The strongest soldier

Chapter 3379 Changing location

The rescue plan started smoothly. The agents killed the intended target and achieved the purpose of creating chaos. Normally, they should be happy, but the solemn expression on Luo Zheng's face made Nightingale curious. Wu Jin also reacted and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked: " Brother, what are you doing? Did something happen? Or did you discover something?"

"It doesn't feel good. By the way, tell me about your specific course of action." Luo Zheng looked at Nightingale and asked.

"Yes." Nightingale agreed, pointed to the drawing and said in a deep voice: "Our agents have long been familiar with the locations of the headquarters of the three forces, and have obtained the movement traces of the three targets through reliable channels. The ** tied high explosives for a night attack, and the precise **** approached the target and detonated it. Afterward, I learned through special channels that all the targets were killed. As for the military target, I personally presided over the assassination and There is nothing wrong with seeing the target die with your own eyes, Commander-in-Chief, please rest assured.”

"Brothers from Guoan can still do things with confidence, what do you mean?" Wu Jin said from the side to smooth things over.

"I'm not doubting the brothers of Guoan, but things are going too smoothly, and the smoothness is a bit abnormal, don't you think?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice. Seeing Nightingale and Wu Jin frowning in thought, he looked at the map and passed After a moment, he asked: "First of all, these evil forces deliberately kidnapped our people, which means that they know the consequences and will definitely be accurate; second, they have various electronic equipment, equipped with surveillance and counter-surveillance, investigation and With anti-detection capabilities and checkpoints everywhere, there is no reason why ******** should not be discovered.”

"It makes some sense. Since these bastards are prepared, they must be very vigilant. With electronic equipment, they should be able to detect *********. Why was the sneak attack successful? There are two explanations , One is good luck, the sneak attack was indeed successful, the other is the target faked death to confuse us, the number between the two is 50-50, it is difficult to judge, what do you mean?" Wu Jin analyzed in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng did not answer, but looked at Nightingale. Nightingale also felt that Luo Zheng's worries were reasonable. After all, they only learned the information through secret channels and did not see it with their own eyes. As a qualified agent, doubting everything is a basic quality. Although The one who took action was one of his own, but Nightingale didn't dare to say too much. After thinking about it, he suggested: "How about I call the brothers in action to ask?"

"No need, how many people here know about us?" Luo Zheng asked.

"I am the only one who knows." Nightingale said with certainty.

"There is also a driver." Wu Jin reminded.

"The driver is reliable, I can guarantee that." Nightingale said with certainty.

Luo Zheng didn't ask why Nightingale could guarantee it. There are some things where you don't need to know the reasons, just know the results. Everyone has secrets, especially secret front workers. Luo Zheng gave the drunkard a look calmly, and the drunkard nodded in agreement. , left quietly and deployed security, Luo Zheng looked at Nightingale and asked: "Where does that military representative live? Or where are his properties?"

"Huh?" Nightingale looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. She didn't understand why Luo Zheng suddenly asked this, but she immediately drew a few circles on the map and explained: "The target and his family are here, and there are three other manors. , what’s wrong with having three lovers respectively?”

Luo Zheng did not explain, but studied the map and asked everyone their current location. After Nightingale marked the location, he pointed to a circle and said: "This place is closest to us, and it is also the manor where the target raised his lover. Once the target dies, the lover will I’m afraid he will leave here, but it doesn’t matter even if he doesn’t leave, we will go here as quickly as possible and hide.”

"Ah? Why? Are you worried that it's not safe here?" Nightingale asked curiously.

"No, I believe it is safe here, but this place is even safer. No one knows that we will be lurking in the target's house. I believe that it will not take long for the whole process to be searched, and this place will also be searched. By then we will not be able to hide, so we must Hide before your opponent reacts." Luo Zheng explained.

"It makes sense." Wu Jin agreed, worried that Nightingale had other ideas, and quickly explained: "Nightingale, you don't have to think too much, it's not that I don't trust you, or that I'm worried that it's not safe here, but why not go to a safer place? ? What’s more, it’s right in the city center, so it’s much easier for us to move around. This is the outskirts of the city, so it’s not very convenient to get in and out, what do you think?”

"I'm fine. I'm not so petty. I've heard from the brothers in Guoan that you are very powerful. What you hear is false and what you see is believing. You are indeed very powerful. However, it is morning now. It is easy for large troops to pass by and be exposed. The whole city has already I'm afraid it won't be easy to get over the martial law." Nightingale explained awkwardly.

Luo Zheng nodded and didn't say anything. Instead, he quickly turned on the signal transmitter, put on the headset, and said in a deep voice after it was connected: "It's me. Locate my position immediately. I want to go to Faith Manor. In Faith Avenue, find a safe route and be quick.”

"Understood." Blue Star's response came from the headset.

Faith was the military representative who was successfully assassinated. The manor was named after him. Not long after, Blue Star's words rang in the headset: "Martial law will be enforced throughout the entire journey. Walking on the ground will definitely not work. Your location is about two kilometers to the north. A sewer channel. The sewer pipe is connected to the city's main sewer pipe. I will connect the navigation to your mobile phone. Follow the navigation and you will come out of the open-air swimming pool in Faith Manor. This bastard connected the drain outlet of the swimming pool to the city's sewer pipe. In addition to convenient drainage, I’m afraid I also left an escape route for myself, but I didn’t expect that it happened to be an advantage for us, what else do I need to do?”

"Well done, I'll see you if I need anything." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. After cutting off the call, he quickly looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, pack up, leave here quickly, and follow me."

"Yes." Wu Jin and others responded in unison. Everyone quickly picked up the backpacks that had not been disassembled and put them on their backs. When they stood up, they saw Luo Zheng striding forward and followed closely.

Nightingale thought for a moment, didn't ask any questions, and followed closely. Everyone rushed out of the safe house and ran along the path outside. Luo Zheng led the way with his mobile phone. It was dawn and there was no one around, so Luo Zheng let go. The speed led everyone to run, and they quickly found the sewer pipe.

The sewer pipe was still flowing out, but there was not much water. There was a foul smell inside the pipe. Luo Zheng jumped in without hesitation and got inside. Others took a look and followed suit. Wu Jin took a look. Nightingale put on her high heels and said worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"No problem." Nightingale said decisively, taking off her high heels and getting in without hesitation. As a senior agent, Nightingale has also received special training. She is not a squeamish person, and her ability to survive in various difficult conditions is not bad. Follow the team and trot forward without falling behind.

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