there was no air attack. He landed silently, and hurried to the shadow of the wall to hide.

Wu Jin and Nightingale also jumped down quickly, and after meeting Luo Zheng, they quickly walked towards the back of the drug manufacturing factory. Behind them was a wide dirt road with several trucks parked. Luo Zheng estimated that these evil forces used it to transport drugs. Vehicles, if it were in China, Luo Zheng would not mind burning down the factory, but this is a foreign country, and drugs have nothing to do with him. The right way is to seize the target.

Luo Zheng led everyone to the truck and lurked, carefully observed it for a few times, and after confirming that there was no danger, he gave Wu Jin a few gestures. Wu Jin nodded knowingly and became vigilant, while Luo Zheng rushed over and grabbed the fixed Climb up the sewer pipe on the wall and feel like a monkey.

In the darkness, Luo Zheng climbed up to the roof in a short time. He first looked over to make sure there was no danger, then turned over, pulled out his pistol and rushed to the stairs. The fire door was open, and Luo Zheng cautiously looked down. , the aisle below was brightly lit, someone was talking, and someone was smoking at the entrance of the aisle. Half of his body was leaning against the corner, and the barrel of the gun could be clearly seen.

Luo Zheng took a deep breath and waited patiently. There was no surveillance on the roof, so there was no need to worry about being exposed. After all, it was a group of evil forces gathered by gangsters, not a regular army. The defense was full of loopholes. It was nothing to mention in front of the professional Luo Zheng. It didn't take long. Wu Jin and Nightingale also climbed up.

After the three of them met, Luo Zheng gestured to Wu Jin and Nightingale to guard the door at the stairway. He left quickly and came to a roof according to his memory. He lay down and leaned out to check. The room below was lit with lights and luxurious decoration. In his memory, it was the boss. The bedroom will definitely be occupied by the new boss after he takes over.

Luo Zheng was not sure whether his judgment was correct. There was no sewer pipe for him to go down here. Luo Zheng gestured for Wu Jin to come over and pointed below. Wu Jin nodded knowingly, tied one end of the special rope around his waist and tied it with his hands. He held on tightly and handed the other end to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng knowingly grabbed the rope and slowly hung it down.

Not long after, Luo Zheng came to the window, grabbed the window eaves and looked inside. There was a bedroom inside, but there was no one there. Luo Zheng gently opened the window, quickly got in, untied the rope and walked inside. At the door, I leaned against the wall and listened for a while. There was thunderous snoring outside. I was startled and gently opened the door to take a look.

Outside is the living room, the door is closed, there is a table, the table is full of leftover garbage, the floor is full of empty wine bottles, several people are sleeping on the table, and there is also one lying on the sofa, Luo Zheng Overjoyed, he rushed out and gave each person a hard blow on the back of the neck, knocking them out completely.

After everything happened last night, Luo Zheng checked the target. During the one-hour break before the operation, Luo Zheng asked Nightingale about the appearance of the target. He learned that the target had a mole on his forehead, which was very easy to identify. Luo Zheng found it quickly. After confirming the target, he picked up the target and went to the bedroom, locking the door.

After that, Luo Zheng tied the target to the rope. Wu Jin got the signal and quickly pulled the target up. Then he lowered the rope and pulled Luo Zheng up. Everything went smoothly, exactly as planned. Luo Zheng secretly relaxed. He quickly rushed to the stairs and looked around. There was no sound in the corridor below, and he didn't know where those people had gone. Luo Zheng thought for a while, gently pulled the fire door at the stairs and closed it.

Once the fire door is locked, even if the action is exposed, the enemy will not be able to get up for a while. He has time to escape. Luo Zheng led Nightingale and Wu Jin to join him, pointed at the unconscious target and whispered: "Is it him?"

"Yes, it's him." Nightingale said with certainty, looking at Luo Zheng with shock in her eyes. Isn't it amazing to kidnap the target so quickly? Everyone had agreed on this plan before the operation. At that time, Nightingale was worried about the risks after exposure and raised objections. She did not expect it to go so smoothly.

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