The strongest soldier

Chapter 3396 Countermeasures

As an elite soldier king, Xuehu's individual combat effectiveness is very strong. It is impossible for ordinary people to get close to him, let alone arrest him. The action team led by Xuehu is also at the level of ordinary soldier kings. He can fight several special forces at once. It's not easy for people with such strength to break out of the encirclement. Even if they can't all break out, they can still do it by covering one or two. How can they all be arrested?

According to the intelligence, Xuehu and others were besieged by a large number of armed men and were arrested after losing resistance under the tear gas attack. However, there were no details. They were too busy evacuating to ask questions. Wu Jin and Jiugui also looked at Xuehu curiously. Fox, Xuehu took a few deep breaths and slowly told the truth this time.

It turned out that after being ambushed, everyone took control of the taxi immediately and rushed into the slums in a panic. At that time, the satellite was off orbit and could not monitor the specific situation. There were no monitoring equipment around, so they were unaware of what happened next. Snow Fox The others did not know that the slums were a den of thieves. When they rushed into the slums, they were besieged by hundreds of people. The taxi was beaten into a sieve on the spot. Everyone lay down under the car to resist to avoid the fierce shooting of hundreds of people. There was almost no counterattack. With the force and tear gas attack, he was knocked down directly.

Luo Zheng asked for some details, and suddenly realized a problem. The group of armed men who ambushed Xue Hu and others deliberately drove everyone into the slums. In other words, they had long known how powerful Xue Hu and others were, and knew that they could not After arresting them, they used interception methods to drive everyone to the slums and then killed them.

All this shows that the armed personnel were carried out in a planned manner. Combined with the sudden appearance of a large number of troops and the planned city-wide manhunt, the entire city is a huge trap. The attack on the Secret Service stronghold is only the fuse. Snow foxes are hunted just to attract more people.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly realized a problem. Behind all of this, I am afraid that the Dark Church is causing trouble. The real purpose is himself, destroying the stronghold to attract people to come and check it out, and then carry out an ambush, constantly arresting the rescue team, until he Come here, Luo Zheng felt a little lucky at this moment. He was lucky that he came as soon as possible instead of sending other teams over. He was even more lucky that there was this underground pipeline near the safe house, otherwise everyone would have stepped into the huge trap that had been set long ago. , turned into a corpse.

Wu Jin had obviously thought of this, and looked at Luo Zheng solemnly, and said happily: "Brother, fortunately you came here, and you set up a stage to sing a big show for us. Not only did you rescue Xuehu and other brothers, but also We have killed many armed men, shall we wait here next?”

"Wait, why not?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"However, the city is being searched now, and we will find them here soon. Then we will have no way out." Wu Jin reminded in a deep voice.

"Going out will definitely lead to death. It is basically certain that the Dark Church is behind this incident. They have satellites and can monitor anywhere in the city at any time. If so many of us suddenly go out, it will attract the attention of the satellites. Once exposed, we will still die. The underground pipe network in this city is very complicated, and it is not easy to find it, but we cannot sit still and wait for death." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What can you do?" Wu Jin asked in surprise.

Luo Zheng took out his mobile phone, opened the navigation transmitted by Blue Star and said: "The enemy must have come down now and is looking for us everywhere. Send a small team to deal with the enemy and blow up the passage nodes along the way. , bomb more places to prevent the enemy from finding suspicious points based on the blown nodes. If you find this place, you will have the pipe network distribution map and navigation on your phone, so you will not get lost."

"First team, come on. Everyone, blow up all the remaining buttons and give them to the first team. After an hour, any return to the team will be completed. Meet here. Remember, don't run to the safe house easily. If this is temporarily Just wait until there is no one." Wu Jin took the phone and warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." The captain of the first team solemnly agreed, took the phone and hurried away with the first team.

With the interference of the first team, it will be more difficult for the enemy to find this place. When the main road leading here is blown up, it will be even harder for the enemy to find them. When Luo Zheng saw the second team leader turning around and leaving, he quickly shouted: "Wait a moment."

"Chief?" The captain of the first team stopped, turned around and looked at Luo Zheng doubtfully and asked.

"Remember, don't just blow up the passage that comes to us, but also blow up some other places so that the enemy can't figure out where we are. Also, blow up and block the passage with strong water flow, so that the underground water will rise to the surface. Once the pipeline is blocked, it will be more difficult for the enemy to find us. We are at the exit, so there is no big problem. Be careful and come back to join us as soon as possible after finishing the work." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Understood." The team leader's eyes lit up, he agreed knowingly, and hurried away with the team.

"Brother, this is so high. The underground pipes are blocked and the underground water spreads up. It is difficult to clear it. The enemy will not be able to find us before dark." Wu Jin agreed with understanding. He thought of something, his face darkened, and he continued: " Brother, you have a good brain, tell us how we can break out of the encirclement after dark?"

Luo Zheng had already thought of the evacuation plan, but he never had time to tell everyone, but a sudden change completely disrupted Luo Zheng's evacuation plan. The original plan could no longer be used. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone, all of them with expressions of anticipation. , Luo Zheng said helplessly: "All the roads outside are blocked. It is difficult to stand out. The danger of dividing the troops is even greater. For this plan, we cannot rush to withdraw, but hide."

"The enemy is searching the whole city. At this time, retreating is really hitting the point of the gun. Even if we pretend to be enemy troops, it will be difficult to stand out. Hiding is indeed a good way to avoid their sharp edges. But you also know that the enemy is searching the whole city. There is no place to hide. You won't let us hide here for a few days, right? The water and dry food we carry are not enough, and it is not safe here." Wu Jin reminded solemnly.

"Yes, there is a safe place." Luo Zheng suddenly had an idea and said in a deep voice.

"Where?" Wu Jin was overjoyed and asked.

When the other brothers heard this, they also looked at Luo Zheng and pricked up their ears. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "It's dark under the lamp. Wherever we come from, we will be absolutely safe when we return."

"You mean we hide in the slums?" Wu Jin was shocked and asked. Seeing Luo Zheng smiling and nodding with a determined expression on his face, he couldn't help but think deeply and thought of the benefits of doing so. Wu Jin, who was equally bold, nodded excitedly. Said: "Good idea. We have made a big move in the slum area and it has become a mess. There may be a struggle for power within. Who would have thought that we would fight back? However, we need one of our own people who is familiar with the local dialect to cover us, in case someone comes over. It would also be nice to have some room for maneuver in our hiding place.”

"Nightingale?!" Luo Zheng and Wu Jin said almost in unison. They looked at each other and laughed, and the tension and boredom just now disappeared.

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